Проверочная работа на тему "Present Simple and Past Simple" (6 класс)
методическая разработка по английскому языку (6 класс)

Паршина Ксения Валентиновна

Проверочная работа на тему "Present Simple and Past Simple" (6 класс)


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Предварительный просмотр:

Вариант 1.

Put the verbs into the correct form.

  1. Mary ____________ (dance) every Thursday.
  2. Polly ____________ (sing) last Saturday.
  3. Tom and Sam _________ (buy) a boat 2 days ago.
  4. Tom and Sam often _____________ (swim) in their new boat.
  5. We never ___________ (play) basketball on Mondays.
  6. We _____________ (play) volleyball yesterday.
  7. Daddy sometimes ____________ (not go) to work.
  8. Wendy ______________ (not pass) her exam last week.
  9. I _____________ (not like) my uniform.
  10. They ___________ (not find) a teacher 2 lessons ago.
  11. __________ you often __________ (call) your grandma?
  12. _________ she usually ___________ (drink) tea?
  13. _______ he ____________ (win) the race last Tuesday?
  14. ________ they __________ (walk) in the park yesterday?

Вариант 1.

Put the verbs into the correct form.

  1. Mary ____________ (dance) every Thursday.
  2. Polly ____________ (sing) last Saturday.
  3. Tom and Sam _________ (buy) a boat 2 days ago.
  4. Tom and Sam often _____________ (swim) in their new boat.
  5. We never ___________ (play) basketball on Mondays.
  6. We _____________ (play) volleyball yesterday.
  7. Daddy sometimes ____________ (not go) to work.
  8. Wendy ______________ (not pass) her exam last week.
  9. I _____________ (not like) my uniform.
  10. They ___________ (not find) a teacher 2 lessons ago.
  11. __________ you often __________ (call) your grandma?
  12. _________ she usually ___________ (drink) tea?
  13. _______ he ____________ (win) the race last Tuesday?
  14. ________ they __________ (walk) in the park yesterday?

Вариант 2.

Put the verbs into the correct form.

  1. Mary ____________ (eat) fish every Saturday.
  2. Perry ____________ (dance) last Monday.
  3. We _____________ (sell) a car 3 months ago.
  4. Bob and Sam sometimes ____________ (wash) the dishes.
  5. Wendy never ___________ (clean) her room on Sundays.
  6. They ____________ (play) piano yesterday.
  7. Mommy sometimes _____________ (not cook) the breakfast.
  8. Polly ______________ (not buy) a house a month ago.
  9. My friends ____________ (not like) the bad weather.
  10. We _________ (not swim) in the sea last summer.
  11. __________ she often ____________ (eat) vegetables?
  12. ___________ you __________ (pass) the exam last year?
  13. What ________ you usually __________ (drink)?
  14. ___________ Helen ________ (miss) the school yesterday?

Вариант 2.

Put the verbs into the correct form.

  1. Mary ____________ (eat) fish every Saturday.
  2. Perry ____________ (dance) last Monday.
  3. We _____________ (sell) a car 3 months ago.
  4. Bob and Sam sometimes ____________ (wash) the dishes.
  5. Wendy never ___________ (clean) her room on Sundays.
  6. They ____________ (play) piano yesterday.
  7. Mommy sometimes _____________ (not cook) the breakfast.
  8. Polly ______________ (not buy) a house a month ago.
  9. My friends ____________ (not like) the bad weather.
  10. We _________ (not swim) in the sea last summer.
  11. __________ she often ____________ (eat) vegetables?
  12. ___________ you __________ (pass) the exam last year?
  13. What ________ you usually __________ (drink)?
  14. ___________ Helen ________ (miss) the school yesterday?

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