Spotlight 6 Module 1. Progress Check 1
методическая разработка по английскому языку (6 класс)
Подготовка к проверочной работе по модулю 1 (Spotlight 6)
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Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Complete the pairs father – m … brother – s … husband – w … grandfather – g … uncle – a … son – d … parents – g … Answers mother sister wife grandmother aunt daughter grandparents
Write the opposites an old man a tall boy big eyes short hair dark hair straight hair Answers a young man a short boy small eyes long hair fair hair wavy hair
What nationality? What country? Spain – - Polish - Brazilian Britain – German – - Japanese Spain – Chile -
Complete the words. Then spell. a) a w_ tc _ b) a f_ _ tb _ l_ c) a c _ mp _ t_ _ d) a s _ at_b _ _r _ e) an _ l_ rm cl _ c _ f) a c_ m _ r _ g) a c _ mp _ _ _
I, you, we, they have got He, she, it has got … be – are, is, am I am He, she, it is You, we, they are
Fill in the gaps with the possessive pronouns or their absolute forms This is John and this is ___ brother. That was Mary’s car. The car was _____ . You can have this book. It’s _____ . Ann and Fiona are sisters. ____ surname is Harries. I love ____ family. ___ name is Janet. This is her book. The book is ____ .
1. Use the possessive case: 1) the face of the baby , 2) the friend of my brother , 3) the camera of your cousin , 4) the computer of my father 2. Put in plural forms: 1) the woman’s song , 2) the child’s game , 3) the twins’s smile 3. Put in singilar forms : 1) the boys ’ house , 2) the dogs ’ barks , 3) the girls ’ friend 4. Use the possessive case with the words in italics: 1 ) Mike likes the Mr. Smith hat . Alice is Peter and Ann daughter . This football isn‘t yours . It‘s your friend . Beth and Steve are Ann parents .
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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