Проверочная работа по модулю 3.1 "Starlight" 10 класс
тест по английскому языку (10 класс)

Проверочная работа по модулю 3.1 "Starlight" 10 класс


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Предварительный просмотр:

I Version.

Fill in: significance, distracted, at a slower pace, produce, gazing, surplus, hustle and bustle, drift out of control, parting with some cash, seal of approval

  1. We arrived to Moscow and can`t find necessary places as we were too …..  by ….  of a big city.
  2. The customers show their approval  by … if they like the purchases.
  3. It`s awful that junkies kill themselves, do their family unhappy and eventually their life may …… completely .
  4. The President said the … of this summit cannot be overestimated.
  5. Frankly, I prefer … of Israeli cosmetology.
  6. Later I realized why that man was … at sleeping seals.
  7. As a result of hard work overtime, the company has … products .
  8. The tribal leader nodded in a … and the stranger was eaten.
  9. Many people over the age of 40 prefer to live in the countryside  and enjoy life … .

II Version.

Fill in: hive of activity, at a slower pace, produce, gazing, surplus, generous in our praise, quaint, drift out of control, marvel, seal of approval

  1. Young people brought up in the spirit of the urban environment consider life in the countryside a little … and even funny.
  2. People in our city love to celebrate the Independence Day. They come to the Central square to enjoy the performance of local music groups,  …  the traditional dishes and drinks.
  3. It`s awful that junkies kill themselves, do their family unhappy and eventually their life may …… completely .
  4. Mornings our school №2 turns into … .
  5. To tell the truth, I prefer … of Israeli cosmetology.
  6. Much later I realized why that man was … at me. We look like twins.
  7. As a result of hard work overtime, the company has … products .
  8. The tribal leader nodded in a … and the stranger was eaten.
  9. Many old people prefer to live in the countryside  and enjoy life … .
  10. We liked their pottery and certainly we were …

I Version.

Fill in: significance, distracted, at a slower pace, produce, gazing, surplus, hustle and bustle, drift out of control, parting with some cash, seal of approval

  1. We arrived to Moscow and can`t find necessary places as we were too …..  by ….  of a big city.
  2. The customers show their approval  by … if they like the purchases.
  3. It`s awful that junkies kill themselves, do their family unhappy and eventually their life may …… completely .
  4. The President said the … of this summit cannot be overestimated.
  5. Frankly, I prefer … of Israeli cosmetology.
  6. Later I realized why that man was … at sleeping seals.
  7. As a result of hard work overtime, the company has … products .
  8. The tribal leader nodded in a … and the stranger was eaten.
  9. Many people over the age of 40 prefer to live in the countryside  and enjoy life … .

II Version.

Fill in: hive of activity, at a slower pace, produce, gazing, surplus, generous in our praise, quaint, drift out of control, marvel, seal of approval

  1. ]Young people brought up in the spirit of the urban environment consider life in the countryside a little … and even funny.
  2. People in our city love to celebrate the Independence Day. They come to the Central square to enjoy the performance of local music groups,  …  the traditional dishes and drinks.
  3. It`s awful that junkies kill themselves, do their family unhappy and eventually their life may …… completely .
  4. Mornings our school №2 turns into … .
  5. To tell the truth, I prefer … of Israeli cosmetology.
  6. Much later I realized why that man was … at me. We look like twins.
  7. As a result of hard work overtime, the company has … products .
  8. The tribal leader nodded in a … and the stranger was eaten.
  9. Many old people prefer to live in the countryside  and enjoy life … .
  10. We liked their pottery and certainly we were …

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