Проверочные работы
материал по английскому языку

Даанные проверочные работы используются для проведения тематического контроля по английскому языку в 5-9 классах


Предварительный просмотр:

Бугаева О.В.


Составь предложения, назвав действия, которые совершаются в данный момент.

Образец:        He / dance    -       He is dancing. (He’s dancing)

  1. I / dive      ____________________________________
  2. She / play the violin ____________________________
  3. We / ski    ____________________________________
  4. They / surf  ___________________________________
  5. He / skate    __________________________________
  6. You / walk   __________________________________

  1. Jim / play the guitar ____________________________
  2. Kate / swim __________________________________
  3. Dan / run ____________________________________
  4. David and Sam / play soccer_____________________
  5. Lis / eat a sandwich____________________________
  6. Larry / wear a jacket___________________________
  7. Betsy and Ron / sleep__________________________
  8. We / fly a kite________________________________
  9. My mum / watch TV___________________________
  10. I / make a sandcastle___________________________
  11. Ron / drive a car______________________________
  12. Sam / drink Coke______________________________
  13. We / play a game_____________________________
  14. The bird / fly__________________________________

Предварительный просмотр:

Бугаева О.В.


Поставьте глагол в нужной форме прошедшего времени (Past Simple/Past Continuous):

  1. Jane __________ (write) an essay two days ago.
  2. Yesterday at 6 o’clock I __________ (go) shopping.
  3. Sue __________ (do) the washing up, then she __________ (walk) the dog.
  4. The children__________(play) in the living room while their mother__________(read) a newspaper.
  5. When I _________(enter) the room, my dad__________(sleep).
  6. She ___________(clean) the attic, when she__________(come) across this book.
  7. When I __________ (be) a little girl, I often __________ (read) fairy-tales.
  8. He __________(turn) off the light and __________(lock) the door.
  9. This time yesterday we__________(have) a great time.
  10. She _________(go) to bed at 10 p.m.

Предварительный просмотр:

Бугаева О.В.



Поставь глагол в  Present Simple.

  1. A deer _______________(eat) grass.
  2. Leopards _____________(run) very fast.
  3. The monkey_________(make) people laugh.
  4. Kate ___________ (carry) a heavy bag.
  5. Frogs _____________(not/live) in Antarctica.
  6. My cat_____________(not/like) milk.
  7. I __________(not/go) to school on Sundays.
  8. My friend __________(not / play) the piano.
  9. _______________(they/play) tennis?
  10. _____________(your sister/live) in London?

Предварительный просмотр:

Бугаева О.В.



Animals of India

Поставьте рядом с высказыванием букву T (true), если оно соответствует содержанию текста и букву F (false), если не соответствует.

  1. India is in South Asia.
  2. The Bengal tiger is black or grey with  brown stripes.
  3. The Bengal tiger eats grass.
  4. Tigers are beautiful.
  5. The Indian cobra is dangerous.
  6. A snake can’t be brown.
  7. Indian elephants have big ears.
  8. Elephants help people to carry heavy things.
  9. The Indian rhino has one horn.
  10. The rhino doesn’t like to sit in mud.

Предварительный просмотр:

Бугаева О.В.


Name: ________________________

tiger, lion, giraffe, monkey, peacock, bear, rhino, deer, cobra, elephant.

  1. It’s got a thick body and one horn. -_____________
  2. It’s got small ears, big paws and thick brown fur.  -____________
  3. It’s got long legs and a long neck. - _____________
  4. It’s red with black stripes.- _____________
  5. It’s got a long tail and a thick mane. - _____________
  6. It’s got long arms and legs. It’s noisy but very cute. It makes people laugh. - _____________
  7. It’s got a long trunk and big tusks. - _____________
  8. It’s got a beak, wings and beautiful feathers.- _____________
  9. It’ s got beautiful horns. It eats grass. It can be food for a tiger. - ____________________
  10. It’s got any legs. It’s dangerous. - _____________

Предварительный просмотр:

Бугаева О.В.


TEST 4 (9 grade)

I. Match the words with their definitions:

  1. The machine that lets you put documents and such on paper.                             CHATTING
  2. The tool you use to type words onto the computer.                                SPELLCHECKER
  3. The program that checks your spelling.                                        SCANNER
  4. Talking to other users by typing or using headphones.                        MOUSE
  5. The most popular internet search engine.                                        SOFTWARE
  6. What you use to click things on the screen.                                        VIRUS
  7. What is another word for computer screen.                                        CURSOR
  8. Any physical part of a computer.                                                PRINTER
  9. The object on your screen that lets you point at things.                        EMAIL
  10. Internet mail.                                                                HARDWARE
  11. A machine that lets you put paper documents onto your computer.             KEYBOARD
  12. A program that destroys your computer system.                                GOOGLE
  13. Any program on the computer.                                                MONITOR
  14. To shut down and restart a computer system.                                             REBOOT

II. Choose the correct verb form to fill in the gap:

  1. Where ………………………….. this time in three days?

a. will you have been                b. will you be being                c. will you be

  1. What ……………………………. this time tomorrow?

a. will you have done                b. will you be doing                c. will you do

  1. I don't think I ………………………...... my dinner in time for the party.

a. cook                                b. have cooked                c. will have cooked

  1. Don't call me in the evening because I  _______ at a live show of Madonna.

a. will be                        b. am being                        c. will have been

  1. Do you think he _______ English in two years’ time?

a. will study                        b. will have studied                c. will be studying

III. Complete the dialogue:

Kate: Just think, this time next week I (25-lie) _______ on a tropical beach.

Leo: While you (26-relax) _______ on the beach, I (27-stressed out) _______ over my project. How are you going to enjoy yourself knowing that I (28-work) _______ so hard?

Kate: I (29-manage) _______ somehow.

Leo: You are terrible. Can’t you take me with you?

Kate: No. But I (30-send) _______ you a postcard of a beautiful white sand beach.

Leo: Great! That (31-make) _______ me feel much better!

IV. Complete the sentences using Future Perfect or Future Perfect Continuous:

  1. By 2018 we ______ (live) in Moscow for 12 years.
  2. He __________ (write) a book by the end of the week.
  3. He __________ (write) this book for two hours by 3 o’clock tomorrow.
  4. ______________ (finish, you) this project by the next week?
  5. ______________ (be, she) in Canada for 5 months this week.

V. Fill in the sentences with the correct particle:

  1. I hear that Joan and Steve are breaking _______.
  2. Three men broke _______ prison yesterday.
  3. Four men broke _______ the house and fortunately they were arrested in two days.
  4. I hate his car! It's always breaking _______!
  5. Fighting broke _______ between opposing football fans after last night's game.

I. Match the words with their definitions:















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