Runic writing
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Runic alphabet is commonly thought to have been modelled on the Latin or northern Italian alphabets such as Etruscan. The earliest known Runic inscriptions date from the 1st century AD, but the vast majority of Runic inscriptions date from the 11th century. Runic inscriptions have been found throughout Europe from the Balkans to Germany, Scandinavia and the British Isles.
The word rune comes from the Old Norse word rún (secret, runic letter), from the Proto-Norse runo (secret, mystery, rune), from the Proto-Germanic rūnō (secret, mystery, rune), from Proto-Indo-European * rewHn - (to roar; grumble; murmur; mumble; whisper) Notable features The direction of writing in early Runic inscriptions is variable. Later they settled down into a left to right pattern Word divisions were not generally recognised in Runic writing, although one or more dots were occasionally used for this function.
Types of runic inscriptions include: 'Hrolf was here' type inscriptions on cliff walls, large rocks and buildings grave stone inscriptions, often with who carved the runes and who was buried, and also who made sure the stone was raised. religious/magic inscriptions: prayers and curses, formulas on charms, etc.
Codex Runicus , a vellum manuscript from approximately AD 1300 containing one of the oldest and best preserved texts of the Scanian Law, is written entirely in runes) Sample text - Lord's Prayer in Old Norse (Runic alphabet - Futhark )
There are a number of different Runic alphabets including: Elder Futhark Younger Futhark Medieval ( Latinised ) Futhark Elder Futhark Elder Futhark is thought to be the oldest version of the Runic alphabet, and was used in the parts of Europe which were home to Germanic peoples, including Scandinavia.
Younger Futhark Younger Futhark or "Normal Runes" gradually evolved Elder Futhark over a period of many years and stabilized by about 800 A.D., the beginning of the Viking Age. It was the main alphabet in Norway, Sweden and Denmark throughout the Viking Age Three slightly different versions of the alphabet developed in Denmark, Norway and Sweden - the first row of runes are the Danish ones, the second row are the Norwegian ones, and the third row are the Swedish ones, which are also known as Short-twig or Rök Runes.
Medieval ( Latinised ) Futhark After the arrival of Christianity in Scandinavia, the Runic alphabet was Latinised and was used occasionally, mainly for decoration, until 1850.
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