Summer reading list for the 6th form
методическая разработка по английскому языку (6 класс)

Соловьёва Юлия Валерьевна

Summer reading list for the 6th form


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Summer reading list for the 6th form

Summer is here! But that is no reason not to study English. When you have some free time, why not do one of these things:

Read an English book

Here are some books you can read. You can find the pdf files of the books here: 

The Hound of the BaskervilleThe Hound of the Baskervilles by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle: 9780140437867 | Books

When the services of famed detective Sherlock Holmes are engaged to ensure the safety of Baskerville heir Sir Henry - recently arrived from America - Dr Watson is surprised to find his friend dismissive of the matter. In fact, Watson is dispatched alone to accompany Sir Henry to Baskerville Hall in Devon while Holmes deals with another case.
Yet Watson finds the wild moors are a far cry from the orderly streets of London, and in the cold night a savage and bestial howl may be heard . . .

The Railway Children

When Father is taken away unexpectedly, Roberta, Peter, Phyllis and their mother have to leave their comfortable life in London to go and live in a small cottage in the country. The children seek solace in the nearby railway station, and make friends with Perks the Porter and the Station Master himself. Each day, Roberta, Peter and Phyllis run down the field to the railway track and wave at the passing London train, sending their love to Father. Little do they know that the kindly old gentleman passenger who waves back holds the key to their father's disappearance.The Railway Children – English Central

Legends of King Arthur

King Arthur is a legendary British leader who, according to Medieval histories and romances, led the defense of Britain against Saxon invaders in the early sixth century. The details of Arthur's story are mainly composed of folklore and literary invention, and his historical existence is debated and disputed by modern historians.
King Arthur - World History Encyclopedia

The Headless Horseman

Texas in the 19th century. The War with Mexico is still a recent memory, marauding Comanches are a daily threat for new settlers of the Lone Star State. Louise Poindexter, a beautiful newcomer, is courted by two men - the arrogant and vindictive Cassius Calhoun and the dashing but poor mustanger Maurice Gerald. Calhoun plots to eliminate his rival when tragedy strikes: Louise's brother, the young Henry Poindexter is murdered. All clues point to Maurice Gerald as the assassin. At the same time an eerie rider is spotted in the environs of the Poindexter plantation - a horseman without a head! Is it the ghost of Henry Poindexter crying out for revenge? Is it the Devil himself laying claim to the blood-tainted land? Many puzzling and frightful events will take place before the mystery of the Headless Horseman is solved and the murderer of Henry Poindexter is brought before Justice\Headless Horseman | Myths and Folklore Wiki | Fandom

Watch a film

  1. It takes two ("Двое: я и моя тень" (1995) на английском с субтитрами онлайн | - Фильмы в оригинале и переводе на другие языки)
  2. Casper ("Каспер" (1995) на английском с субтитрами онлайн | - Фильмы в оригинале и переводе на другие языки)
  3. Hachi: A Dog's Tale ("Хатико: самый верный друг"(2009) на английском с субтитрами | - Фильмы в оригинале и переводе на другие языки)
  4. Beauty and the Beast ("Красавица и чудовище" (2017) на английском с субтитрами онлайн | - Фильмы в оригинале и переводе на другие языки)
  5. The Parent Trap ("Ловушка для родителей" (The parent trap, 1998) на английском онлайн | - Фильмы в оригинале и переводе на другие языки)
  6. The Greatest Showman (Величайший шоумен на английском языке с субтитрами (
  7. The Cinderella Story (История Золушки на английском языке с субтитрами (
  8. Beethoven (Бетховен на английском языке с субтитрами (
  9. Ratatouille (Рататуй на английском с субтитрами (
  10.  Rise of the Guardians (Хранители снов на английском языке с субтитрами в HD (

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