Презентация к уроку "Путешествие по Лондону"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (6 класс)
Данная презентация может быть использована при изучении темы "Достопримечательности Лондона"
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London is the capital of Great Britain, its political, economic, commercial and cultural centre. It is one of the largest cities in the world and in Europe.
The population of London is more than eight million people that puts a city on the twenty first place in the world, the second - in Europe, and the first - in the European Union countries and in Great Britain.
The Houses of Parliament is an imposing building on the banks of the Thames and a major London tourist attraction known as the Palace of Westminster.
There are 378 000 students in London, about half of them study at London University which is the largest in Great Britain. It includes twenty colleges and a number of institutes. Other large high schools are the London University Underground, Westminster University, University of East London, University Middlesex, City University, New-London-college.
Magnificence of London is created by city parks, and also various monuments of culture and history. Magnificence - великолепие
Trafalgar square is the main square in the country and in the capital. All distances in the country are measured from it. The square is decorated with a 45 metres column, on its top you can see a figure of admiral Nelson.
The Tower is a gloomy fortress on the bank of the Thames. Now here there is the collection of the fighting weapon, collections of treasures of the British Crown. There are attires for crowning, elegant clothes of knightly awards and crowns. A crown is a headdress, a work of art. The queen puts on her crown only at the parliament opening.
Big Ben is one of numerous symbols of London. Big Ben is the name of the tower and the clock situated on it. The sound of the clock is considered to be a symbol of Great Britain. This clock is considered to be one of the most exact clocks.
One of the most recognised sights and one of the largest big wheels in the world is the London eye. From the height of 135 metres (approximately 45 floors) one can practically see the whole city. Sight - достопримечательность
Changing of the guard at a royal Buckingham palace is one of the most popular London traditions. London traditions
Ceremony keys. Every evening the main guard of a Tower leaves the gate with the lighted lantern and goes together with an honourable escort to the Bloody Tower, then locks the Western gate and the Average tower. And, at last, all the procession moves back to the Bloody Tower which gate has already a sentry. Honourable - почетный
Royal cannon salutes are made in special cases which are the days of the introduction of the queen on a throne, the birthday of the queen, a day of crowning, the birthday of the duke of Edinburgh. Introduction - вступление
The London theatres of classical music are widely known in the world: the well-known Royal Opera theatre in Covent Garden, Royal Albert-hall, Elizabeth II Theatre. Among theclassical theatres it is necessary to note the National Theatre and the Theatre at a Royal Court yard.
There are more than 30 museums among which are especially popular the British museum, Victoria and Albert's museum, the museum of, history London, a charming museum of the children's toys, madame Tussauds well-known Wax museum, the Tate Gallery, and others in London.
Madame Tussauds Wax museum There you are expected to meet not only with members of royal family, with pop stars, but also with sorrow-known famous persons, and in the room of Horror - with the executioners. In the museum there are more than 1000 figures of outstanding figures of policy, arts, outstanding commanders and great scientists. Sounds, smells and moving figures create additional sensations.
The Tate Gallery This Gallery is an art museum in London, the largest in the world collection of English art of the XVI—XX centuries. There are more than 60 thousand works of art: paintings, sculptures, drawings, engravings. The basis of the collection of the gallery is a private collection of sir Henry Tate, the founder of the Gallery .
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