Presentation of London
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (6 класс)
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
London London is the capital of Great Britain. It is in the South East of England on the river Thames.
Buckingham palace Buckingham palace is the London home of the kings and queens of this country.
Buckingham palace In front of Buckingham palace there is the Queen Victoria Memorial.
Buckingham palace 19 state rooms of Buckingham Palace are open to visitors during August and September.
The Changing of the Guard in front of Buckingham palace Every day a new guard of 30 guardsmen marches to the palace and takes the place of the old guard.
The Tower of London The ancient Tower of London has a long and cruel history.
The Tower of London The most important building in the Tower of London is the White tower which is the oldest.
The Tower of London In the White tower there is a Jewel House, which contains the famous Crown Jewels.
The Tower of London The men who guard the Tower are the Warders or the Beefeaters.
The Tower of London Londoners believe that the city will be rich while black ravens live in the Tower of London.
Tower Bridge Tower Bridge is a tall structure. It was built across the Thames in 1894.
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