Контрольная работа за 3 четверть для 7 кл (по учебнику Афанасьевой ОВ)
тест по английскому языку (7 класс)
Контрольная работа за 3 четверть для 7 кл (по учебнику Афанасьевой ОВ)
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Вы услышите радиопередачу о животных. В заданиях 1-6 выберите букву а, в или с , соответствующую выбранному варианту ответа.
- Rob’s interest in beetles began when_____________
- he played the guitar and sang songs
- he read books about teenagers
- he collected books about animals
- Rob says that there are______________
- About 40 species of beetles in the world now
- More beetles than people in the world
- More beetles than any other animals in the world
- According to Rob, the length of the longest beetle can be ______( A 2 cm B 20 cm C 22 cm)
- Rob says that beetles eat____________
- Only plants
- Plants and small animals
- Plants and other beetles
- In Rob’s opinion, people don’t like beetles because they__________
- Kill a lot of trees and other plants
- Lay eggs on plants
- Kill millions of insects and plants
- Rob thinks that the most unusual fact about beetles is that ______________
- They are the largest group of living organisms
- They can eat small species of animals
- They are the world’s oldest animals
Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из утверждений соответствуют тексту (TRUE), не соответствуют (FALSE), в тексте об этом не говорилось (NOT STATED).
Giant Panda Bear
Pandas have lived on earth for two or three million years. There are 2 kinds of them. The Red Panda is a small animal which looks like a cat. The Giant Panda is a species of a large bear that is common in the mountains of China. The Giant Panda has a large head, a short tail and a large nose. On all fours, it is about 90 cm tall and 1,5 m long. It is white with large parts of black on its legs, ears, nose and around its small eyes. There are some brown and white Giant Pandas as well. Scientists don’t know why the Giant Panda has this colours. Some of them think the Giant Panda’s colours help it hide in bamboo forest. Other scientists believe the black and white colours help the Giant Panda keep away from other animals.
The Giant Panda eats almost only bamboo. It can eat up to 30 kg of bamboo every day. The Giant Panda needs to drink water and does so from mountain rivers. It spends 12-15 hours a day on eating bamboo. Pandas can also climb trees and even swim well when they need it, but they can’t run fast. They live about 20 years in the wild. The Giant Panda usually gives birth to a single baby panda. Sometimes twins are born, but when this happens, the mother does not usually look after the weaker one. A baby Panda Bear is like a mouse – only 100 g in weight. It is only 15 cm long and has no hair and no teeth, its eyes are closed. It lives on its mother’s back until it is 6 months old. Little Panda Bears leave their mothers when they are 18 months old. Now there are few wild pandas left – about 1.500 animals. Ii is a big problem because these animals cannot live without bamboo forests. One Giant Panda usually needs 2.5 – 4 square miles of land to live. Keeping even a single panda in a zoo is also difficult. A panda costs 5 times more to keep than an elephant. Chinese zoos show 90 Giant Pandas. Now there are about 15 Giant Pandas in zoos outside China.
- Giant Pandas are always white and black (TRUE FALSE NOT STATED)
- The Giant Panda sometimes eats honey, birds and fish (TRUE FALSE NOT STATED)
- Giant Pandas live longer than humans (TRUE FALSE NOT STATED)
- Baby Giant Pandas are as small as mice (TRUE FALSE NOT STATED)
- Little Giant Pandas go away from their mothers when they are a year and a half old ( T F NS)
- You can see Giant Pandas in hundreds of zoos of the world (TRUE FALSE NOT STATED)
Закончите предложения подходящими по смыслу словами, выберите ответ а, в или с
- They don’t believe me. They think I’ve ________it _____
- Made ___up b. cut _____up c made ______out
- The______ in this part of the country isn’t rich. Only grass can grow here
- Land b. soil c. earth
- One of the twins, Fred, is here. Where is ________?
- Another b other c the other
- Would you like to ________ to London with your parents?
- Flow b fly c follow
- Ann is curious _______plants and how they grow
A in b of c about
- Linda has got a teddy bear with ______arms and legs. It’s her birthday present
- Enjoyable b comfortable c movable
- A ladybird is a small _______
A plant b insect c bird
Поставьте глаголы в правильную форму, используя грамматические времена Past Simple, Present Perfect, Past Continuous.Предложения выписываем полностью и подчеркиваем глаголы.
- We already (to solve) the problem.
- He (to come) a moment ago.
- You ever (to see) this monument?
- My sister (not to play) the piano at four o'clock yesterday. She (to play) the piano the whole evening.
- When I came into the kitchen, mother (to cook).
Напишите рассказ об одном из животных, птиц, насекомых (по вашему выбору). Для этого вам нужно ответить на следующие вопросы. Ответы пишем в столбик, обязательно указываем номер.
- What kind of animal is it?
- What does it look like?
- Where does it live?
- What does it eat?
- Do you know any interesting facts about it?
- Is it dangerous? Is it useful for people?
- Do you like it and why (why not)?
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