Контрольная работа по английскому языку 10 класс по теме "In harmony with others " Unit 2 Rainbow English
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (10 класс)
Контрольная работа по английскому языку для учащихся 10 класса Unit 2 Rainbow English. При составлении контрольной работы использовались материалы Рабочей тетради для 10 класса Rainbow English.
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Контрольная работа по английскому языку в 10 классе
потеме « In harmony with others»
Variant 1
I. Listen and say which of the facts below are true, false or not stated.
1. Modern families have different problems.
2. Too much is expected from modern parents.
3. In modern families there is more strain and pressure than love.
4. People never tried to change a traditional family.
5. Conflicts between parents and their children are often understood as a generation gap.
6. Many young people these days try to avoid having families.
7. The family will exist forever and ever.
II Read the text and complete it with the phrases (a— g). There is one phrase you don't have to use.
- from the 17th century
- to support themselves
- butterflies and birds
- is situated in
- its name is
f) with central heating and various electric devices
g) until they became a museum
The Geffrey Museum in London
There are lots of various museums in the world. The museum we want to acquaint you with is quite unique. In the United Kingdom it is the only museum which specializes in furniture
and domestic interiors of town houses. (1) the Geffrye Museum. The Geffrye
is one of the most friendly and enjoyable museums in London. Situated in the east of the capital, the museum gives a wonderful opportunity to see how English homes have developed(2)to the present day.
The exhibition is designed as a series of rooms. Each room shows furniture, costumes and interiors of a particular period, for example during the reign of Queen Victoria. As you walk along, you can see how the dark and gloomy houses of the Henry VIII (Tudor) era weregradually replaced by the houses of today,
(3) — it is a real walk through time.
The museum uses former almshouses built by Sir Robert Geffrye in 1715. Almshouses were houses for old people who did not have any money (4) . Robert Geffrye was a wealthy and successful merchant who made his fortune through trade with India and China. For his good deeds and success in business, Sir Geffrye even served as a Mayor of London. The Geffrye almshouses were beautiful buildings surrounded by big trees and attractive gardens.
The almshouses provided a home to poor pensioners and widows (5) in 1914. Shoreditch, the area where the museum is situated, is well-known for its fine local furniture makers. Originally, the main purpose of the museum was to support and encourage local furniture makers.
Today, the museum is not only a collection of English furniture and interiors but also an active education centre. Children and young people can come here to learn the basics of design, take part in theatre shows, lectures and seminars.
The Geffrye Museum also has a sequence of chronologically arranged period gardens. They highlight the past four centuries of middle-class domestic gardening and explore the connections between home interiors and gardens. The beautiful herb garden where people can see herbs from many countries has over 170 different plants. Most of the plants are traditionally associated with English herb gardens, such as roses, honeysuckles andlilies. They attract insects, (6) providing a valuable urban habitat and a useful
30learning resource for people interested in the ecology of gardens. Here visitors can get some
information about how different herbs can be used in medicine, cosmetics and cooking.
III. Choose the appropriate words in brackets to complete the sentences.
1. Let's (appeal/avoid) to the facts. 2. Teachers should have (praise/patience) with slow learners. 3. His (relation/attitude) to his younger brother was surprisingly cold. 4. John has always been popular with his friends especially with his (peers/siblings).5. (Do/Make) an effort and stop coming late.. 6. When people ask you to give them some money for a certain period of time, they (borrow/lend) it.
IV. Choose the appropriate function words in, off, on, out, up to complete the phrasal verbs in the sentences.
1. We all decided to sign …for Professor Stewart's course. 2 When you sign …at a hotel, you write your name andother particulars at the reception desk. 3. She signed …her letter with a lot of Xs as usual.4. I'm signing …. now. Bye!
V. Choose the right translation of the sentences.
1. Ann has already been spoken to.
a) Энн уже говорила.
б) С Энн уже поговорили.
2. The newspapers have not been looked through yet.
а) Газеты ещё не просматривали.
б) Газетыещёпросмотрят.
3. Tea and cakes will be served in a minute.
а) Чай и кексы принесли через минуту.
б) Чай и кексы подадут через минуту.
VI. Choose the right translation for these English idioms.
1.a very wealthy person
а) очень состоятельный человек
б) очень здоровый человек
2.to run into debt
а) залезть в долги
б) убежать от долгов
3. to be made of money
а) быть с деньгами
б) быть очень богатым
Контрольная работа по английскому языку в 10 классе
потеме « In harmony with others»
Variant 2
I. Listen and say which of the facts below are true, false or not stated.
1. Modern families have different problems.
2. Too much is expected from modern parents.
3. In modern families there is more strain and pressure than love.
4. People never tried to change a traditional family.
5. Conflicts between parents and their children are often understood as a generation gap.
6. Many young people these days try to avoid having families.
7. The family will exist forever and ever.
II. Match these Russian and English phrases.
1 установить дружеские отношения a) to do (the) ironing
2 иметь много общего b) to spend money within your means
3 наличные (деньги) c) to have much in common
4 давать кому-либо деньги в долг d) to lend money
5 семейные расходы e) to dust the furniture
6 тратить деньги по средствам f) to establish friendly relations
7 вытирать пыль с мебели g) cash money
8 гладить бельё h) a/the family expenses
III. Choose the appropriate words in brackets to complete the sentences.
I. Jane has been working (as/like) a shop assistant for several years. 2. It was reported that three people had been killed in the (accident/incident) in High Street yesterday. 3. I have always felt a deep affection (for/to) all members of your family. 4. She never (does/makes) the cleaning herself. 5. All the money you get from working or from investing money is your (allowance/income). 6. Put the (kettle/teapot) on the cooker to boil the water.
IV. Choose the appropriate function words in, off, on, out, up to complete the phrasal verbs in the sentences.
1. The company signed…two security guards last week. 2. We were ready to leave. John went downstairs to sign …while I was finishing to pack our last bag. 3. They agreed to sign …. for French conversation classes. 4. How do you usually sign … when you write to your bank manager?
V. Choose the right translation of the sentences.
1. The letters were sent the day before yesterday.
а) Письма отправят завтра.
б) Письма были отправлены позавчера.
2. Grapes are usually grown in warm countries.
а) Виноград обычно выращивают в тёплых странах.
б) Виноград выращен в тёплых странах.
3. We were told that Andrew had returned.
a) Эндрю сказал, что он вернулся.
б) Нам сказали, что Эндрю вернулся.
VI. Choose the right translation for these English idioms.
- to be quite well-off
a) быть достаточно здоровым
б) быть достаточно состоятельным
- to be on the breadline
a ) стоять в очередь за хлебом
б) быть на грани нищеты
- to be up to one's ears in debt
a) быть по уши в долгах
б) убегать от долгов
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