учебно-методический материал по английскому языку
Предварительный просмотр:
- Use the right forms of the verbs on the right to complete the story.
Christopher Columbus
Christopher Columbus is a famous traveler from Spain. He (1) discovered Central America in 1492. He (2) ______ the first man (3)_______there. Columbus (4)_____born in Spain but he (5) _____in Italy for many years. He (6) ______a lot of voyages. During them he (7)______(8)_______a lot of gold to the King of Spain who (9) ______Columbus money for his voyages. The great traveler (10) ______west and three weeks later (11) _____a new land where he (12) ______some people and he (13) _____them Indians. Columbus (14) _____in 1506. People (15) ______to speak about the new land. They (16) _____that this discovery (17)______very important.
- Complete the sentences with the derivatives of the words on the right.
- Thanksgiving is a traditional American holiday.
- Columbus’ ________of America is very important.
- It was a __________talk.
- His answer was really ____________.
- The children had a __________voyage to the islands last week.
- Columbus’ voyages to America are very _________.
- I ________fought with my friend.
- There are a lot of _________mountains in the east of the country.
- Many _______came to see him.
- The city looked really _________on that day.
get, be
hope, bring
find, meet
say, be
3. Match the words in the two columns and use the word combinations to complete the sentences.
- easy a) address
- difficult b) actor
- different c) job
- regular d) exercise
- useful e) country
- successful f) diet
- healthy g) hours
- busy h) woman
- free i) book
- If you want to live a long life, keep regular hours.
- Jerry doesn’t live at number 9, High Street. He has got a ____________________________.
- Emma keeps to a __________________________________________of vegetables and fruit.
- Is it an ________________________________________________________to build houses?
- We all want to live in a _______________________________________________________.
- Exercise 10 was not easy, it was a ______________________________________________.
- George Clooney is an ______________________. People in many countries know his name.
- Mrs Spencer is a journalist. Every day she has so much to do. I think she is a very __________________________________________________________________________.
- You can find answers to many questions here. I think it is a very ______________________.
4. Write the beginning of the fairy tales (3-5 sentences)
Once upon a time there lived a king. He ________________________________________________
These ______ come from ______.They usually live in families. ______ animals love their ______ and look _____ them. They live in places where there are a lot of trees and sleep in nests in trees. They_____travel__________. These are clever and playful animals. People ____ they are ____ easy to _______.
These animals come from Africa. They _____ live in_______. Older animals love their young and look after them. They ______in places where ______are a lot of trees and ______in nests in trees. They often travel together. These are ________ and _________ animals. People say they are very easy to teach
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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