тест (столицы стран)
тест по английскому языку (6, 7, 8, 9 класс)
Предварительный просмотр:
I Answer these questions.
1. What’s the capital of the USA?
2. What’s the capital of Canada?
3. What’s the capital of New Zealand?
4. What’ s the capital of Australia?
5. How many languages are there in Canada?
6. What’s the capital of the UK?
7. What’s the official emblem of Canada?
8. What’s the official language in the USA?
9. Is Australia sometimes called “The World’s Biggest Farm”?
II. Put in: who or which.
1. I want to go to the party … will be at our school.
2. Do you know people … can speak more than four languages.
3. The official language is the language … is spoken on radio, TV and by official people.
4. Look at the man … saved my life.
5. There was nothing on the table … the friends sat around.
6. I know a lot of people …know two foreign languages.
III. Choose the right description.
- Has the third largest population in the world a. New Zealand
- Is the second largest country in the world. b. the UK
- Is twice smaller than France or Spain. c. the USA
- Consists of two main islands and some smaller ones. d. Canada
IV. Complete the sentences.
Example: In China people speak Chinese
- In Egypt people speak
- In Germany people speak
- In Japan people speak
- In Italy people speak
- In Denmark people speak
- In Poland people speak
- In Turkey people speak
V. Match the countries to their official languages.
1. New Zealand a. Dutch
2. India b. Greek
3. the Netherlands c. Maori
4. Greece d. Hindi
5. Hungary e. Portuguese
6. Denmark f. Georgian
7. Georgia g. Danish
8. Portugal h. Hungarian
VI. Put in the if needed.
I also think of visiting … Japan, …United States, ….Italy,…Nertherlands,…Ukraine,…Check Republic,…Russian Federation,…Germany,….Uk,…Denmark some time in future.
VII. Match the countries to their capitals.
- The UK a. Canberra
- The USA b. Wellington
- Australia c. London
- New Zealand d. Washington
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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