Контрольная работа 3 четверть 8 класс
тест по английскому языку (8 класс)
Задания контрорльной работы по английскому языку для 8 класса, 3 четверть, на основе УМК "Английский в фокусе"
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Предварительный просмотр:
Test 3.
I. Turn the sentences from direct speech into reported speech.
1. “They are watching a film on TV now,” she said.
2. “Mary doesn’t speak French,” he said.
3. “They visited the zoo last week,” she said.
4. “We have never been to a circus,” she said.
5. “We are leaving in June,” Dad said.
II. Form nouns from the words in bold.
1. If you drink too much alcohol, it will impair your _________ (JUDGE)
2. I woke up at 2am. The house was in complete ____________ (DARK)
3. ____________ is a problem everywhere, not just in big cities. (HOMELESS)
4. We had a big ____________ about whose turn it was to wash up. (ARGUE)
5. The company has made lots of __________ to their internet services. (IMPROVE)
III. Fill in: landscapes, guided, seasick, souvenirs, miss
1. My mother likes to buy…………… for her sisters on holidays.
2. I like going on ……………. tours around Europe.
3. Morocco has many varied ___________.
4. Hurry up or we’ll …………… our flight!
5. Laura got ………….. during her cruise from Spain to Portugal.
IV. Complete the phrasal verbs with the correct preposition (back, in, off, aside)
1. I decided to begin setting ______ some money for my children's education.
2. The opening of the new shopping center has been set _____ a few days.
3. Pam set ______ for New-York yesterday.
4. Snowy weather seems to have set _____ for weeks.
V. Translate into English:
1. Пробовать местную кухню - _______________
2. Вымирающие виды - _____________________
3. Посещать местные рынки - _____________________
4. Уделять время себе - ____________________________
5. Глобальное потепление - __________________________
6. Лавина - _________________________________
Test 3.
I. Turn the sentences from direct speech into reported speech.
1. “They are watching a film on TV now,” she said.
2. “Mary doesn’t speak French,” he said.
3. “They visited the zoo last week,” she said.
4. “We have never been to a circus,” she said.
5. “We are leaving in June,” Dad said.
II. Form nouns from the words in bold.
1. If you drink too much alcohol, it will impair your _________ (JUDGE)
2. I woke up at 2am. The house was in complete ____________ (DARK)
3. ____________ is a problem everywhere, not just in big cities. (HOMELESS)
4. We had a big ____________ about whose turn it was to wash up. (ARGUE)
5. The company has made lots of __________ to their internet services. (IMPROVE)
III. Fill in: landscapes, guided, seasick, souvenirs, miss
1. My mother likes to buy…………… for her sisters on holidays.
2. I like going on ……………. tours around Europe.
3. Morocco has many varied ___________.
4. Hurry up or we’ll …………… our flight!
5. Laura got ………….. during her cruise from Spain to Portugal.
IV. Complete the phrasal verbs with the correct preposition (back, in, off, aside)
1. I decided to begin setting ______ some money for my children's education.
2. The opening of the new shopping center has been set _____ a few days.
3. Pam set ______ for New-York yesterday.
4. Snowy weather seems to have set _____ for weeks.
V. Translate into English:
1. Пробовать местную кухню - _______________
2. Вымирающие виды - _____________________
3. Посещать местные рынки - _____________________
4. Уделять время себе - ____________________________
5. Глобальное потепление - __________________________
6. Лавина - _________________________________
Test 3.
1. Заполни таблицу: train, boat, plane, helicopter, car, ship.
1. | 3. | 5. |
2. | 4. | 6. |
2. Переведи на русский язык:
1. Set back - __________________
2. Set off - ___________________
3. Set aside - ___________________
4. Set in - ______________________
3. Измени слова в скобках с помощью суффиксов NESS и MENT.
1. If you drink too much alcohol, it will impair your _________ (JUDGE)
2. I woke up at 2am. The house was in complete ____________ (DARK)
3. ____________ is a problem everywhere, not just in big cities. (HOMELESS)
4. We had a big ____________ about whose turn it was to wash up. (ARGUE)
5. The company has made lots of __________ to their internet services. (IMPROVE)
4. Преобразуй предложения из прямой речи в косвенную речь.
1. “They are watching a film on TV now,” she said.
2. “Mary doesn’t speak French,” he said.
3. “They visited the zoo last week,” she said.
4. “We have never been to a circus,” she said.
5. “We are leaving in June,” Dad said.
5. Соедини с корректным переводом:
1. tornado | a. лавина |
2. avalanche | b. солнечный удар |
3. famine | c. торнадо |
4. sunstroke | d. загрязнение |
5. pollution | e. голод |
Test 3.
1. Заполни таблицу: train, boat, plane, helicopter, car, ship.
1. | 3. | 5. |
2. | 4. | 6. |
2. Переведи на русский язык:
1. Set back - __________________
2. Set off - ___________________
3. Set aside - ___________________
4. Set in - ______________________
3. Измени слова в скобках с помощью суффиксов NESS и MENT.
1. If you drink too much alcohol, it will impair your _________ (JUDGE)
2. I woke up at 2am. The house was in complete ____________ (DARK)
3. ____________ is a problem everywhere, not just in big cities. (HOMELESS)
4. We had a big ____________ about whose turn it was to wash up. (ARGUE)
5. The company has made lots of __________ to their internet services. (IMPROVE)
4. Преобразуй предложения из прямой речи в косвенную речь.
1. “They are watching a film on TV now,” she said.
2. “Mary doesn’t speak French,” he said.
3. “They visited the zoo last week,” she said.
4. “We have never been to a circus,” she said.
5. “We are leaving in June,” Dad said.
5. Соедини с корректным переводом:
1. tornado | a. лавина |
2. avalanche | b. солнечный удар |
3. famine | c. торнадо |
4. sunstroke | d. загрязнение |
5. pollution | e. голод |
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