Practice Passive Voice
тест по английскому языку (8 класс)

Авдеева Антонина Викторовна

Осноная информация об образовании страдательного залога в английском языке.

Практические упражнения .

Тест на 2 варианта.


Файл Passive voice (theory and practice)152.98 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Passive Voice

I wrote a letter. (Active)

The letter was written by me (Passive)

BY  - кем-то

With -  чем-то


  • Me
  • Him
  • Her
  • You
  • Them
  • Us
  • It

C:\Users\АНТОНИНА\Documents\School 2022-2023\Passive 2023\passive forms.jpg

Transform to Passive:

  1. He has translated the text. – The text has been translated by him.
  2. She will visit a museum. – A museum will be visited by her.
  3. They were cooking dinner. – Dinner was being cooked by them.
  4. They produce cars. – Cars are produced by them.


Complete the sentences with a passive construction, using the verbs given in the form suggested.

1. Much of London (destroy) _________ by fire in the seventeenth century

2. The man who (bite)____________________ by a snake was given a serum.

3. A leader should be a man who can (respect)____________________.

4. The police (instruct) ___________ to take firm action against hooligans.

5. He (save)______________ from bankruptcy by the kindness of a friend.

6. A great deal of research (do)__ ____ into possible causes of cancer

7. The worker claimed that he (victimize)___________ by his employers.

8. The tenant (evict)____________________ for not paying his rent.


  1. Peter bought the house _________________________________________________
  2. Mary will bring the water  _____________________________________________
  3. My friends are repairing the car ________________________________________
  1. Most students speak English in this class _________________________________
  2. An elderly couple sheltered her _________________________________________
  3. A policeman helped him ___________________________________________
  4. Someone is teaching him English __________________________________
  5. They had offered me a job ____________________________________

                                                               GRAMMAR PRACTICE                                                 Version I

  1. Open the brackets using the correct form of the passive voice.
  1. The picture ___________________________(_paint) by this artist long ago.
  2. He __________________________________(promote) next week.
  3. His documents ____________________________(check) now.
  4. Her mobile phone __________________________(steal) yesterday.
  5. The work ______________________________________(just /finish).

  1. Change these sentences into Passive.
  1. Father has just connected a new printer. ____________________________________________________________________
  2. My mum has not done the shopping yet. ____________________________________________________________________
  3. The granny knitted a sweater for her son. ____________________________________________________________________
  4. Kate always washes the dishes. ____________________________________________________________________
  5. They will complete the task on time. ____________________________________________________________________


      GRAMMAR PRACTICE                                                 Version II

  1. Open the brackets using the correct form of the passive voice.
  1. The tree __________________________________(plant) before they bought the land.
  2. A new song _________________________________(compose) in the studio now.
  3. Glass _____________________________________(make) from sand.
  4. The palace _______________________________(build) in 1672.
  5. The soup ___________________________________(just / cook).

  1. Change these sentences into Passive.
  1. The child is watching a funny cartoon. _______________________________________________________________________________
  2. My sister was reading a magazine. ________________________________________________________________________________
  3. They have visited a new gallery. ________________________________________________________________________________
  4. We are watching a nice comedy now. ________________________________________________________________________________
  5. The students   will do lots of work during the term . _______________________________________________________________________________

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Passive Voice

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