Презентация к конкурсу "Юный дипломат
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (8 класс)
Презентация об А.С. Грибоедове на английском языке
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“ Это один из самых умных людей в России” А. С. Пушкин “ He is one of the smartest people in Russia ” A.S. Pushkin
Alexander Griboedov was born as the son of a military man in Moscow on the 15th of January . The year of his birthday was 1795.He had an ancient noble family. Alexander was a very talented boy. He began his school educaton in 1803 and three years later when Alexander was eleven, he entered the Moscow University. He studied philosophy, law, literature , natural sciences. One of the most well-educated people of his time, he spoke French, English, German, Italian, Greek , Latin and later he learnt Arabic, Persian, and Turkish. He also had a gift for music. A.Griboedov graduated from the University at the age of 17 in 1812
He graduated from the University but he could not get his PhD because of the war with Napoleon in 1812. Like most of young Russian aristocrats, Alexander joined the army to defend his Motherland. After the war in 1816 Griboedov went to the capital of Russia. He worked at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. His career at the Ministry was great. But Alexander took part in the duel and he was told to leave St. Petersburg.
In 1825 as a diplomat he was sent to Persia . But Alexander was arrested in January of 1826 and taken back to St. Petersburg. The reason of his arrest was that some copies of his comedy “The Misfortune because of Mind” were found among the things of Decembrists . Griboedov was arrested and spent a few months under the arrest because the government thought he was connected with the members of revolt. In Persia he spent three years.After that he worked under General Yermolov in Georgia.
In Georgia he married his friend’s daughter Nina Chavchavadze. Griboedov’s family life was not long, it lasted several weeks because at the end of 1828 Alexander was sent to St. Petersburg with the text of the Russian-Persian peace treaty. He was a successful diplomat and stood for peace between two countries. His friends wrote that he was more important than the whole army.
On the 30th of January in 1829 a group of religious fanatics attacked the Russian Embassy in Teheran. The building was ruined and Alexander Sergeevich Griboedov was killed. The twentieth-century novelist Yuri Tynianov wrote about Griboedov's death in Death and Diplomacy in Persia (1938) Griboedov was buried in his favourite Tiflis in St. David's Monastery.
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