Causatives form (Spotlight 8)
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (8 класс)
Упражнения на отработку "Каузативной конструкциий" на основе УМК "Английский в фокусе" 8 класс.
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Предварительный просмотр:
1. Перепишите предложения в Causative form.
- Someone cut Sally’s hair at 13.30 pm.
Sally ____________________________________________________________________
- The mechanic is changing Bob’s car battery.
Bob _____________________________________________________________________
- The hairdresser dyed my mother’s hair last Saturday.
My mother _______________________________________________________________
- Someone checks Michael’s guitar after every show.
Michael __________________________________________________________________
- The dentist checks my teeth once a year.
I ________________________________________________________________________
2. Напишите глаголы в Causative form.
- The Browns ___________ the roof __________ last year. (repair)
- Anna __________the room _____________ next month. (decorate)
- He should ___________ his eyes ___________ regularly. (test)
- My family ______the television _____________ only last year! (repair)
- _______ you ______ your car ______________ regularly? (service)
- How often ____ you _______ your windows __________? (clean)
- We ____the classroom _______________ every evening. (clean)
- Our family ____ a new garage ___________ at the moment (build)
1. Перепишите предложения в Causative form.
- Someone cut Sally’s hair at 13.30 pm.
Sally ____________________________________________________________________
- The mechanic is changing Bob’s car battery.
Bob _____________________________________________________________________
- The hairdresser dyed my mother’s hair last Saturday.
My mother _______________________________________________________________
- Someone checks Michael’s guitar after every show.
Michael __________________________________________________________________
- The dentist checks my teeth once a year.
I ________________________________________________________________________
2. Напишите глаголы в Causative form.
- The Browns ___________ the roof __________ last year. (repair)
- Anna __________the room _____________ next month. (decorate)
- He should ___________ his eyes ___________ regularly. (test)
- My family ______the television _____________ only last year! (repair)
- _______ you ______ your car ______________ regularly? (service)
- How often ____ you _______ your windows __________? (clean)
- We ____the classroom _______________ every evening. (clean)
- Our family ____ a new garage ___________ at the moment (build)
1. Перепишите предложения в Causative form.
- Someone cut Sally’s hair at 13.30 pm.
Sally ____________________________________________________________________
- The mechanic is changing Bob’s car battery.
Bob _____________________________________________________________________
- The hairdresser dyed my mother’s hair last Saturday.
My mother _______________________________________________________________
- Someone checks Michael’s guitar after every show.
Michael __________________________________________________________________
- The dentist checks my teeth once a year.
I ________________________________________________________________________
2. Напишите глаголы в Causative form.
- The Browns ___________ the roof __________ last year. (repair)
- Anna __________the room _____________ next month. (decorate)
- He should ___________ his eyes ___________ regularly. (test)
- My family ______the television _____________ only last year! (repair)
- _______ you ______ your car ______________ regularly? (service)
- How often ____ you _______ your windows __________? (clean)
- We ____the classroom _______________ every evening. (clean)
- Our family ____ a new garage ___________ at the moment (build)
1. Перепишите предложения в Causative form.
- Someone cut Sally’s hair at 13.30 pm.
Sally ____________________________________________________________________
- The mechanic is changing Bob’s car battery.
Bob _____________________________________________________________________
- The hairdresser dyed my mother’s hair last Saturday.
My mother _______________________________________________________________
- Someone checks Michael’s guitar after every show.
Michael __________________________________________________________________
- The dentist checks my teeth once a year.
I ________________________________________________________________________
2. Напишите глаголы в Causative form.
- The Browns ___________ the roof __________ last year. (repair)
- Anna __________the room _____________ next month. (decorate)
- He should ___________ his eyes ___________ regularly. (test)
- My family ______the television _____________ only last year! (repair)
- _______ you ______ your car ______________ regularly? (service)
- How often ____ you _______ your windows __________? (clean)
- We ____the classroom _______________ every evening. (clean)
- Our family ____ a new garage ___________ at the moment (build)
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