Итоговая контрольная работа 8 класс В.П.Кузовлев
тест по английскому языку (8 класс)
Предварительный просмотр:
1.Complete the questions.
1. He is here, … ? a) is he b) isn’t he c) does he d) doesn’t he
2. My sister asked me, …? a) doesn’t he b) didn’t he c) doesn’t she d) didn’t she
3. We could not go out, … ? a) doesn’t we b) can we c) could we d) couldn’t we
4. The children were very glad, … ? a) were the children b) were they c) weren’t they d) weren’t the children
5. The students have written the test this year, … ? a) haven’t they b) haven’t the students c) have they d) have the students
6. The girl listens to the story, … ? a) do she b) does she c) doesn’t the girl d) doesn’t she 7. The Browns go to the shop, … ? a) do they b) don’t they c) do the Browns d) don’t the Browns 8. They are kind, … ? a) are they b) don’t they c) aren’t they d) weren’t they
9. Jane wasn’t in the library, … ? a) was she b) wasn’t she c) was Jane d) wasn’t Jane
10. Mike had left the hostel by 6 o’clock yesterday, … ? a) had he b) hadn’t he c) had Mike d)hadn’t Mike
2. Open the brackets.
- You (consider) to be the most fashionable girl in our class.
- The English (think) to be polite.
- Tony (suppose) to be an excellent doctor.
- The British (believe) to be intellectual.
- Kate (know) to be hard-working.
- She(consider) to have a “sweet -tooth”
- He (know) to spend a lot of money on cars.
3.Complete the sentences:
- … is a public occasion when many people get together to enjoy wonderful flowers. It is a romantic festival of flowers and beautiful gardens.
- … is joyful. Some people in Britain celebrate it. It is also associated with fancy costumes, first footing and the New Year family dinner. Some people send postcards to their relatives and friends, even to those people they haven’t seen for a long time.
- … , which is held in London, is the biggest one in Europe. People from Caribbian countries dance and sing taking part in this fantastic parade.
- … is a religious holiday which is celebrated on the 25th of December. People decorate Christmas trees, give presents to each other and have a big family dinner.
- … is a colorful festival when children wear costumes of ghosts and witches and play tricks with their friends.
- … is observed on the fifth of November when people in Britain light fireworks and burn a straw Guy on a bonfire. This celebration is associated with collecting money for charity.
- … is a funny custom. It is famous for an unusual race with frying pans and pancakes.
The New Year’s Day; Pancake Day; Notting Hill Carnival; Christmas; Halloween; Guy Fox Night; Chelsea Flower Show. |
4. Translate into English.
1. Я предпочитаю легкую атлетику боксу и борьбе.
2. Британия – родина многих популярных видов спорта, таких как футбол, регби, гольф, теннис, бадминтон.
3. Многие люди увлекаются плаванием.
4. У меня хорошо получается теннис.
5.Спорт формирует характер.
6.Спорт помогает поддерживать форму и оставаться активным.
7. Спорт учит вас побеждать и проигрывать.
5. Complete the sentences. One word is extra:
a healthy way of life, used to, overweight, skip meals, give up, junk food. |
- Today more and more people are ___________________
- He has to ____________smoking or it will be too late.
- Everyone should lead _________________to keep fit and stay healthy.
- _____________ can lead to obesity and other diseases.
- Never ______________. It’s a very unhealthy habit.
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