Презентация к уроку английского языка в 7 классе "How to cope with stress".
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (7 класс)
Презентация к уроку английского языка в 7 классе "How to cope with stress".
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Psychologist Which of the following stresses you the most? Number the situations below from 1 (most stressful) to 10 (least stressful) according to their stress factor! to argue with a friend to have a doctor’s appointment to lose something valuable to change schools to move house to sit tests/exams to disagree with parents to have too much homework to have a party to practice an instrument/sport p.96 ex.2
Which is more stressful? Ex.2 p.96 I find Ving Rather stressful. I find Ving more stressful than Ving I find Ving the most stressful.
sit around (v): spend time doing nothing interesting or useful (бездельничать) blame (n): accountability (вина) gets away with (phr v): escape without punishment (уходить от ответа) rumours (n): information that may or may not be true (слухи) unfair (adj): unjust (несправедливый) gossip (v): say bad things about sb (сплетничать) harmless (adj): not dangerous (безвредный) hurtful (adj): that hurts your feelings (болезненный) mean (adj): nasty (злой, подлый) management (n): control (контроль) separate (v): move apart (разделять) allow (v): let (разрешать) have it your way (exp): get what you want (получать, что хочешь) co-operate (v): work together (сотрудничать) scratch (v): ( поцарапать) p.96ex.3 New words:
Translate from English into Russian : Sit around blame get away with rumors unfair gossip harmless hurtful mean management allow have it your way cooperate separate
UNLESS=IF NOT I won’t take you to the party if you don’t tidy your room I won’t take you to the party unless you tidy your room. Unless the children behave themselves, they won’t go to the zoo. Unless Jim pays the electricity bill, it will get cut off. Unless students study, they won’t pass their exams. Ex.5
If you V1…, you should(not) V1… Coping with tests or exams. (p.97 ex.6) -want to have a good head -have a headache -get tired easily -have a backache -have lots of questions don’t understand any questions feel nervous have a lot to study forget easily Want to do well Revise early Make notes. Make a plan Listen to music Think of something pleasant Study the most difficult tasks Ask your teacher to help you Start the preparations beforehand Do some exercises Have a snack. Air the room Go for a walk Have a cup of tea with lemon Have a good breakfast
Don't fall behind now, just when you're doing so well. — Не снижай обороты, сейчас у тебя всё очень хорошо получается. The work of this class has been falling behind recently. — В последнее время этот класс стал учиться хуже. If your payments of rent fall behind , you will be asked to leave. — Если вы будете задерживать оплату, вас попросят освободить помещение.
FALL OUT WITH ССОРИТЬСЯ С… I had a falling out with my sister last month and we haven't talked to each other since. I’m a peaceful person and I don’t like to fall out with somebody. My neighbors fall out with each other every few weeks. If you are friends you should not fall out with each other.
1 . And that's where your story begins to fall apart . - И тут ваша история начинает разваливаться . 2 . Their group fell apart — их группа распалась 3 . O ur old car is falling apart — наша старая машина разваливается
Do’s. (p.97 ex.9) Learn to cooperate Make weekly planners Manage your time better Take it easy Ask for help Revise early for exams Get enough sleep Keep your sense of humor Focus on the positive Go for a walk. Spend time in nature. Call a good friend. Sweat out tension with a good workout. Write in your journal. Take a long bath. Do something you enjoy. Enjoy a warm cup of coffee or tea. Watch a comedy. Work in your garden. Learn to say “No”. Read a good book. Listen to music. Eat a healthy diet. Exercise regularly. Express your feelings instead of bottling them up
Don’ts. (p.97 ex.9) Don’t believe everything you hear Don’t leave things to the last minute Don’t want it your way all the time Don’t argue with your friend Don’t be jealous Don’t spread gossip Don’t think much about hard moments Don’t try to control the uncontrollable
Cinquain - stress -2 adjectives -3 verbs -Your attitude towards the topic -Synonym/ another word for it
Home task P.97 ex.6-give 5 pieces of advice to cope with stress preparing for exams. Ex.7, ex.8-learn the phrasal verb “fall”
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