Презентация на тему "Conditionals"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (9 класс)
Презентация на тему "Conditionals" содержит теоретическую информацию, а также упражнения на тренировку употребления всех четырех типов условных предложений.
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Подписи к слайдам:
The structure If – clause, main clause . (result) Main clause (result) i f – clause.
Types: Zero Conditional Conditional I Conditional II Conditional III
Zero Conditional If – clause, main clause . (result) The Present Simple Tense The Present Simple Tense General truth
Если нагревать лед, то он тает. Example: If you heat ice, it melts . If you give respect , you get respect . Если вы уважаете окружающих, то и вас уважают.
If you (love ) nature, you never (throw ) rubbish outdoors . If I (get up) late, I usually (have ) a headache. When you (speak), your vocal chords (vibrate) . If you ( not, eat ) for a long time, you (get ) weak . If you ( boil) ice, it (melt ) and (turn ) into water. When a storm (begin ), people (to shelter ) in their homes. Zero conditional
Conditional I If – clause, main clause . ( result ) The Present Simple Tense Will + infinitive A possible condition and its probable result
Example: The match will be cancelled if it rains . Матч отменят , если пойдет дождь .
1 st Conditional If he (have) a temperature, he (go) to the doctor. If we (walk ) to the park, we (feed ) some birds there. If you (wear) this blouse, you (look) a bit strange. If they (go ) to the disco, they (dance) all night long. If I (go ) to the theatre, I (watch ) an amazing play. If you (study ) hard , you (pass ) this exam. If you (play ) this composition, your guests (be pleased). If Bob (forget ) his umbrella, I (give ) him mine. If the sun (to shine) all day , we (go ) swimming.
Open the brackets, define the type of the conditional (0 or I). You … (be) late if you (not, hurry up). I … (buy) a car if I … (get) my rise. If water … (be) heated to 100°C, it … (turn) to steam. If anyone … (call), just say I … (be) back in the office at four o'clock. If someone …. ( disturb) the nest, the bird … (abandon) it. You … (feel) cold if you … (not, wear) a coat. If I … (not, get) enough sleep, I … (get) a headache. We … (have) the party in the garden if the weather … (be) good.
Conditional II If – clause, main clause . (result) The Past Simple Tense Would + infinitive A hypothetical condition and its probable result
Remember! In Conditional II the verb “to be” sometimes has the form “were” instead of “was” If I were you, I would give him one more chance.
If Jane (be ) rich, she (study ) abroad. If it (snow ) now, it (be ) really difficult to get to the country for us. If somebody (rob ) your house, what (do ) you? If I ever (get ) married, I (do ) it only of love. If I ( see) Jack, I (be) really pleased to meet him. If I (have ) enough money, I (buy) a country cottage. 2 d Conditional
Если бы мы перерабатывали мусор, наша окружающая среда была бы чище. Example: If we recycled the litter, our environment would be cleaner.
Conditional III If – clause, main clause . (result) The Past Perfect Tense Would + The Present Perfect Tense An unreal past condition and its probable result in the past
Если бы ты пригласил их, они бы пришли. (Но ты их не пригласил, и, поэтому, они не пришли.) Example: If you had invited them, they would have come .
If we (begin ) the work earlier, we (have ) more time. If she ( study) harder, she (pass) her exam better then. Mary (buy ) some bread if she (not, forget ) about it. They ( not, get ) into that accident if Jack ( not, drive) so fast. The cats (get out) if the door (not, be ) locked. If Sam (ask ) me about the matter, I (answer ) all his questions. I (call ) the police if I (see ) those robbers again. 3 d Conditional
Open the brackets, define the type of the conditional (II or III). If I … (be) you , Mrs Black, I … (worry) about it. I … (work) for them even if they paid me twice my current salary . If she … (call) me yesterday, I (know) that information. If I ( won) that award that day, my life … (change). If she … (study) science at the university, she … (find) a better job . Unfortunately, she hadn’t. If I … (have) more money, I … (can) buy a new car . I … (low) the taxes if I … (be) the President.
Name the types of conditional sentences If I were you, I would tell him about their plan. If he had come yesterday, we would have met him. If this story were not interesting, I wouldn't read it! If we had come a minute later, we would not have seen the matter. If it rains hard for a long time, water runs along the streets. If I have some free time, I will call on you.
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