Упражнения на конструкции будущих времен
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку
Упражнения для отработки различных конструкций для выражения будущего времени. Целесообразно использовать с соответствующей табличкой.
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budushchie_vremena_grammar.doc | 29 КБ |
Предварительный просмотр:
A. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.
1. My grandmother is very old. She ……………………….…………… (be) ninety next month.
2. I’m afraid I ……………………………….……… (fail) my exams this year.
3. This time next week, they ……………………………………….………… (lie) on a sandy beach.
4. The team ………………………………………….………… (leave) the office by 9 o’clock tomorrow.
5. By 10 o’clock, Sue ……………………………………….……… (drive) for twelve hours.
6. Jenny ………………………………………….……… (see) Paul at work, so she can give him the letter.
7. The film ………………………………………….……… (start) by the time they get to the cinema.
8. Tom expects he ……………………………….……… (get) a pay rise soon.
9. By 6 o’clock, the secretary …………………………………….……… (type) for three hours.
10. I hope I ………………………………………….……… (buy) my own car by the time I’m thirty.
11. Look at him! He ……………………………….…….………… (win) the race!
12. By next week, they ………………………………………….…….. (live) in this town for two years.
13. I ………………………………….………… (help) you carry your shopping.
14. Martin ………………………………………….……… (do) the work by Sunday evening.
15. Mother ………………………………………….………… (go) to the supermarket tonight. She has already made her shopping list.
16. The play ……………………………….…….……… (start) at 6 o’clock.
17. ……………………………….…………….……… (use) your bicycle today? Could I take it?
18. – Why are you buying all those vegetables? – Because I ……………………………….…….………… (make) vegetable soup.
B. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.
We ……………………………….…….………. (go) on holiday next Friday. The plane ……………………………….…….………. (leave) at 5.00 am, so we ……………………………….…….……. (sunbathe) in Bermuda by lunchtime!
We've got a lot of luggage and neither of us wants to drive so we ……………………………….…….……. (get) a taxi to the airport. My sister has never flown before so she ……………………………….…….………. (probably/be) quite nervous. I ……………………………….…….………. (have to) sit by her and hold her hand all the time. By the time we get there, we ……………………………….……. (fly) for quite a long time and so we ……………………………….…….… (be) quite tired. However, I hope we ……………………………….…….………… (recover) by 8 o'clock, in time to go to the welcoming party!
A. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.
1. My grandmother is very old. She ……………………….…………… (be) ninety next month.
2. I’m afraid I ……………………………….……… (fail) my exams this year.
3. This time next week, they ……………………………………….………… (lie) on a sandy beach.
4. The team ………………………………………….………… (leave) the office by 9 o’clock tomorrow.
5. By 10 o’clock, Sue ……………………………………….……… (drive) for twelve hours.
6. Jenny ………………………………………….……… (see) Paul at work, so she can give him the letter.
7. The film ………………………………………….……… (start) by the time they get to the cinema.
8. Tom expects he ……………………………….……… (get) a pay rise soon.
9. By 6 o’clock, the secretary …………………………………….……… (type) for three hours.
10. I hope I ………………………………………….……… (buy) my own car by the time I’m thirty.
11. Look at him! He ……………………………….…….………… (win) the race!
12. By next week, they ………………………………………….…….. (live) in this town for two years.
13. I ………………………………….………… (help) you carry your shopping.
14. Martin ………………………………………….……… (do) the work by Sunday evening.
15. Mother ………………………………………….………… (go) to the supermarket tonight. She has already made her shopping list.
16. The play ……………………………….…….……… (start) at 6 o’clock.
17. ……………………………….…………….……… (use) your bicycle today? Could I take it?
18. – Why are you buying all those vegetables? – Because I ……………………………….…….………… (make) vegetable soup.
B. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.
We ……………………………….…….………. (go) on holiday next Friday. The plane ……………………………….…….………. (leave) at 5.00 am, so we ……………………………….…….……. (sunbathe) in Bermuda by lunchtime!
We've got a lot of luggage and neither of us wants to drive so we ……………………………….…….……. (get) a taxi to the airport. My sister has never flown before so she ……………………………….…….………. (probably/be) quite nervous. I ……………………………….…….………. (have to) sit by her and hold her hand all the time. By the time we get there, we ……………………………….……. (fly) for quite a long time and so we ……………………………….…….… (be) quite tired. However, I hope we ……………………………….…….………… (recover) by 8 o'clock, in time to go to the welcoming party!
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