Контрольная работа «All tenses compared” к УМК Spotlight 11.
тест по английскому языку (11 класс)
Контрольная работа «All tenses compared” к УМК Spotlight 11.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Test (Spotlight 11) All tenses Active voice
- Измените глагол to cook в зависимости от обстоятельств времени, используйте 1л.ед. (I)
- Переведите на английский язык ( to write –писать)
- Я пишу сейчас ________________________________________________
- Я пишу уже 2 часа ___________________________________________
- Я пишу каждый день___________________________________________
- Я уже написал письмо _________________________________________
- Я написал письмо вчера ________________________________________
- Я писал письмо вчера в 8 часов __________________________________
- Я буду писать письмо завтра в 6 часов ____________________________
- Я напишу письмо завтра _________________________________________
3). Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в нужную форму (Present tenses)
- This man____________ a writer. He ____________ (to write) books. He_____________ (to write) books since he was a young man. He ________already_____________ (to write) 10 books.
- Lena _________(to be) a good girl. She always_______________ (to help) her mother about the house.
Today she ____________________(to help) her mother since morning. They ______already_________ (to wash) the floor and____________ (to dust) the furniture. Now they_________________ (to cook) dinner together.
- What________ they__________(to do) now? They ____________________(to work) in the study.
They_________________________ (to work) there for three hours already.
- _____________you___________ (to find) your notebook? No, I ____still ____________(to look) for it. I __________already_______________ (to look) for it for two hours, but____________________ (not yet to find) it.
- She _________________________( to do) her homework for 2 hours, but she _______________(not yet to do) half of it. She always _______________ (to do) it long.
4) Установите соответствие между текстами A—E и рубриками 1—6. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании одна рубрика лишняя.
1. Photography
2. Adventures
3. Sightseeing
4. Sports
5. Holidays
6. Children’s activities
A. The Ostankino estate, situated in the northern part of Moscow, is a uniquely well-preserved monument of the 18th century Russian architecture. In the past it was a country estate, while currently it is situated at a 20 minute ride away from the Kremlin. The estate attracts beauty lovers by its austere forms of the classical architecture.
B. For most Americans, the holiday season begins around Thanksgiving. However, for Kathy Rombeiro and her dad, Edmundo, it starts in September, when they begin the laborious process of converting their Novato, California home into a winter wonderland. By the first Sunday of December, the ordinary suburban home is transformed into a magical «Christmas House».
C. Ever since Apple introduced the front-facing camera, or selfie camera in 2010, selfies have become the undisputed king of social media. The never-ending need to share breathtaking self-portraits on popular mobile photo services like Instagram and Snapchat has often proved to be dangerous and, in some cases, even deadly.
D. Kids, whose vivid imaginations know few boundaries, frequently come up with invention ideas that range from life-changing to downright wacky. However, few see them come to life mainly because adults are not convinced of their practicality. That is about to change thanks to Little Inventors, an innovative project that connects aspiring inventors tomanufacturers.
E. When former world number one Andy Murray withdrew from the Australian Open in Melbourne last week, it was not exactly news. A few days earlier he had with drawn from the Brisbane International, having not competed in any tennis tournament since Wimbledon last year. The big news would have been if he had finally pronounced himself fit.
Текст | A | B | C | D | E |
Рубрика |
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