Викторина по странам изучаемого языка.
тест по английскому языку (9, 10, 11 класс)
Тесты для старшеклассников по англоговорящим странам.
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Предварительный просмотр:
10-11 Form
Тест 1
1. What are the colors of the British flag?
a) blue red and white
b) blue and red
c) blue white and yellow
2. How many pence are there in one pond?
a) 100
b) 90
c) 10
3. Who was the first president of the USA?
a) George Washington
b) Abraham Lincoln
c) John Kennedy
4. What do the English put in their tea?
a) jam
b) milk
c) lemon
5. What is the biggest state in the USA?
a) Texas
b) Alaska
c) California
6. Which holiday is on December 25?
a) St.Valentine’s day
b) Easter
c) Christmas
7. What city is the statue of Liberty in?
a) Miami
b) Washington
c) New York
8. Where you can see the ravens in London?
a) near the Thames
b) near the Houses of Parliament
c) near the Tower of London
9. What American holiday is on the 4th of November?
a) Halloween
b) Independence Day
c) Thanksgiving Day
10. In what city were the famous “Beatles” born?
a) London
b) Glasgow
c) Liverpool
11. What place was built by Arthur and wizard Merlin?
a) Stonehenge
b) The Tower of London
c) Camelot
12. What is the very famous amusement park near Los Angeles?
a) Marine World
b) Malibu
c) Disneyland
Тест 2
1. The capital of Australia is:
a) Sydney
b) Melbourne
c) Canberra
2. The official languages of Canada are:
a) English and Spanish
b) English and French
c) German and Italian
3. A little animal, the national symbol of the small insular state of New Zealand is:
a) kangaroo
b) kiwi
c) Koala
4. The capital of the United States is:
a) New York
b) Los Angeles
c) Washington
5. The princess called “The Queen of Hearts” is:
a) Margaret
b) Anna
c) Diana
6. During the period of colonization British Government sent to Australia people who were:
a) writers and poets
b) prisoners
c) farmers
7. The name of the man who wrote the text of the Declaration of Independence is:
a) Theodore Roosevelt
b) Thomas Jefferson
c) Jimmy Carter
8. The portrait of ………… we can see on 100$ banknote.
a) Bill Clinton
b) Benjamin Franklin
c) George Bush
9. The street in New York, center of theatres, cabarets, cinema houses and other kind of entertainment is called;
a) Wall Street
b) Broadway
c) 5th Avenue
10. The head of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is:
a) the President
b) the Prime Minister
c) the Queen
11. …………. was the youngest president of the USA.
a) George Bush (jr)
b) John F. Kennedy
c) Bill Clinton
12. Official currency of Great Britain is:
a) pound (sterling)
b) euro
c) English dollar
13. The USA consists of:
a) 40 states
b) 60 states
c) 50 states
14. First world underground appeared in:
a) London
b) New York
c) Moscow
15. Australian actress Kate Blanchet plays the part of the Queen:
a) Elisabeth
b) Mary
c) Victoria
16. ………… was the first president of the USA.
a) Theodore Roosevelt
b) George Washington
c) Ulysses S. Grant
17. Bermudan triangle is situated in shore of:
a) Great Britain
b) The USA
c) Australia
18. The official residence of the Queen of Great Britain is:
a) the Tower
b) Westminster
c) Buckingham Palace
19. Tower Clock, the symbol of London is called:
a) Big Dan
b) Big Ben
c) Big Man
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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