Веселое путешествие в страну английского языка
презентация к уроку по английскому языку

Куликова Елена Николаевна

Презентация предназначена для проведения внеклассной работы по предмету


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Слайд 1

«Веселое путешествие в страну английского языка»

Слайд 2

Fantastic reading Think and choose Spaceflight Will you continue…? Riddles Only questions The world of animals The world of animals – 5 points Fantastic reading – 10 points Spaceflight – 19 or more points Think and choose – 18 points Will you continue – 15 points Only questions – 10 points Riddles – 8 points

Слайд 3

Fantastic reading . Чтение скороговорок на английском языке . 1. A man of words and not of deeds is like a garden full of weeds. 2. Needles and pins, needles and pins, when a man marries, his trouble begins. 3. Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pepper. A peck of pickled pepper Peter Piper picked. 4. Only ten per cent of readers felt that they were healthy or very healthy. 5. Six sportsmen shooting snips; seven Severn salmons swallowing shrimps. 6. Britain has won the European Golden Song Contest for the ninth time. The winning song is “Bells are ringing” sung by Kay King.

Слайд 4

The World of Animals . Конкурс диалогов о животных .

Слайд 5

Spaceflight .Лексический конкурс Dear 1) …. from Earth! Welcome to Greenless! A hundred years 2) … it wasn’t Greenless. There were green forests, grass and 3) ….. on our planet. A lot of 4) …… lived in the forests and mountains near 5) ….. and rivers. There were 6) a lot of … in the seas and oceans. People liked 7) … in towns and villages. Now the planet is lifeless. We live 8) …. . Our climate 9) …. . It’s the mystery of Greenless. We think you 10) …. us to find out its 11) … . We found a very 12) … manuscript. Listen! People of the planet, keep it 13) … . Your 14) …. is your home. Be careful: Don’t 15) …. your planet. Don’t light 16) … . Don’t 17) …. down the trees. Don’t 18) …. the animals. We didn’t … The writing ends here. No end! No answer! Why is the planet lifeless?

Слайд 6

Think and choose . Подумай и подбери правильный вариант ответа. 1. Goodnight! A. Here you are. 2. What nationality is B. Thank you. George Bush? 3. Are they short or tall? C. I think so. 4. Pass my book, please. D. Oh, sorry. 5. Where is my bag? E. Goodnight! 6. Here’s your coffee. F. She’s eleven. 7. How old is Ann? G. He’s American. 8. Is this Tom’s dog? H. They’re tall. 9. That’s not my pen. I. It’s under the chair.

Слайд 7

1. Ted is a _______________ city b) surname c) first name 2. Bookshelf is a ____________________ piece of furniture b) place c) room 3. Italy is a _____________________ nationality b) country c) language 4. Bathroom is a _________________ country b) boy’s name c) room 5. Russian is a ___________________ language b) surname c) country 6. Dinner is a _________________________ drink b) dish c) meal 7. Supermarket is a __________________ farm b) job c) shop 8. Farmer is a ___________________ first name b) job c) place 9. Bus stop is a _________________ a) place b) country c) sport

Слайд 8

Will you continue. Продолжи мысль . I feel proud when …. I think friends should …. Sport is important in my life because ….

Слайд 9

Only Questions . Конкурс на правильное написание вопросов. Write questions . Many people learn foreign languages. ( Why? ) They are writing. ( What? ) This plane leaves for London. ( When? ) She wrote a lot of poems last year. (How many?) He has never been to New-York. ( Where? )

Слайд 10

Riddles. Загадки. 1. It is red and white A. It feels very hot. It tastes like mint. You can only see it the day. 2. It’s blue. B. You find it in the garden. You can’t eat it. It feels soft. 3. It’s yellow. C. You find it in the bathroom. You can’t touch it. You brush your teeth with it. 4. It’s red. D. You find it in your pens. It smells beautiful. You write with it.

Слайд 11

Ответы 1.- C- tooth-paste 2. -D- ink 3. -A- sun 4. -B- rose

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