Презентация "Английская викторина". 7 класс
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (7 класс)
Презентация к открытому уроку в 7 классе.
Направлена на освоение новых знаний по теме "Великобритания "
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Предварительный просмотр:
Английская викторина
Ход занятия
- Greetings of the teams. (Приветствие команд.)
- Captain competition. Quiz: Do you know... ? (Викторина «Ты знаешь...?»)
- To make a proverb. (Составить пословицу из слов.)
- Sightseeing of London (Достопримечательности Лондона.)
- To make phrases. (Составить фразу из данной буквы.)
- Finish speaking. (Договорки.)
- Parts of the UK and their symbols (Соединить части UK с её символами.)
- Questions about englishspeaking countries. Вопросы по изучаемым странам
- Results
Вступительная часть. (1 минута)
Good morning my dear friends and visitors! We are glad to welcome you on our competition! Today gathered here the cleverest, the brightest and of course the most beautiful pupils. As you know the purpose of our competition is as better as we know the language which we study. Your work is be right, loud, expressive and artistic and also to give the right answers for all tasks! Today our quiz calls – Englishspeaking countries.
- The first task is Greetings of the teams. You should introduce your team/motto (2 минуты)
- Captain competition. Ask my question by chain (3 минуты)
Quiz: “Do you know Britain and the USA?”
1. What are the colours of the British flag?
a)blue, red and white b)blue and red c)blue and white
2. The head of State in Britain is…
a)the Prime Minister b)the President c)the Queen
3. The National Gallery is in…
a)Piccadilly Circus b)Parliament Square c)Trafalgar Square
4. Which holiday is on December 25?
a)St. Valentine’s Day b)Christmas c)Easter
5. What is the oldest Universities in Britain?
a)Cambridge b)Oxford c)Edinburgh
6. How many states are there in the USA?
a) 50 b)52 c)49
7. Who was the first President of the USA?
a)John Kennedy b)George Washington c)Abraham Lincoln
8. What American holiday is on the 4th Thursday of November?
a)President Day b)Thanksgiving Day c)Halloween
9. What city is the Statue of Liberty in?
a)Whashington b)New York c)Miami
10. What is the most popular sport in the USA?
a)tennis b)baseball c)basketball
3. Make a proverb. (Составить пословицу из слов.) Make a proverb in correct order. Can you translate them? (4 минуты)
1. Appetite comes with eating. Аппетит приходит во время еды
2. Velvet paws hide sharp claws. Бархатные лапки скрывают острые когти.
4. Sightseeing of London (В данной викторине все англоговорящие страны) (5 минут)
1. Тауэрский мост
2. Лондонский Тауэр
3. Букингемский дворец
4. Лондонский глаз
5. Вестминстерское аббатство
6. Британский музей
7. Niagara Falls (Канада)
8. Сиднейский оперный театр (Австралия)
9. Деревня Хоббитон (Новая Зеландия)
10. Башня Sky Tower (Новая Зеландия)
5. Make phrases (5 минут)
Well done guys. And you coped with this task perfectly, well done! Tell me guys, do you like to compose poems, fairy tales, stories? So, we will check now your rich inner world! The task is this, you choose a letter for yourself and you will have to compose a phrase consisting of at least 5 words, respectively, so that they sound in rhyme.
6. Finish speaking. (Договорки.) (3 минуты)
Continue on. Guys, now I am reading out Russian sentences and you need to choose English words within the meaning.
Вкуснотища! Very good! Пищу называют – food. Для шарика, для друга, припас я сахар – sugar.Масло нужно всем ребятам. Масло по-английски – butter. Всегда ты сладкий ждешь сюрприз. Конфетки по-английски – sweets. Слива тут и слива там. Слива по-английски – plum. Узнала я впервые, что груша это – pear. Я все варенье это съем. Варенье по-английски – jam.
Без соли борщ не лезет в рот. Соль по-английски просто – salt. Это вовсе не каприз. Сыр мы называем – cheese. Молоко я пить привык. Молоко иначе – milk. Мясо жарится, шкварчит. Мясо по-английски – meat. Пирожки, налетай! Пирожок иначе – pie. Рыбу ловишь – не шумишь, рыба по-английски – fish. Винни-Пуха нет ли с вами? А то спрячу мед свой – honey.
7. Parts of the UK and their symbols (5 минуты)
1 Name of the country and name of Flag
- Northern Ireland Crown, and Red Hand of Ulster
- Name of the national flowers
Tudor Rose
Шотландия Thistle
Уэльс Leek
Северная Ирландия Shamrock
8. Questions about englishspeaking countries. Вопросы по изучаемым странам
Вопросы первой команде:
1. What is the nickname of British flag? (Union Jack)
2. What is the national Scottish costume called? (kilt)
3. What is the nickname of a guest who comes on New Year’s morning first? (First Foot)
4. What’s the colour of London taxies? (black)
5. Who can you see on the top of the column on Trafalgar Square in London? (Admiral Nelson)
Вопросы второй команде:
1. Who lived in Sherwood Forest? (Robin Hood)
2. What do many children usually say when they knock on their neighbours’ door on Halloween? (“Trick or Treat?”)
3. What’s the colour of double-deckers in London? (red)
4. What is the nickname of the American flag? (Stars and Stripes)
5. What person in London has the address 10, Downing Street? (British Prime Minister)
- The name of the queen. Her address. (Elizabeth II) (Buckingham Palace)
- The residence of Prime Minister of GB? (10 Downing Street)
- How many houses are there in the British Parliament? What are they? (House of Lords and House of Commons)
- Who in the royal family died in the car crash in 1997? (Princes Diana)
- What is the surname of the royal family? (Windsor)
- What is the capital of Australia? (Canberra)
- Who are the Australian natives? (Aborigines)
- When did the Europeans settle in Australia? (1788)
Викторина для старшеклассников «Страны и города мира»
1. What city of the USA is Manhattan situated in? (New York)
2. What is the largest park in London? (Hyde Park)
3. What is San-Francisco called? (The Pearl of the Pacific Ocean)
4. What is the largest state of the USA? (Alaska)
5. What country presented the Statue of Liberty to America? (France)
6. Who was the architect of St. Paul’s Cathedral? (Sir Christopher Wren)
7. What is the largest city of the State of California? (Los-Angeles)
8. What is the capital of Canada? (Ottawa)
9. Name the residence of the British Queen in London. (Buckingham Palace)
10. Which country is Larger, the USA or Canada? (Canada)
11. Where does Nelson’s Column with the statue of Admiral Nelson on top rise? (Trafalgar Square)
12. What is the longest river of G.B.? (Severn)
13. What is the poorest part in London? (The East End)
14. What British city is known as the city of ghosts? (York)
15. How many states are there in the USA? (50)
16. In what part of London is Trafalgar Square situated? (The West End)
17. Which city of England situated on the Thames is world famous for its University? (Oxford)
18. In which part of the United Kingdom skirts are the national man’s costume? (In Scotland)
19. What is the smallest state of the USA? (Rhode Island)
20. Where is San Francisco situated? (In California)
21. Which country occupies a whole continent? (Australia)
22. What street of London is Sherlock Holmes museum situated? (Baker Str.)
23. How many London bridges cross the Thames? (7)
24. Where is Toronto city situated? (In Canada)
25. Which city is larger St.-Petersburg or Berlin? (St.-Petersburg)
26. What is the capital of Australia? (Canberra)
27. What is the seat of British Parliament? (The Houses of Parliament)
28. On what small island at the entrance to New-York harbour does The Statue of Liberty stand? (On Bedloe’s Island)
29. By what well-known 19th – century French sculptor was The Statue of Liberty created? (Frederic Bartholdi)
30. What year was the Statue of Liberty presented to the United States of America? (In 1884)
31. What year did The Statue of Liberty Become the national monument? (In 1924)
32. By whom was Disneyland in Los-Angeles created? (By Walt Disney)
33. What is the population of Ottawa? (About 760000 people)
34. What place in the center of night life in the West End in London? (Piccadilly Circus)
35. Where in London a fine collection of European paintings is exhibited? (At the National Gallery)
36. Where is the Loch Ness with its mysterious monster situated? (Scotland)
37. What is London’s population? (6770000)
38. What river does London stand on? (The river Thames)
39. What are the main parts of London? (Westminster, City, the West End, the East End)
40. What street are the offices of “The Times”, “The Daily Telegraph” and other newspapers situated in? (Fleet Street)
41. Where are London students taught Art (Royal Academy)
42. Name the largest park in London (Hyde Park)
43. Where is the first Disneyland situated in America? (Los Angeles)
44.Who had a nickname Big Ben in British Parliament? (Benjamin Hall)
45.When was Tower Bridge built? (In 1894)
46. What is the favourite newspaper of the British Queen? (“The Times”)
47. In what part of London is Piccadilly Circus situated? (West End)
48. What is the post famous bank in London? (The Bank of London)
49. How much metal was used for the construction of the Statue of Liberty? (225 tons)
50. What is New York often called? (Modern Babylon, Big Apple)
51. What city is the federal city of the USA? (Washington)
52. What are London buses called? (Double-deckers)
53. What is the largest lake of the USA? (The Superior)
54. What ancient architectural monument was first built by William the Conqueror? (The Tower of London)
55. What London abbey was known as West Monastery? (Westminster Abbey)
56. In which American city planned by L'Enfant there are no skyscrapers? (Washington)
57. What London gallery was opened in 1897 and was called in honour of its opener? (Tate Gallery)
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