How tolerant are you?
методическая разработка по английскому языку (9, 10 класс)
Методическая разработка внеклассного занятия по английскому языку с использованием ИКТ в 9 «а» классе, посвященная тематическому дню профилактики правонарушений среди несовершеннолетних.
Тема занятия: “ How tolerant you are?” (Насколько ты толерантен?)
Цели занятия.
Предметные: развитие навыков монологической и диалогической речи, обучение высказыванию собственного мнения (как вежливо соглашаться и не соглашаться с чужим мнением), активизация лексики по темам «Национальности», «Профессии», «Характер и внешность человека», закрепление грамматических навыков по теме «Модальные глаголы» и «Инфинитив».
Метапредметные: развитие речевой деятельности и навыков сотрудничества.
Развивающие: развитие внимания, воображения и логического мышления.
Воспитательные: формирование толерантного сознания у учащихся, расширение представления о понятии «толерантность».
Техническое оснащение и раздаточный материал: компьютеры c выходом в интернет, опросы “How tolerant you are?”, фотографии и картинки для проведения игры «Угадай профессию», карточки со словами по теме «Национальности», «Внешность и характер человека», «Профессии», грамоты и небольшие призы для поощрения самых активных учеников, сертификаты «Самый толерантный ученик класса».
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Предварительный просмотр:
Методическая разработка внеклассного занятия по английскому языку с использованием ИКТ в 9 «а» классе, посвященная тематическому дню профилактики правонарушений среди несовершеннолетних.
Автор-составитель: Капитанова Мария Александровна, учитель английского языка ГБОУ СОШ № 255.
Тема занятия: “ How tolerant you are?” (Насколько ты толерантен?)
Цели занятия.
Предметные: развитие навыков монологической и диалогической речи, обучение высказыванию собственного мнения (как вежливо соглашаться и не соглашаться с чужим мнением), активизация лексики по темам «Национальности», «Профессии», «Характер и внешность человека», закрепление грамматических навыков по теме «Модальные глаголы» и «Инфинитив».
Метапредметные: развитие речевой деятельности и навыков сотрудничества.
Развивающие: развитие внимания, воображения и логического мышления.
Воспитательные: формирование толерантного сознания у учащихся, расширение представления о понятии «толерантность».
Техническое оснащение и раздаточный материал: компьютеры c выходом в интернет, опросы “How tolerant you are?”, фотографии и картинки для проведения игры «Угадай профессию», карточки со словами по теме «Национальности», «Внешность и характер человека», «Профессии», грамоты и небольшие призы для поощрения самых активных учеников, сертификаты «Самый толерантный ученик класса».
Ход урока.
Организационный момент. Приветствие, вводная часть и ознакомление учащихся с целями и планом занятия.
Teacher: Hello, my dear students! Welcome to our lesson. I`m glad to see you.
Students: Hello, we are glad to see you, too.
Teacher: Today, we are going to speak about tolerance and its an important meaning for the modern society. Could you tell me what does tolerance mean for you?
Students: This definition has got a lot of meanings, for example it can mean patience, love, respect, equal rights …
Teacher: You gave a lot of definitions of tolerance. But what can intolerance lead to?
Students: It can lead to conflicts, wars, nationalism, racism…
Основная часть занятия. Дискуссия “National prejudices” (Национальные предрассудки)
T: Good, you are right. And now I`d like you to look through your pieces of paper. You can see the list of different nationalities, such as the English, Americans, French, German, Italians, Russians and other. Your task is to describe the typical stereotypes of each nationality and then discuss together if these stereotypes are fair.
Ученики работают в мини-группах по 3-4 человека. Они составляют список наиболее распространенных стереотипов (как хороших, так и плохих) о людях различных национальностей и совместно обсуждают, насколько справедливы эти стереотипы. Ученики обмениваются мнениями и выражают своё согласие или несогласие с точкой зрения других участников дискуссии. Каждый ученик должен высказать свое мнение по данной проблеме. Приблизительные ответы учеников во время дискуссии: Student 1. “I think most British people are quite reserved and a little bit arrogant.” Student 2. “Unfortunately I disagree with my partner, because to my mind the British are open-minded and friendly enough. But at the same time they can be snobbish to the strangers” etc. Ученики составляют список положительных и отрицательных черт тех или иных национальностей.
Игра “Guess the person`s job” (Угадай профессию человека)
Teacher: You are well done. The next task for you will be collect pictures and photos of people who have different jobs. Use the Internet to find all necessary information. You must know what people`s jobs are, but their jobs shouldn`t be indicated in the pictures, for example, nobody should be wearing a uniform. I would like you divide into three groups. You will have the leader in your group. His or her task will be hand some of the pictures to the students of other group and ask them to guess what jobs these people have. The other students should give reasons about why they have come to their decisions. After each group has spoken, the leaders of the teams reveal the people`s real jobs.
In the end of the game the teacher ask the students if they think they were fair in the opinions they formed of the people.
Примерные вопросы учителя: Did you make judgments because people were male? Do you really think there are some jobs that can be well done only by women? Why do you think so? Is it good to discriminate any person because of his or her gender?
После того, как ученики ответили на все вопросы и высказали свою точку зрения, учитель награждает самых активных небольшими призами.
Опрос учеников «Насколько ты толерантен?»
Teacher: And now you are completing the questionnaire “How tolerant you are”. After completing, you should add up your scores and share your results with your classmates. Please, be honest and active.
Ученики индивидуально выполняют опрос, а затем обсуждают его со всем классом. По итогам подсчета голосов, самые толерантные ученики награждаются сертификатами и призами (в конце занятия).
Questionnaire “How tolerant you are?”
Please, answer the following questions HONESTLY. Circle the most appropriate answer (a, b or c) from your point of view.
1. Your school arranges an exchange with an English school. You meet the English boy/ girl who is going to stay with you for the first time. He/she is not very attractive and has unfashionable clothes. Before you have spoken to him/her, what do you think?
a) This person isn`t cool enough to stay with me.
b) If he/she has a nice personality, I`ll enjoy spending time with him/her.
c) Is this what all English look like? It`s so strange!
2. You have a teacher, who speaks with a very strong regional accent. How do you react?
a) Wait until you are outside the classroom then copy his/her accent to amuse your friends.
b) Think “How am I supposed to believe anything he/she says with a stupid voice like that?”
c) You notice his/her accent but it makes no difference to you at all.
3. You get on the bus. There are only two seats left. One is next to an elderly woman and the other is next to someone who looks about 40. What do you do?
a) Sit next to the one who is nearest to you.
b) Sit next to the 40-year-old woman because the elderly one might talk rubbish to you or smell bad.
c) Sit next to the elderly woman, because she reminds you of your grandmother.
4. You go with one of your parents to the garage because the car is broken. You discover the mechanic is a woman. What is your reaction?
a) We would better go somewhere else. She might not be good enough.
b) That`s quite unusual.
c) It`s good to see that men and women are doing the same jobs nowadays.
5. Imagine you are the boss of a company and you need to employ a receptionist. You are sent two CVs (curriculum vitae: a list of what you have done in your life). One of them is from a disabled person ( wheelchair user). Which person do you employ?
a) The person who is not the wheelchair user. I think disabled people can`t work as effectively as people without health problems.
b) It depends on their experiences, ability and personality.
c) The wheelchair user. I`m sure all people must have equal rights and possibilities.
6. Your friend is going out with someone from a different nationality/race. What is your attitude?
a) You are worried about it.
b) You are pleased that your friend has a new boyfriend or girlfriend.
c) You don`t care provided that he/she is not doesn`t wear horrible clothes.
7. A new person joins your sports class. Everyone knows that his/her family don`t have much money. During the game your watch is stolen. What is your first reaction?
a) You have a mental picture of what the thief is like.
b) You are angry that you weren`t careful enough to hide it.
c) You think the poor girl/boy took it.
8. You meet a person who refuses to eat some food because of his/her religion. What do you think about it?
a) You think it`s ridiculous.
b) You are indifferent to this fact.
c) You are interested enough and would like to know more about the religion.
9. Someone of your classmates is telling a joke about people of a certain nationality. What is your reaction?
a) You laugh and think it`s very funny.
b) You are sure that it`s not fair to make fun of another group of people because such kind of jokes can hurt them. You try to explain your classmate that he/she should be more tolerant to people of other nationalities.
c) You can`t stand such kind of talks and always try to avoid discussing the differences between nationalities.
10. You believe that…
a) preventing conflicts is absolutely impossible and useless.
b) it`s a waste of time to explain people why it`s necessary to be more tolerant to each other.
c) people should learn to find a compromise to live in peace.
Now add up your scores.
1. a=3 b=2 c=1
2. a=2 b=3 c=1
3. a=2 b=3 c=1
4. a=3 b=2 c=1
5. a=3 b=2 c=1
6. a=3 b=1 c=2
7. a=2 b=1 c=3
8. a=3 b=2 c=1
9. a=3 b=1 c=2
10. a=3 b=2 c=1
If you have all A`s, or more A`s than B`s and C`s answers.
Unfortunately, you can`t be characterized as a tolerant person. You are very prejudiced and don`t like people who aren`t similar to you. But life is exciting because we are all different. Try to learn to respect these differences.
If you have all B`s or more B`s than other ones.
You are a quite tolerant person, but in some situations you should be more patient and express more sympathy for people who suffer from discrimination. You still have a lot of work to do to improve yourself.
If you have all C`s or more C`s than other answers.
Congratulations! You are a very tolerant person and you do your best to live in peace and harmony with other people. You hate all types of discrimination and try to struggle with the different foolish stereotypes. The world would be better if there were more people like you.
Заключительная часть урока: рефлексия, подведение итогов занятия, награждение всех участников грамотами и призами.
Teacher: Do you like our lesson today? What do you like doing most of all? Thank you for your work. You were active today. I`m sure that our lesson was interesting and useful for you. And I hope all of you will be more tolerant to other people in everyday life.
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