Power Up 2 Unit 2 "A bad, bad Monday morning" Questions
методическая разработка по английскому языку
Опубликовано 24.02.2022 - 15:17 - Кречетова Анна Федоровна
Вопросы к тексту "A bad, bad Monday morning" (Unit 2 УМК Power Up 2).
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Предварительный просмотр:
Answer the questions.
- What day of the week is the story about? _________________________________
- What does Alex sometimes do with his alarm?_______________________________
- What time is it when Alex’s mum wakes him up? _____________________________
- What does Alex have at school today? ____________________________________
- Who is using the bathroom upstairs? _____________________________________
- Who is using the bathroom downstairs?___________________________________
- What does Alex have for breakfast?_____________________________________
- What colour are all the lights?__________________________________________
- How is Alex’s presentation?____________________________________________
- Whose shirt is Alex wearing?___________________________________________
Answer the questions.
- What day of the week is the story about? _________________________________
- What does Alex sometimes do with his alarm?_______________________________
- What time is it when Alex’s mum wakes him up? _____________________________
- What does Alex have at school today? ____________________________________
- Who is using the bathroom upstairs? _____________________________________
- Who is using the bathroom downstairs?___________________________________
- What does Alex have for breakfast?_____________________________________
- What colour are all the lights?__________________________________________
- How is Alex’s presentation?____________________________________________
- Whose shirt is Alex wearing?__________________________________________
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