Rare plants of the Tunkinskaya valley
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Тюменцева Светлана Александровна

Презентация о редких растениях Тункинской долины


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Слайд 1

Rare plants of the Tunkinskaya valley Tyumentseva Svetlana Aleksandrovna

Слайд 2

Fritillaria dagana Fritillaria dagana is a rare bulbous plant. It grows up to 20-35 cm . The flower looks like a single drooping bell, the color is brown-purple on the outside, yellowish inside, with a checkerboard or speckled pattern. Blooms from mid-June to mid-July.

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The Venus slipper The Venus slipper is a rare flower that belongs to the orchid family. It grows up to 40 cm in height. Its leaves are oblong in shape, arranged on a stem of 3-4 leaves. The flowers of this plant have a purple color. They have a pleasant sweet aroma. The shape of the flowers is similar to a shoe.

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Zharok ( Trollius ircutensis ) Zharok (Latin Trollius ircutensis ) is a rare plant. It belongs to the buttercup family. The average height of the plant is 30-60 cm . The stem of the roast is smooth, single. The flowers are large, up to 5 cm in diameter, shaped like roses, bright orange in color. Blooms in the second half of May – in June.

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Sagandal Sagandal is a very low shrub (from 15 to 50 cm). It is an evergreen shrub with a rounded crown and narrow dark green leaves. The sagandal blooms, from June to August. The flowers (white or pink) are collected in shields at the ends of the branches. Tea is made from its flowers and leaves. It is listed in the Red Book of Buryatia

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Bagulnik Bagulnik is a rare low shrub (from 20 to 125 cm). Bagulnik is a beautiful evergreen shrub with a rounded crown and narrow dark green leaves. The bagulnik blooms, from April to June. The flowers (white or pink) are collected in shields at the ends of the branches. Bees collect nectar and pollen from them.

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Juniper Juniper is a low evergreen shrub with a very spreading crown of irregular shape. The branches are long, thin, the needles are gray-blue or gray-green. The height is about 5 meters, inclines to the ground. Juniper blooms in May. It has the fruit of a blue cone -berry

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Birch Birch is a tall and beautiful tree. It is easy to recognize it among the other trees of the forest. Its trunk is white, with black markings. The birch crown is fluffy. The birch grove is usually sunny and green. The leaves of the birch tree look like a heart and smell nice. The height of the tree is about 30 meters.

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Cedar Cedar is an evergreen coniferous tree that has a dark gray trunk and a spreading crown. Its height can reach 50 meters. Instead of leaves, it has needles.

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Blue Spruce Blue Spruce is a coniferous tree – instead of leaves it has needles. The height of the tree is 30-40 meters. This slender tree has a blue color of needles. This is a beautiful rare tree.

Слайд 11

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