Тренировочные тексты по английскому языку разной тематики
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (7, 9, 11 класс)
Предлагаемые тексты по английскому языку можно использовать в работе как дополнительный материал по разной тематике. ( бизнесс, здоровье,культура ) . . К каждому тексту даются тренировочные упражнения на отработку лексики и грамматики. , позволяя расширять лексический запас и грамматические навыки. Даны ключи для проверки знаний
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Предварительный просмотр:
(Business ; Upper Intermediate; -ing forms)
Can Gaming At Work Make You More Productive?
slacking off – ослабление своего рвения
to unwind – расслабиться, отдохнуть, снять напряжение
to be on to smth. – быть на правильном пути
afternoon lull – затишье во второй половине дня
tricky – сложный
to spur – подсказать (подхлестнуть)
a perspective – взгляд, видение
outlet – выход (эмоций)
to catch on – уловить, понять
a peer – ровесник, сверстник.
William Bauer (who helps to head up US-based Royce Leather, his family’s accessories business) playing video games instead of working isn’t slacking off. The five-minute Angry Birds session helps him unwind and provides the kind of passive thinking time he needs to solve problems.
Long work hours make processing information more difficult later in the day, he said, and taking video game breaks helps relax and motivate him, giving him more energy to work into the evening. Bauer isn’t the only one playing video games at the office.
Science suggests they may be on to something. Psychologists, along with the gamers themselves, say the benefits go beyond fun or amusement. Many people use gaming to find moments of stress relief throughout the workday, to cope with a boring role or as a way to feel more in control. The games are fully engaging and even give us the kind of virtual confidence boost that we might not achieve in our day-to-day work.
Be strategic about when to take a video game break. The best time to play is during periods when you’re less productive, like the afternoon lull, or when boredom sets in.
Gaming might also help with creative thinking and problem solving. Stepping away from a tricky task for a few minutes of gaming might spur a new perspective on a business problem or help to reset your mind during an especially difficult day, say experts.
Other times, games can provide a social or emotional outlet to help employees cope with stressful or boring jobs, said Chris Ferguson, a psychology professor who researches video games at Stetson University in DeLand, Florida in the US. And, gaming can allow people to use skills, like leadership, which they might not get an opportunity to otherwise.
Some employers are catching on to the benefits of video games and integrating them into company culture. Many traditional companies, though, still feel games are unproductive.
Other companies are using more “gamification” in the workplace, the idea of applying game mechanics to create a fun and competitive atmosphere that motivates people to succeed at tasks, said Ferguson.
It helps that it’s getting easier to play in short bursts. While games were traditionally played in longer increments on consoles or computers, new app-based games tend to provide a few minutes of fun without drawing you into an hours-long adventure, said Ferguson.
Research suggests that these so-called micro-breaks are beneficial. In a 2014 study by researchers at Kansas State University in the US of 72 full-time employees from a variety of industries, those who spent one or two minutes during breaks in their day playing games on their phones reported being happier than their peers.
Task 1
Answer the following questions by choosing one of the options.
- Why does William Bauer play video games at work?
- He is bored.
- He has no work to do.
- It is his job: to test games.
- He needs to relax and find energy to keep on working.
- What are the benefits of playing video games at work, according to psychologists?
- It helps to reduce stress.
- It helps to develop leadership skills.
- It makes people happy.
- It helps people to get used to the competitive atmosphere at work.
- When is the best time to play video games?
- before starting work
- at lunchtime
- when you need an emotional outlet
- any time your boss is not watching
1. d; 2. a; 3. c
Task 2
Is the information in the sentences True, False or Not Given?
- William Bauer recommends Angry Birds game for short breaks for stress or boredom relief.
- Gaming distracts you long enough to help you to find a solution to the problem at hand.
- Nowadays employees prefer new app-based games instead of hours-long quests.
1. NG; 2 F; 3 NG
Task 4.1
Mark the sentences with a verbal noun.
- He chose Creative Writing as his major.
- He is afraid of losing sight.
- She suggests moving to Italy.
- In Academic Writing you have to provide good reasoning.
- Gaming provides time for passive thinking.
- She can type without looking at the keyboard.
- Not knowing the address of the office, he called the company’s switchboard.
2, 3, 6, 7 should be marked
Task 4.2
Mark the sentences where a verbal form is used after these verbs.
- We look forward to ___ your reply.
- He is used to ___ tricky tasks.
- She offered ___ a competition to spur creative thinking.
- She keeps ___ things.
- Remember ___ the light when leaving the room.
- She promised ___ a party as they need to unwind.
- She forgot ___ the letter.
1, 2, 4, 7 should be marked
Task 5
Express the same idea by using the appropriate verb from the ones given.
- You will have to change the direct speech into the indirect one. Mind the form you use after these verbs.
Example: You should see the doctor. – She advises me to see the doctor.
to ask; to be capable of; to promise; to suggest; to threaten
- Please, bring a souvenir from Paris.
- If you don’t meet our demands, we will have to go to court.
- I can’t lie.
- Why don’t we adjourn the meeting till the project is completed?
- We will give you a refund if you return the item bought within two weeks.
1. She asks to bring a souvenir from Paris.
2. They threaten to go to court if their demands are not met.
3. She isn’t capable of lying.
4. They suggest adjourning the meeting till the project is completed.
5. They promise to give a refund if you return the item bought within two weeks.
Task 6
Combine the two sentences by using Participial or Gerundial Constructions.
- She was entering the building. I saw that.
- She was flying to Canada. He thought of that.
- I want to close the window. Do you mind that?
- He cheated on the exam. His groupmate reported that.
- He resigned. I understand why.
1. I saw her entering the building.
2. He thought of her flying to Canada.
3. Do you mind my closing the window?
4. His groupmate reported him cheating on the exam.
5. I understand his quitting.
Task 7
Translate the following sentences.
- Ей не интересно общаться со своими сверстниками.
- Он подумывал отдать это сложное задание Питеру.
- У разных людей разные способы развеяться: кому-то нравится смотреть телевизор, а кто-то наслаждается вечеринками до утра.
- Его сотрудники работают без особого рвения.
- Привязка результата работы к зарплате должна подстегнуть их работать упорнее.
- С точки зрения европейских стран, санкции против России не привели к ожидаемым результатам.
- Она порекомендовала пойти в магазин во второй половине дня, т.к именно в это время там затишье.
- Многие компании переводят своих сотрудников на работу на дому. Возможно, они на правильном пути.
- Он так и не понял шутку.
- Время от времени необходимо давать волю эмоциям: поплакать, покричать, побить подушку.
1. She is not interested in talking to her peers.
2. He was considering assigning this tricky task to Peter.
3. Different people have different ways to unwind: some people prefer watching TV, others enjoy partying till morning.
4. His employees were slacking off.
5. Pay-for-performance scheme must spur them to work harder.
6. From European countries’ perspective, sanctions have not led to the expected outcomes.
7. She recommended going to the shop in the afternoon because of the lull.
8. Many companies offer their employees working from home. They may be on to something.
9. He didn’t catch on the joke.
- From time to time you need an emotional outlet: crying, shouting, punching the pillow.
Задание 9 — Express your opinion on the following:
Do you consider playing computer games productive? Why/why not? What is your emotional outlet that helps you cope with stressful or boring jobs?
Предварительный просмотр:
Unit: Holidays in Britain
Грамматика: reflexive pronouns, passive voice
Тема: Культура
Learn the words:
to dedicate- посвящать
a leek- лук-порей
a patron- защитник, покровитель
annual- ежегодный
a sack- мешок, пакет
an inn- трактир, гостиница
a cuckoo- кукушка
customary- обычный, привычный
to brighten up - украшать
a mistletoe- омела белая
Holidays in Britain
For centuries in Britain a holiday was simply a Holy Day, usually dedicated to one of the saints. If the weather was fine people spent their free time outdoors, singing and dancing. Nowadays there are very many different holidays, funny, joyful, and religious. On the first of March each year you can see people walking round London with leeks pinned to their coats. A leek is a kind of vegetable, similar to an onion, and is the national emblem of Wales. Many Welsh people, who live in London, like to show their solidarity on their national day and they are proud of themselves. The day is actually called Saint David's Day after patron saint of Wales.
At Hungerford, the English old town, on the second Tuesday after Easter there takes place the annual Festival. The Festival is 600 years old. It starts at 9 a.m. Young men with a sack of oranges go along the streets. The main object of this group of people is to visit one house after another, collecting money from the men and kisses from the girls. In return they bring good luck and oranges. The visiting of houses lasts all day; it is interrupted by a luncheon at one of the local inns where you can help yourself with tasty food. The festival "Oranges and Kisses" is really one of the funniest traditions.
Hearing the First Cuckoo is connected with many traditions. During April people in Britain usually hear the cuckoo for the first time of the year. There are many traditions as to what should be done upon first hearing the voice of the cuckoo. In some places it was customary for people to stop their work and take a holiday for the rest of the day. It is considered that the number of times the bird calls «cuckoo» is very important. A young girl hearing it would call: «Cuckoo, tell me how many years will pass before I am married?». And the number of times that the bird cuckooed in answer told her how many would pass before the happy event.
Bank Holidays are also very popular. Three times a year the offices and banks of England are closed on a Monday. No business houses, factories, schools or shops are open on these days. On Bank Holidays the parks and the cafes are crowded. Many families take a picnic lunch or tea with them and enjoy their meal in the open. Sometimes, a wet Bank Holiday spoils a lot of fun.
Winter brings Christmas, and the shops begin to decorate their windows with bright colours. Christmas shopping is often done in the rain as December is usually the wettest month of the year. On December 6th, Saint Nicholas brings his presents to children. But the main winter holiday is still Christmas. The English like to brighten up their homes with mistletoe. Mistletoe is the only plant that comes into leaf in wintry weather. That's why it symbolizes life. There is an interesting custom of kissing under the plant. If a young man or a girl stops under the mistletoe, which is hung above the door at Christmas time, he or she may demand a kiss and one may not protest in such cases. There are many other interesting and funny traditions in Britain. They provide the people with new interests, bring a break from work and give a chance to rest.
1. Answer the following questions.
- What is the national emblem of Wales?
a. a leek
b. an onion
c. an unknown vegetable
- What can Cuckoo tell a girl?
a. how many years will pass before she dies
b. how many children she will have
c. how many years will pass before she gets married
3) How can a girl or a boy kiss someone without any protest?
a. by stopping near a Christmas tree
b. by stopping under the mistletoe, which is hung above the door at Christmas time
c. by asking Saint Nicholas’s permission
1)a 2)c 3)b
2. Is the information TRUE, FALSE or not given?
- On the first of March each year you can see people walking round London with leeks pinned to their coats. True False Not given
- All the children all over the world dream of spending Christmas in London, because it is the most well-decorated city. True False Not given
- At Hungerford, the English old city, on the second Tuesday after Easter there takes place the annual Festival . True False Not given
- Two times a year the offices and banks of England are closed on a Monday. True False Not given
5) If a young man or a girl stops under the mistletoe, which is hung above the door at Christmas time, he or she may demand a kiss and one may not protest in such cases. True False Not given
1T 2NG 3F 4F 5T
4. Read about Reflexive Pronouns and choose the correct form.
- She spoke very little of ___.
(himself/ herself/ myself/ her)
- I am not pleased with ___ .
(my/ myself/ ourselves/yourself)
- He put the map before ___ .
(him/ her/ myself/ himself)
- I will take you with ___.
(yourself/ myself/ me/ himself)
- Children, don’t hurt ___ .
(yourself/ yourselves/ you/ themselves)
1herself 2myself 3 him 4me 5yourselves
5. Fill in the gaps with reflexive pronouns.
- Don lived by ___ in an enormous house.
- Kendal ___ is quite a small town.
- We’ve brought ___ something to eat.
- Parents often blame ___ for the way their children behave.
- The children made holiday decorations by ___ .
- Paul copies his friend’s homework instead of doing it ___ .
- Each morning, I brush my teeth and stare at ___ in the mirror.
1) himself
3) ourselves
4) themselves
5) themselves
6) himself
7) myself
6. Change the sentences using Passive Voice.
- I wrote this book when I was only ten years old.
- The courier has brought a parcel.
- My mom will buy me the dog if I pass all the exams.
- Passing down the street I saw three people, who were painting a great picture on the wall.
- We received very interesting results after our negotiations.
- The city council has given money to help restore some old buildings.
- This book was written by me when I was only ten years old.
- The parcel has been brought by the courier.
- The dog will be bought by my mum if I pass all the exams.
- A great picture was being painted on the wall by three people, when I was passing down the street.
- Very interesting results were received after our negotiations.
- Money has been given by the city council to help restore some old buildings.
7. Translate the sentences into English
- Мама рассказывала, что когда она была маленькой, ее любимым развлечением были прыжки в мешках на скорость.
- Лук- порей очень полезен и часто используется для приготовления супов в кухнях разных народов.
- Этот день посвящен памяти погибших в той ужасной катастрофе, унесшей много жизней.
- Фестиваль фейерверков - это ежегодное событие, проходящие в разных городах мира.
- Кукушка является очень частым персонажем поучительных басней и сказок.
- Омела- это вечнозелёный кустарник, растущий паразитами на других растениях.
- Ребята перестроили старый трактир в дом для себя и теперь живут там всей семьей.
- На свадьбах принято, чтобы молодые, выходя из церкви, кидали деньги в толпу.
- Давайте украсим квартиру сами, не будем приглашать декоратора.
- Это божество считается покровителем нашего народа.
8. Make up the sentences with the following words:
9. Express your opinion on the following: Why are holidays so important for all countries? What is your favourite holiday dedicated to? Describe how you celebrate it.
Предварительный просмотр:
Unit The boy who was always losing his temper.
Грамматика: Direct and Reported speech
Тема: life psychology
Learn the words:
- to lose one’s temper - выходить из себя
to hammer - забивать молотком
nail - гвоздь
fence - забор
effort - усилие
to achieve - достигать
to add - добавлять
to stab - ранить ножом
to withdraw (withdrew, withdrawn)- извлекать
wound - рана
The boy who was always losing his temper.
- There was a boy who was always losing his temper. His father gave him a bag full of nails and said to him, “My son, I want you to hammer a nail into our garden fence every time you need to direct your anger against something and you lose your temper.”
So the son started to follow his father’s advice. On the first day he hammered in 37 nails, but getting the nails into the fence was not easy, so he started trying to control himself when he got angry.
As the days went by, he was hammering in fewer nails, and within weeks he was able to control himself and was able to refrain from getting angry and from hammering nails. He came to his father and told him what he had achieved. His father was happy with his efforts and said to him: “But now, my son, you have to take out a nail for every day that you do not get angry.” The son started to take out the nails for each day that he did not get angry,until there were no nails left in the fence. He came to his father and told him what he had achieved. His father took him to the fence and said, “My son, you have done well, but look at these holes in the fence. This fence will never be the same again.” Then he added: “When you say things in a state of anger, they leave marks like these holes on the hearts of others. You can stab a person and withdraw the knife but it doesn’t matter how many times you say ‘I’m sorry,’ because the wound will remain.
1. Answer the following questions.
- Why did the father ask the boy to hammer the nails?
a. he wanted to make a chair
b. he wanted to hang a shelf
c. to teach his son to be calm
- How many nails did the boy hammer on the first day?
a. 45
b. 37
c. 12
- What’s the main idea of the story?
a. work hard and success will come
b. bad words can hurt people
c. if you are angry hammer the nail
2. Is the information TRUE, FALSE or not given?
- There was a boy who was always losing his shoes. True False Not given
- The father asked the son to count to ten when he was angry. True False Not given
- Within weeks the boy was able to control himself and was able to refrain from getting angry. True False Not given
- The boy decided to take out the nails from the fence, because he needed them. True False Not given
- The boy didn’t lose his temper any more. True False Not given
3. Match the words and the translation.
| a) забивать молотком |
| b) ранить ножом |
| c) усилия |
| d) добавлять |
| e) извлекать |
6) efforts | f) достигать |
7) to add | g) выходить из себя |
8) to withdraw | h) забор |
9) to achieve | i) гвоздь |
10) to lose one’s temper | j) рана |
4. Read about Direct and Reported speech and fill in the proper grammar form.
- Mary said she ... to the theatre the next day. (had gone/had to go/would go/went)
- He came up to his father and told him what he … . (achieved/must achieve/had achieved/has achieved)
- John told us that he ... 10 nails the day before. (hammered/would hammer/had hammered/may hammer)
- Michael said he ... English for two years. (has been learning/had been learning/had learnt/will be learning)
- She informed us that she ... the fence as soon as possible. (have coloured/had to colour/had coloured/will colour)
- Nick asked if he ... the window. (may open/might open/would open/will open)
- Fill in the gaps with the necessary form of the following words:впечатать из словаря
- My neighbour asked me not to … nails at 11 pm.
- His father was happy with his son’s … and gave him a car as a present.
- Getting the nails into the … was not easy.
- Be careful! Put the knife on the table, don’t … me by accident.
- I think I have … great success in my business.
- Don’t … the knife, you won’t stop the bleeding and it could be dangerous.
- Wash the ... with water and put some medicine.
6. Turn the sentences into the Reported Speech. Start with “He said, that..”
- “I want you to hammer a nail into our garden fence every time you lose your temper.”
- “But now you have to take out a nail for every day that you do not get angry.”
- “My son, you have done well.”
- “Look at these holes in the fence. This fence will never be the same again.”
- “You can stab a person and withdraw the knife but the wound will remain.”
7. Translate into English.
- Сын сказал, что никогда еще не забивал гвозди молотком.
- Маша попросила меня перелезть через забор и достать мяч.
- Босс отметил, что я достиг больших успехов в работе.
- Врач проинформировал меня, что рана скоро заживет.
- В конце разговора она добавила, что я много для нее сделал.
- Репортер написал, что двое пострадавших были ранены ножом.
- Учитель доволен моими усилиями.
- Я вышел из себя, когда узнал новости.
- Я не могу извлечь нож из забора.
- Он сказал, что этот дом был построен без единого гвоздя.
8. Make up sentences with following words:
9. Express your opinion on the following: What can make you angry? How do you cope with stress?
- c
- b
- b
- F
- F
- T
- F
- NG
- i
- b
- h
- a
- j
- c
- d
- e
- f
- g
- would go
- had achieved
- had hammered
- has been learning
- had to colour
- might open
- hammer
- efforts
- fence
- stab
- achieved
- withdraw
- wound
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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