материал по английскому языку
Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия «ФЕСТИВАЛЬ АНГЛИЙСКОЙ ПЕСНИ»
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Предварительный просмотр:
Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение
средняя общеобразовательная школа №2
Учитель: Бажанова Н.А.
2018-2019 учебный год
Цель мероприятия – формирование личности с широким эстетическим кругозором, воспитание общей культуры, развитие личности ребенка, способного к творческому самовыражению.
1. Повышать мотивацию и поддерживать у учащихся интерес к изучению английского языка.
2. Содействовать эстетическому воспитанию школьников.
3. Развивать творческие и артистические способности учащихся, их познавательный интерес, эмоциональные качества средствами зарубежной песенной культуры.
4. Воспитывать и развивать художественный вкус и уважение к музыке.
5. Совершенствовать языковые (фонетические, лексические и грамматические) умения и навыки учащихся по английскому языку.
- Фонограммы песен
- Компьютер, микрофоны
- Мультимедийный проектор
Сценарий мероприятия
Good evening, our guests, dear friends, those who are keen on English!
We are very glad to see you again and greet you. Our today’s meeting continues the tradition of holding the Festival of English songs. As always, our students have prepared something special for you. They will show you their brilliant abilities and wonderful talents. So, let us start our feast!
As Christmas and New Year day are coming, we start dreaming about our precious wishes.
When you wake up Christmas morning
Hope you find beneath the tree
So many lovely presents
You’ll be happy as can be!
What do people dream of? Some of them dream of riches and fame, others – about new impressions and adventures. But I think, everybody dreams of love. They wish it would be deep, beautiful and eternal.
- ///////////////////// will tell you her “Love Story”.
- Can love be without main characters? Who can a man fall in love with? Of course, it is a pretty woman. //////////////// and ////////////// – our pretty ladies with the song “Pretty Woman”.
- Another hero of our love story is a strong and handsome man, who can protect and support you in any situation and of course, invite you to have a nice holiday together. Meet ///////////////// and his “Holiday”.
- Now a youth and a lady are together. What are their dreams?
I’ll love you, dear, I’ll love you
Till China and Africa meet
And the river jumps over the mountain
And the fish sings in the street.
“Sweet Dreams” is performed by ///////////////.
- As wise people say “If you try to control love, it will turn to dust. If you let love control you, you can fly”. Try not to make mistakes in love. Greet /////////////////////. “Stumbling In”.
- Let’s have a short rest and remember some traditions, connected with Christmas. The students of the 10th form //////////////// and ////////////// will tell you about Christmas, and then you will have a quiz. Be ready to get new information
- We continue our feast. Now let’s listen to the popular song “Venus” performed by ////////////////////// and sing with us!
- Love was as subtly cought, as a disease,
But being got it is a treasure sweet,
Which to defend is harder than to get,
And ought not be prophaned on either part,
For though it’s got by chance, it’s kept by art.
What do you know about romantic love in Spain? If you know nothing listen to //////////////////////////// “Under the Spanish Sky”.
- If a person is in love, music sounds in his heart and soul, he sings, dances and is able to fly. Now there is a great surprise for you. Greet Britney Spears and her dancers. “I love rock-&-roll”. (The girls perform the dance).
- They are not children, they are big girls. “Big Girls” sung by //////////// and ////////////.
- Time is running, Christmas is coming. Remember your wishes and dreams and let them come true. Because the magic time of the year has come.
Remembering you at Christmas
With a cherry note to say
May you spend the festive season
In a most delightful way.
“Last Christmas” (the final song performed by all participants of the feast).
All the participants get diplomas of the Festival.
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