Текст "Tambov"
материал по английскому языку (7 класс)
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Tambov is one of the oldest Russian towns. It was founded in 1636 as a fortress to defend the place from the Tatars. The fortress was built on the tsar`s edict under the supervision of Roman Boborykin. The place for the fortress was found at the confluence of 2 rivers the Tsna and the Studenets. They served as a ditch in the West and the East. In the North and the South the fortress was surrounded with the wall with 12 towers. The Cathedral Square (Oktyabrskaya Square), the building of Tambov State University named after Derzhavin, the Town Common Park and the House of Children`s Creative Work are placed here today. By October 1637 the construction of the town had been finished.
At the beginning of the 18th century Tambov lost its role as a fortress and it became an administrative and trade centre. G.R. Derzhavin was the first governor of Tambov. He was a well-educated man for his times and a well-known poet. Hi was the governor for 2 years only but he did a lot for our town. When he came to Tambov there were no definite streets in the town. There were only churches and the market place on the map of the town. The appearance of it changed almost every year because of the fires. Derzhavin made up his mind to make a new plan for a town. The first streets were: Bolshaya Astrakhanskaya (now Sovetskaya), the Long Street (Karl Marx Street), Bazarnaya, Obvodnaya (now Proletarskaya).
Derzhavin paid much attention to the construction of some buildings in Tambov. He corresponded with the famous Russian architect of the ХYШth century Nickolai Aleksandrovich Lvov asking for his help and advice. Some public buildings were created to a design of the Italian architect Dzhacomo Trombara.
The first drama theatre, situated in Teatralnaya (now Rabochaya) Street, was built under the supervision of the Italian architect Lukini. The old theatre hasn`t survived.
In 1779 the Tambov Province was formed. It included 13 towns. And then Tambov received its emblem: a hive and three bees. It`s a symbol of friendship and industry. Since 1786 Tambov has had its own newspaper.
Nowadays Tambov is a centre of a large agricultural region. It is also an industrial and cultural centre. There are a lot of plants and factories in our town: Revtrud, Apparat, Komsomolets, Polimermash and Chemical plant Pigment. Scientific achievements in our region in agriculture are connected with the name of Ivan Michurin. Now we have a large laboratory and a scientific institute named after him. He is the author of many new sorts of apples, pears, cherries The ancient town Kozlov was named after him. Michurinsk is also connected with the name of the famous artist Gerasimov. In 1918 he was the first president of the Academy of Arts in our country. A lot of people all over the world know the name of Vernandsky who was born in Tambov. He was a scientist, a biologist, a philosopher.
Life of many remarkable people was closely connected with the history of Tambov. A well-known poet Boratynski, a famous writer Sergeev-Tsenski, a composer Ivan Ivanovich Dzerzhinsky were born here.