Презентация по теме "The Ship"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (10 класс)

Копылова Анна Андреевна

Презентация составлена для отработки лексического материала по теме "Судно. Описание судна." и грамматического материала, а именно составление вопросительных, отрицательных и утвердительных форм предложений. Презентация выполнена для отработки диалогической речи для курсантов 1 курса.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

“”THE SHIP”” Revise new words In the picture Sea (at sea) To look at the picture Sail, to sail This, that, these, those Sailor(s) Port (in the port) to be a good (bad) sailor Ship\a tall ship (on the ship) Seaman (Seamen) Deck (on deck) Master=Captain Bridge (on the bridge) clean\dirty, new\old Cabin (in the cabin) big\small

Слайд 2

Make some training exercises! 1) Choose the correct preposition: on,at,in This is a picture. The ship is … the picture. The ship is old. The ship is not … the port, the ship … sea. The Master is … the bridge, and the sailors are … decks. Look … the sea! It is blue. 2)Read the text one more time and answer the questions Is the ship in the port? – Is Master on the bridge on deck? – What colour is the sea?

Слайд 3

3) Put the questions to the highlighted words This is a deck. That is a ship. These sails are white. The ship is black. This is a big port. Those are bad sailors. These seamen are in the port. The Master is on deck.

Слайд 4

4) Translate in English Что это? – Это парусное судно. Судно не старое. – Парусник находится в порту или в море? - Парусник в море. Это паруса. Какого цвета паруса? – Паруса белые. Посмотрите на картинку. Это капитан. Капитан не старый человек. Капитан на мостике. А вот там – матросы. Матросы на палубе. Они хорошие моряки.

Слайд 5

5 ) Answer my questions - Is a new or an old ship in the picture? - Is the ship in the port or at sea? - What colour is this ship? - Are the decks clean or dirty? - Is the ship big or small? - What colour are t he sails? - Are the seamen on the ship or in the port? - Are the seamen good or bad sailors? - Is the Master on the bridge or on deck? - Is the Master a good or bad sailor?

Слайд 6

6) You have 2 minutes, look at the questions. Listen and answer

Слайд 7

Read the text and check your answers Look at the picture! This is a ship. The ship is old. This ship is brown with black. The ship is at sea. These are decks. The decks are clean. Those are sails. The sails are white. Now, look at them. These are seamen. The seamen are on the ship. That man is the Master. He is on the bridge. The Master and the seamen are good sailors.

Слайд 8

Questions “”The Ship” What is in the picture? Is this ship new or old? What colour is this ship? Is this ship in the port or at sea? Are the decks clean or dirty? What colour are the sails? Are the seamen on the ship or in the port? Is the Master on the bridge or on deck? Are the seamen good or bad sailors?

Слайд 9

Listen the text

Слайд 10

Work in pairs.

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