Система упражнений для отработки времени "Past Simple"
методическая разработка по английскому языку

Боталова Ирина Александровна

В качестве отработки матриала по теме "Past Simple" учащиеся выполняют задания


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Предварительный просмотр:

Система упражнений на употребление The Past Simple Tense


1. Give the second form of the verbs.

to do-                                            to open-

to look-                                                 to read-

to cut-                                                 to see-

to decide-                                              to give-

to live-                                               to like-

to get-                                               to tell-

2. Give the first form of the verbs.

took-                                                                                   loved-

were-                said-

lived-                looked-

answered-                came-

gave-                saw-

danced-                wanted-

3. Write the forms of the verbs.











4. Say where you and your family were. Use the table.


Last week

Three days ago

A week ago

Last Sunday




my friend

my grandmother



at home

at school

at the library

at the cinema

at work

at the theatre

at the club

5. Answer the questions.

1. Where were you at 7 p.m. yesterday?

2. Where were you in summer?

3.  Was your father at home in the afternoon yesterday?

4. Where was your mother yesterday?

5. Were you at home at this time yesterday?

6. Where were you born?

6. Translate words in brackets into English.

1. (Два года назад) we wrote a dictation in English.

2. (Вчера) the children went to the cinema.

3. The boys played football in the yard (в прошлый понедельник).

4. (Давно) went to the village to see our grandmother.

7. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple Tense.

1. He (to come) to school after the first lesson yesterday.

2. The weather (to be) cold last week.

3. When I (to be) a little girl I (to spend) summer in the village.

4. Why did you (to return) so late home yesterday?

5. I (to get) two good marks in English two days ago.

6. The children did not (to study) English two days ago.

7. Where (to be) you at three o’clock p.m. yesterday? I  (to be) at home.

8. Make questions to the sentences.

1. Mike went to England a month ago.

a) Who? b) Where? c) When?

2. The boys played games out of doors last Sunday.

a) Who? b) Where? c) When? D) What?

9. Write a letter to your friend about your last visit to the Zoo\ cinema. Write about these things:

  • when you went there;
  • who you went with;
  • what you saw;
  • how long you were there.

10. Make the questions to the answers.

a) A: … …

    B: I went to the library yesterday.

    A: … …

    B: I too the book “Two Captains” by Kaverin.

11. Listen, repeat, read and act.

- Did you like your summer holidays?

- Yes, I did.

- Where did you go?

- We went to the seaside.

- What was the weather like?

- It was sunny and warm.

- What did you do at the seaside?

- We bathed in the sea.

 12. Say it in English.

1. Ты навестила свою бабушку в прошлое воскресенье? Ты не навестила свою бабушку в прошлое воскресенье? Моя сестра навестила нашу бабушку в прошлое воскресенье.

Я не навестила бабушку в прошлое воскресенье.

2. Мы  были в театре неделю назад. Вы были в театре неделю назад? Я не был в театре неделю назад. Он был в театре неделю назад. Разве они не были в театре неделю назад?

Они были в театре неделю назад.

13.  Listen, repeat and remember. Find the meaning of the underlined words.

I got up early,

Jumped out of bed,

I washed my hands

And stood on my head.

I jumped for joy

And put on my clothes,

I cleaned my teeth

And rubbed my nose.

I had my breakfast,

Brushed my hair,

I packed my things

And sat on the chair.

I went to my room,

Opened the door.

 I saw my books

On the floor.

I picked them up,

Three or four,

Said “Good- bye”,

Went to the door.

With happiness and joy

I ran to school,

I got an excellent mark,

My day was cool!

14.Answer the  questions.

1. Как образуется утвердительная форма правильных глаголов в Past Simple?

2. Когда мы читаем окончание правильных глаголов t, d, id?

3. Что происходит с конечной буквой “e” перед окончанием “ed”?

4. При помощи какого вспомогательного глагола образуются вопросительная и отрицательная формы глаголов в Past Simple?

5. Для обозначения каких действий употребляется Past Simple?

6. С какими словами обычно употребляется  Past Simple?


Т. Никоненко «Домашний репетитор». Тесты по грамматике английского языка Айрис пресс рольф, Москва

В.Г. Гвинерия  «Как быстро овладеть системой времени английского глагола» Институт учебника Paideia ,М.

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