Презентация к УМК Spotlight
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (5 класс)

Ольга Владимировна Гусева

Module 4 c


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Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1


Слайд 2

/w/ /v/ /i/ /i:/ Look at the words. Put them in four columns according to the sounds they have. Read the columns out. wow, Pete, dip, verse, speak, quite, where, need, vow, city, feel, minute, twice, vest

Слайд 3

Shakira’s full name is……. She is from (place)….. Her birthday is on (date)…. She has got….. Her hobbies are….. She can….

Слайд 4

Shakira’s full name is……. She is from (place)….. Her birthday is on (date)…. She has got….. Her hobbies are….. She can….

Слайд 5

Read the sentences and correct them. Use information from ex. 1, p. 60 in your SB. Shakira’s full name is Shakira Isabel. She is from Turkey. She was born in 1980. She has got two brothers and five sisters. Her hobbies are watching soap operas and dancing to rave. She can speak two languages, dance and run.

Слайд 8

Self-control 1 - B 2 - A 3 - B 4 - C

Слайд 9

Complete : 1. My f_ _ _ _ _ and my 2.m _ _ _ _ _ are my parents. 3. My mother’s father is my g_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . 4. My father’s mother is my g_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . 5. My mother’s brother is my u _ _ _ _. 6. My father’s sister is my a _ _ _. 7. My mother’s son is my b _ _ _ _ _ _ . 8. My mother’s daughter is my s _ _ _ _ _ .

Слайд 10

Choose the correct word. 9 . That is his/ her bag. It’s Jane’s bag. 10. Help I/me ! 11. This is my/ me bed. 12. His/ He dog is black. 13. You/Your sister is naughty. 14. I can’t see Jessica and Jeremy. They/Them aren’t here. 15. Look at her/his . 16. We/Our cat is white. 17. I can’t find their/them .

Слайд 11

Make sentences with CAN/CAN`T. 18. Lisa/ make pizza . ( + ) 19. Joseph/ play the guitar. ( ?) 20. Karen/ speak Italian. (-) 21. Peter/sing. ( + ) 22. Who/ help me. ( ?)

Слайд 12

Choose the correct preposition: My dad has a car. (Her, he, his) car is red. (Their, them, they) house is quite big. I like (your, him, it) answer. (My, mine, your) dog wails (his, her, its) tail when I come from school. We live in a town. (Our, his, ours) town is very nice. She wears (their, her, his) dress to school every day. This is my mother. Look at … This is my brother. Look at … Who’s that girl? What is …name? Ann, can I ask …something? He is my friend. …go to school together. …eyes are kind. Did you call them? … car is in front of the house.

Слайд 13

Choose the correct word Hi, Sonya! This is a picture of my/ I / me family. I / My Mum's name is Joy and her / she is a teacher. My / Me Dad's name is Alex and his / he is a doctor. Me / I have also got a brother. He / His name is John and I love his / him a lot! Us / We are a very happy family! Look at we I us in this holiday picture! We are all smiling! Write soon and tell my / me about you/ your family! Love, Martha

Слайд 14

Fill in the correct object pronoun. These are my sisters. Look at …. ! Can you give …. my bag, please? That is Paul, I don't like …. Mrs Green is our teacher. We see…. every day at school. Look at ….! We are on the tree!

Слайд 15

The Possessive Case of Nouns Притяжательный падеж существительных ‘s - для ед. числа The dog’s box- коробка собаки ‘ - для множ . числа The cats’ basket- корзина кошек

Слайд 16


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