Авторские разработки к УМК "Звездный английский 10". Разделы "Лексика" и "Словообразование"
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (10 класс)

Козырева Алла Викторовна

Авторские материалы к учебнику "Звездный английский 10" помогут проверить знания обучающихся по разделаи "Лексика" и "Словообразование" в 10 классе. В интернете ключей нет.


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                   Авторские материалы к УМК “Starlight 10”

                                           Module I


Fill in the gaps using the appropriate word: ran into, essential, average, cherish, obtain, drop out, increase, about, admit, lack, broke down, vacation, run out , budget, destination, set off, spare, heavy.

1.I think I will ______________my school memories forever.                                                                                                                     2. Some students ______________of school because of the ______ of knowledge.                                                              3. The teacher asked who had drawn that picture on the board and I had to ______________that it was me.                       4. We couldn’t go to Turkey for our _______because father had lost his job and we were on a tight ________                          5. Today we couldn’t arrive at our _______________on time because of the ______________traffic. That’s why tomorrow we’ll have to _____________much earlier to avoid traffic jams.                                                                                 6. Yesterday, while I was shopping in Pyatigorsk, I suddenly _____________an old friend of mine.                                  7.  –Mom, could you buy me this i-Phone?  - No, we have _______________of money.                                                          8. The population of the world is _________________ing.                                                                                                           9. These books can be _________________ed at the local bookshop “Chitai-gorod”                                                                 10. It is ________________to get ready for the test in advance.                                                                                                 11. We were _____________to leave the house when suddenly the lights went down.

                           Word formation

Make derivatives to complete the sentences.

1. Without any ________________he entered the house on fire.   HESITATE                                                                    2. Many people were late for work because of numerous train _________________. CANCEL                                             3. When I came into the office I was asked to fill in an _______________form. APPLY                                                    4. We live in the ________________society where everyone is pushed to buy more and more. CONSUME                    

5. I wanted to win the poetry contest but there were 20 other _______________beside me. CONTEST                                          

6. They walked ____________in the corridor waiting for the exam results.  AIM


                                            Module  II


Fill in the gaps using the appropriate word: run out of, fee, attend, similar, highlight, negotiate, come across, make up, come up with, gorgeous, unconscious, keen.

1.In Russia children have to _________________school from the age of 7.                                                                        2. Some scientists often ________________ideas of space travel.                                                                                       3. Look at Jane! What a ______________________dress she is wearing!                                                                                                4. The ___________________of the football season in England is the FA Cup Final at the Wembley stadium.                                                                                                                                                                                           5. It’s time for you to ______________your mind about your future career.                                                                   6. Lots of children are really __________________on playing computer games.                                                                   7. He fell from his bike, hit his head and was ___________________for a few minutes.                                                 8. If you go to a street market in England you may _______________________some really interesting old books.                                                                                                                                                                                                  9. What’s the tuition _______________at your college? Is it $1000 or more?                                                                     10.This test is ______________________to the one you did 3 weeks ago.

                          Word formation

Make derivatives to complete the sentences.

1. Is the sunlight a _____________________________source of energy?   NEW                                                                       2.I didn’t read the whole book,  I only had time to read the ______________________. INTRODUCE                         3. What a _________________________sight! I’ve never seen such beauty before!  SPECTATOR                               4. It cost a fortune to stay at that ________________________hotel. LUXURY                                                                           5. They didn’t make any __________________to the quality of food at our canteen. IMPROVE                                          6. I don’t like _______________________sports because I can’t stand competition.  COMPETE                                   7. If you have any ___________________, send for the manager.  COMPLAIN                                                               8. __________________people can have difficulty understanding poor ones.  WEALTH                                                    9. Celebrating Victory Day in Russia is a ______________________event.  MEMORY                                                       10. There are no _________________________between this test and the one we did last time. SIMILAR

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