Passive Voice Test
тест по английскому языку (9 класс)

Тест на употребление разных времен пассивного залога.


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Passive Voice Test

Выберите правильную форму глагола:

(Обратите внимание, что в тесте есть предложения в активном залоге)

1. The city park  ______________  .

 maintains well

 is well maintained

 be well maintained

2. «Eugene Onegin«  ______________  a classic of Russian Literature.


 is considered


3. The bakery ______________ at around 8 am.

 be open

 is being opened


4. It ______________ to park in front of the restaurant.

 is forbidden

 is forbidding

 is being forbidden

5. I’ll go to the office by metro because my car ______________ .

 is repairing

 is being repaired

 is repaired

6. She ______________ in ghosts.

 has never believed

 has never be believed

 has never been believed

7. He always ______________ his room clean.


 is kept

 be kept

8. All bills must ______________ until the end of the month.

 be paying


 be paid

9. Next week’s classes ______________ due to a holiday.

 will cancel

 must cancel

 will be canceled

10. While I was swimming my bag ______________ .


 was been stolen

 was stolen

11. Tchaikovsky  ______________  Swan Lake in 1876.

 has composed


 was composed

12. I had my hair ______________ on Friday.

 was cut



13. Kate ______________ to me by my friend.

 was introducing


 was introduced

14. The parcel  ______________  to the recipient in time.

 was being delivered


 was delivered

15. The conference  ______________  in the town hall.

 will be held

 will held

 will hold

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