Презентация "Лондон"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (5 класс)

История и достопримечательности  Лондона


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Слайд 1

London the capital of Great Britain Молот Илья Валерьевич Учитель английского языка ГБОУ гимназия №586 Василеостровского района Санкт-Петербурга

Слайд 3

The City is the oldest part of London .It stands where the walled City of London stood for hundred of years. Today it is London’s famous financial district. There are many banks and offices here. People do not live in the City. The City is small in territory.

Слайд 4

Westminster is the administrative part of London. It is the seat of the British government. Houses of Parliament are situated here.

Слайд 5

In the West End rich people live. This part of London is known for its theatres, concert halls, museums as well as trade and nightlife.

Слайд 6

In the East End working people live. It is the centre of London’s docks and heavy industry. Today the East End is an area with small offices, factories and workshops.

Слайд 7

T The Houses of the British Parliament

Слайд 8

Double- decker

Слайд 9

Buckingham Palace, the residence of the British queen

Слайд 10

Westminster Abbey. Here all the British kings and queens are crowned and buried

Слайд 11

St. Paul’s Cathedral is a Church of England cathedral and the seat of the Bishop of London