Входная контрольная работа по английскому языку для 11 класса
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (11 класс)

Угрюмова Татьяна Георгиевна

В контрольной работе проверяются знания за курс 10 класса по чтению, письму.


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2018-2019 11th

Входная контрольная работа по английскому языку

для 11х классов

Вариант 1

  1. Replace the underlined words with English ones.
  1. Most teens like просматривать сайты в интернете. 
  2. Разговаривать в режиме онлайн is one of their common pastimes.
  3. I like my summer holidays because I can слоняться с друзьями.
  4. A good friend shouldn’t be подлым. To me a good friend should be преданным. 
  5. I guess, здоровые people enjoy боевые искусства.
  6. I don’t think честолюбивые people prefer gardening.
  7. Школа-интернат is a school which students live in during school.
  8. Условия и оснащение are great at this school.
  9. He would like to work in the вооружённых силах that’s why he’s going to be a морским офицером. 10. She wants to подать заявку на должность a secretary.
  1. Match the words 1 - 10 to the words a) - j)

1. patient                                                     a) эгоистичный

2. mean                                                        b) терпеливый

3. dishonest                                                 c) сдержанный

4. selfish                                                      d) смущение

5. sociable                                                    e) недоброжелательный

6. determined                                               f) общительный

7. senstive                                                    g) нечестный

8. cautios                                                      h) чувствительный

9. affection                                                   i) осторожный

10. embarrassment                                       j) привязанность

  1. Choose one appropriate option.
  1. The children were ………………. the 1st of September.
  1. looking forward to                   b) looking after                         c) looking up
  1. He’s going to ……………. us on the way to the office.
  1. pick up                          b) pick out                                 c) pick on
  1. People around the world should be …….. charge of the planet.
  1. of                                   b) with                                       c) in
  1. We often happen to deal …………. various problems.  
  1. about                              b) for                                         c) with
  1. Doing this job was …………. I’ve ever had !
  1. tiring                              b) more tiring                            c) the most tiring
  1. Everyone knows Spielberg is …………. film maker than that one.
  1. more successful              b) most successful                    c) the most successful
  1. The task was ……………. in the project.
  1. easier                              b) the easiest                              c) easyer
  1. How long ……. you ……….. each other?
  1. do/know                         b) are/knowing                           c) have/known
  1. –What …….. you ………… ?    - I …….. the soup to see if it is OK.
  1. do/do; taste                    b) are/doing; ‘m tasting              c) have/done; taste
  1. The film …………. at 8 o’clock.
  1. starts                               b) is starting                               c) start
  1. Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие между текстами А–E и заголовками 1–6. Запишите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.


What do weather people do?                              


How was the thermometer invented?


What does the name mean?


What is the most beautiful weather phenomenon?


What helps predict the weather?


How does the thermometer work?


Since ancient times people all over the world have tried to understand such physical phenomena like rain, snow and wind. The Greek scientist and philosopher Aristotle wrote a book named Meteorologica, which was about the basic elements of the environment: the earth, the winds, the seas and rivers, and of course, the weather. He is considered to be the founder of a science, which studies the atmosphere, and the title of his book has become the name of the science.



Meteorology supposes a lot of observations, researches and analyses. Without them it is impossible to say what the weather will be like tomorrow. In 1654 one scientist started an ambitious research project. Its aim was to record weather patterns in different Italian and European cities. The received information was studied and analyzed by the scientist. Those results were very important for meteorology. So that project gave an opportunity for G. Fahrenheit to create the modern thermometer.



If you enjoy everything from watching clouds to reading about hurricanes and tornados, then maybe meteorology is the career for you. Meteorologists, can be found all over the world doing some very interesting things! They may study the ozone layer or air pollution or make weather observations in Antarctica. They might monitor rainfall and give river flood warnings or fly in aircraft investigating hurricanes. Weather is world-wide and so are people, who study the weather!



Have you ever wondered how people are able to predict the weather ahead of time? Wouldn't it be great to know if there is a chance of rain for your football game this weekend? Weather forecasting, a prediction what weather will be like tomorrow or next week, takes into consideration many aspects, but one of the most crucial weather features is the wind. By learning how the wind affects the weather, we can learn a lot about how to predict it.


When light and water meet in the sky on a summer day, a rainbow appears. Such a wonderful sight! The legends of many cultures see the rainbow as a kind of bridge between heaven and earth. But it's just sunlight and raindrops. When sunlight enters a drop of rain, a part of it does not pass directly through but is reflected from the inner surface and appears from the side from which it entered.

Входная контрольная работа по английскому языку

для 11х классов

Вариант 2

  1. Replace the underlined words with English ones.
  1. Most teens like просматривать сайты в интернете. 
  2. Разговаривать в режиме онлайн is one of their common pastimes.
  3. I like my summer holidays because I can слоняться с друзьями.
  4. A good friend shouldn’t be подлым. To me a good friend should be преданным. 
  5. People suffer from eating  генетически модифицированных продуктов. 
  6. Pandas are one of the world’s исчезающих species.
  7. Школа-интернат is a school which students live in during school.
  8. Условия и оснащение are great at this school.
  9. He would like to work in the вооружённых силах that’s why he’s going to be a морским офицером. 10. She wants to подать заявку на должность a secretary.
  1. Match the words 1 - 10 to the words a) - j)

1. patient                                                     a) осторожный

2. mean                                                       b) смущение

3. dishonest                                                 c) сдержанный

4. selfish                                                      d) терпеливый

5. sociable                                                    e) недоброжелательный

6. determined                                               f) привязанность

7. senstive                                                    g) нечестный

8. cautios                                                      h) чувствительный

9. affection                                                   i) эгоистичный

10. embarrassment                                       j) общительный

  1. Choose one appropriate option.
  1. I think I ……….. them a message.
  1. send                                b) will send                                c) ‘m sending
  1. Look at the crowd. It …………. noisy.
  1. will be                             b) ‘s going to be                        c) ‘ll have been
  1. Next month at the time I ……………. as a freelancer.
  1. will work                         b) will be working                     c) am going to work
  1. It’s stuffy. I……………… the window.
  1. will open                          b) am opening                           c) am going to open
  1. My sister can’t stand ………….  compositions.
  1. to write                             b) writing                                  c) write
  1. My boss wants me ………….. the issue.
  1. to carry out                       b) carrying                                c) carry
  1. The task was ……………. in the project.
  1. easier                              b) the easiest                              c) easyer
  1. How long ……. you ……….. each other?
  1. do/know                         b) are/knowing                           c) have/known
  1. –What …….. you ………… ?    - I …….. the soup to see if it is OK.
  1. do/do; taste                    b) are/doing; ‘m tasting              c) have/done; taste
  1. The film …………. at 8 o’clock.
  1. starts                               b) is starting                               c) start

  1. Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие между текстами А–E и заголовками 1–6. Запишите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.



School rules


School subjects


After school activities



School Facilities


School Punishment


A typical English school


Chiswick School is a secondary school in London. It has about 1.250 pupils between the ages of 11 and 19. Like in most British schools, all the pupils study the same subjects in the first three years. Then they work for their GCSE exams – usually taking about nine subjects. Everyone takes English, Maths and Science, but there is quite a wide choice of other subjects. After the exams, some pupils leave and get jobs; others go on to do their A levels at other schools or further education college; some stay on in school.


There are six tennis courts, a gym, two squash courts and a large games field, where boys and girls play football and hockey. Pupils can also row on the nearby River Thames. There are also three main computer centres, and most subjects (such as Chemistry and Languages) have their own computers. All pupils study Information Technology. The school has a large library and a Learning Resources Centre with photocopying facilities, computer scanners and printers.


When the classes are over, Chiswick students are busy too. There is judo, dance, cooking and chess provided by the school at lunch time and in the afternoon. There are music and photography clubs. There is a theatre group which puts on a play at the end of each year. The teachers and the parents encourage as many pupils as possible to take part in numerous clubs. In the holidays, the school organizes trips such as camping in Wales or skiing in Switzerland.



There is one basic law in the school: to respect others and their property and behave in a normal, sensible way, with due consideration for the health and safety of all. In really serious cases, it is possible to exclude pupils for a period of time from school, or to expel them permanently. As in most schools in Britain, pupils have to wear a uniform. There is some resistance to wearing school uniform, but generally teachers and parents agree that the uniform is good for discipline.


If, as a pupil, you misbehave there is a system known as WRO – Warning, Report, Out. First you get a warning from your teacher, you have to carry a form around with you and the teacher signs it after each lesson – to show that you were present and behave well. If you do anything wrong at this stage, you are out; you have to go to the hall to join any other pupils in trouble. In the hall, you all work in silence under the supervision of a teacher.

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