Моя копилка. Упражнения
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку
Методическая копилка предлагает разносторонний практический материал, связанный с деятельностью учителя английского языка. В ней имеется и другой практический материал, который пригодится в работе учителя иностранного языка.
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Предварительный просмотр:
1. Выберите правильный ответ.
1. “Todd was a very talented child.”
“I know. He _____ .play the piano well when he was seven.”
a) couldn't b) could c) can
2. “I’ve just taken a loaf out of the oven.”
“Oh, that's why I _____ smell fresh bread when I came home.”
a) was able to b) can't c) could
3. “How was the test?”
“Easy. All the children _____ pass it.”
a) were able to b) could c) can't
4. “What are you doing this summer?”
“I hope I'll _____ go on holiday with my friends.”
a) could b) be able to c) can
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Предварительный просмотр:
Case of Nouns
1. Замените, где возможно, существительное с предлогом of формой
притяжательного падежа.
1. The new club of the workers.
2. The poems of Lermontov.
3. The clothes of the boys.
4. The walls of the room.
5. The plays of Shakespeare.
6. The voice of his sister.
7. The orders of the Commander-in-Chief.
8. The pages of the book.
9. The watch of my friend Peter.
10. The birthday of my daughter Helen.
11. The parents of all the other boys.
12. The boats of the fishermen.
13. The opinion of the lawyer.
14. The signature of Mr. Brown.
15. The offer of the seller.
16. The conclusions of the expert.
17. The house of my father-in-law.”
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2. Замените форму притяжательного падежа существительным с предлогом of:
1. My father's library.
2. The doctor's prescription.
3. The ship's crew.
4. The teacher's order.
5. The engineer's drawings.
6. The buyer's confirmation.
7. The ship-owners' instructions.
8. Mr. Brown's proposal.
9. The sellers' claim.
10. The representative's report.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Comparisons of Adjectives
1. Образуйте от следующих прилагательных сравнительную и превосходную степень.
bad, beautiful, big, bright, cheap, clean, clever, comfortable, dark, dirty, dry, flat, early, easy, early, expensive, famous, far, fat, fresh, full, funny, good, happy, heavy, hot, important, large, late, lazy, little, much, near, nice, pale, practical, pretty, quick, quiet, rich, sad, short, thick, thin, ugly, weak wet
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2. Заполните пропуски правильной формой прилагательного, указанного в скобках.
1. That house is too small for our family. We need something much _____ (big).
2. I can't understand you. Could you speak a bit _____ (loud), please?
3. This coffee is bitter. I prefer to drink it a little _____ (sweet).
4. That dress is very_____ (expensive). I can't afford to buy it.
5. Fiona is by far_____ (intelligent) girl in the class.
6. It was very cold yesterday, but it's slightly _____ (warm) today.
7. I don't go to that supermarket any more. This one is far_____ (cheap).
8. I like living near the city. It's a lot _____ (convenient).
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3. Образуйте от прилагательных, стоящих в скобках, сравнительную или превосходную степень, в зависимости от смысла.
1. The Trans-Siberian railway is (long) in the world.
2. The twenty-second of December is the (short) day of the year.
3. Iron is (useful) of all metals.
4. The Neva is (wide) and (deep) than the Moskva River.
5. Elbrus is the (high) peak in the Caucasian mountains.
6. His plan Is (practical) than yours.
7. His plan is (practical) of all.
8. This room is (small) than all the rooms in the house.
9. London is the (large) city in England.
10. Silver is (heavy) than copper.
11. Our house is (low) than yours.
12. This exercise is (good) than the last one.
13. My cigarettes are (bad) than yours.
14. Yesterday was the (hot) day we have had this summer.
15. When the war ended, the reconstruction of Moscow was resumed on a (large) scale than before.
16. The Battle of Stalingrad was the (great) battle of all times.
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4. Поставьте прилагательные в скобках в сравнительную или превосходную степень и добавьте необходимые по смыслу слова. 1. A: Why are you crying?
B: I've just read (sad) book ever written.
2. A: Do you like crisps?
B: Yes, but I think chocolate is much (tasty) crisps.
3. A: This must be (hot) day of the year.
B: I agree. Let's go swimming.
4. A: Kate is a lot (pretty) Anne.
B: Yes. She's (pretty) girl I know.
5. A: Is this ladder (long) the other one?
B: They look the same to me.
6. A: That was by far (good) cake you've ever made.
B: I'm glad you enjoyed it.
7. A: Do you like this dress?
B: Oh, yes. It's (beautiful) dress I've ever seen.
8. A: Mount Everest is (high) mountain in the world.
B: Everyone knows that!
9. A: Mr. Smith is (old) Mr. Jones.
B: Well, he looks good for his age.
10. A: Did that coat cost a lot of money?
B: Yes, it was by far (expensive) coat in the shop.
11. A: Thank you for your help.
B: That's okay. If you need any (far) advice, come and see me.
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5. Заполните пропуски словами as ... as, so ... as.
1. The temperature to-day is ... high ... it was yesterday.
2. He is not ... old ... he looks.
3. He is ... strong ... his brother.
4. This street is ... wide ... the next one.
5. The trunk is not ... heavy ... I expected it to be.
6. His radio set is not ... powerful ... mine.
7. She is ... tall ... her sister.
8. In Moscow it is not ... hot ... in Rome.
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6. Найдите ошибки и исправьте их.
1. I'm cleverest than my brother. I’m cleverer than my brother.
2. New York is moderner than London.
3. Mary is pleasanter than Jannet.
4. Jannet is politer than Mary.
5. They are busyer than we are.
6. My sentence is correcter than yours.
7. This exercise is more easy than that one.
8. You must be more carefuller.
9. I was most surprised than he was.
10. This machine is the simplest than the others.
11. He gets stupider every day.
12. Can you come more early next time?
13. I am handsomer than my brother.
14. Spain is driest than Britain.
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7. Поставьте прилагательные в скобках в сравнительную или превосходную степень и добавьте необходимые по смыслу слова. Yesterday was 1) (cold) day of the year. It had been snowing all night and everything was white. The children woke up 2) (early) usual. They were excited because the snow was 3) (deep) ever before and they wanted to go outside and play. We dressed them in 4) (warm) clothes we could find, then they went out into the garden. We watched from the window as they built 5) (big) snowman I have ever seen. As the snow was falling 6) (hard) ever, the children soon came inside to warm up. They were laughing as if they had heard 7) (funny) joke ever told. They said that they thought winter was 8) (good) season of all.
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8. Вычеркните ненужные слова.
1. Mark's voice is very much louder than Alan's.
2. Mrs. Garrison is the most oldest teacher in the school.
3. This village is by far quieter than the one we live in.
4. Playing golf isn't as more tiring as playing football.
5. As time went by, it got darker and the darker.
6. The more you study, the better than your marks will be.
7. This task is the less difficult than the others.
8. He drives the far fastest of all.
9. Jane is as much tall as Sarah.
10. It was a quite an exciting film.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Constructions with Gerund
1. Замените придаточные предложения оборотами с герундием, поставив, где требуется, соответствующий предлог.
1. When I received the telegram, I started home at once.
2. You may avoid many mistakes if you observe these rules.
3. When he entered the room, he greeted everybody.
4. After they had sat there a few minutes, they continued their journey.
5. While he was copying the text, he made a few mistakes.
6. I am thankful that I have been stopped in time.
7. I remember that I have read this book.
8. After she had tried all the keys on the ring, she finally found the right one.
9. He is proud that he has never been beaten at chess by his fellow students.
10. I don't remember that I have ever come across his name before.
11. His arm was not in a sling and showed no sign that it had been injured.
12. You can improve your knowledge of English if you read more.
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2. Замените придаточные предложения оборотами с герундием, поставив, где требуется, соответствующий предлог.
I. Do you mind if I close the window?
2. The doctor insisted that I should stay at home.
3. Will you object if I smoke here?
4. There is a probability that he will be appointed chief engineer of our plant.
5. There is no chance that they will call on us to-night.
6. There is no possibility that we shall/will see him this week.
7. There is no hope that you will receive a letter from him soon.
8. We were informed that the ship had arrived at the port.
9. You will excuse me if I ask you again.
10. We insisted that he should come with us.
11. Would you mind if he came to your lecture?
12. I have heard that your son has been given a state grant.
13. There is no fear that I shall/will forget.
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Предварительный просмотр:
1. Поставьте глагол, заключенный в скобки, в требуемой форме герундия и поставьте перед ним соответствующий предлог.
1. I have no intention (to stay) here any longer.
2. She insisted (to help) me.
3. Are you fond (to play) chess?
4. He has had very much experience (to teach).
5. There is no possibility (to find) his address.
6. There is little chance (to see) her to-day.
7. We have the pleasure (to send) you our catalogues.
8. I think (to go) to the south in summer.
9. He is afraid (to catch) cold.
10.1 am proud (to have) such a son.
11. The rain prevented me (to come).
12. He is engaged (to write) a book.
13. They had much difficulty (to find) the house.
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2. Поставьте глагол, заключенный в скобки, в требуемой форме герундия, употребляя, где необходимо, предлог.
I. I don’t feel like (to work). What about (to go) to a disco instead.
2. He is considering (to change) his job.
3. Before (to write) you should clean your fountain-pen.
4. But it's no good (to ask) me about his wife's will.
5. “Very well”, he said and went on (to fish).
6. 6. When art you going to give up (to smoke)?
7. She is a very practical woman and good (to run) things.
8. He could not bear the idea (to reproach) by him any more.
9. He appeared almost to dislike (to hear) music.
10. This is Monsieur Hercule Poirot. He has special genius (to find) out things.
11. I remember (to read) something about it in the paper.
12. She made a pretence (to look) at her watch.
13. “I am back from London”, said a voice which Poirot had no difficulty (to recognize).
14. She spoke to Poirot as though she definitely found a relief (to do) so.
15. She always helped her sister who was much slower and found great difficulty (to learn).
16. I noticed a look of disbelief in his eyes and I guessed that this was surprise (to see) a man and a woman when he had been expecting a man only.
17. I really don't know what is the use (to send) you to school.
18. The Happy Prince never dreams (to cry) for anything.
19. “I had thoughts (to enter) public life once myself, remarked Mr. Smith, “there are so many things that need (to reform).
20. “People like (to talk) about the past”, said Mrs. Oliver.
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3. Gerund. Заполните пропуски предлогами, где необходимо.
- There is no use ... trying to stop that.
- I'm sorry if I hurt your vanity ... saying so.
- She only succeeded ... opening a restaurant.
- Lanny passed dancing people ... seeing them.
- They love ... being dominated.
- He wouldn't drop his subject till he had brought you round to his way ... thinking.
- We reached the river ... crossing the meadow.
- ... crossing the river at that time of the year was out of the question.
- You must forgive me ... calling at such an hour.
- But I was afraid ... intruding upon a sorrow I could not lighten.
- I was thinking ... bringing her to talk to you.
- She has been used ... having her own way.
- He guessed that the Baron must be tired ... sitting.
- Somebody told me she'd taken ... wearing a wig.
- They say that you're very clever ... finding out what did happen.
- You see, if a man's getting off with a girl, people notice it usually because men aren't so good ... hiding their tracks.
- Perhaps somebody would have a better chance ... doing well in life.
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Предварительный просмотр:
1. Поставьте вместо пропусков глаголы в правильной форме. (Все действия относятся к прошлому
1. She …would have come… if she …had been… invited. (come…be)
2. We _____ our way if the night _____ so dark. (not lose…not be)
3. They would have us some information if there _____ anything to send. (send…be)
4. You _____ your fountain-pen if you _____ for it better. (find…look)
5. I _____ him at once if it _____ so dark in the room. (recognize…not be)
6. The accident _____ if the driver _____ the traffic rules. (happen… followed)
7. She _____ toasts for them if something _____ wrong with the gas-stove. (made…not go)
8. If I _____ my own interests I _____. (have…come)
9. If it _____ so beastly yesterday we _____ at home. (not rain…stay)
10. If he had _____ alone he _____ the work. (experiment…never finish)
11. If no one _____ they _____ the meeting. (come… postpone)
12. If you hadn't him he would have his work. (not interrupt… continue)
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2. Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в правильную форму.
1. If I (be) you, I wouldn't drive in the snow.
2. Peter (be able to) help you if he was here.
3. If I had closed the window, the cat (not/jump) out.
4. I (call) for help if I got stuck in a lift.
5. Had I known him, I (talk) to him.
6. John (may/lose) his job if he is rude to the boss.
7. If you (save) some money, you would have been able to go on holiday last year.
8. You may win if you (take) part in the contest.
9. If I had toothache, I (go) to the dentist.
10. They would have helped us move house if we (ask) them.
11. If Jane (be) older, she could live by herself.
12. We would have changed our plans if we (hear) the weather forecast.
13. Emma (send) a card if she had remembered it was their anniversary.
14. Robert (feel) better if you talked to him.
15. If Sam was still living nearby, you (can/invite) him for dinner.
16. If you (put) your money in your wallet, you will not lose it.
17. If you (like) chocolate, you will love this cake.
18. If Bill (come) home early, he will eat dinner with us.
19. Sandra will join us later unless she (have) a lot of work to do.
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Предварительный просмотр:
If - When
Вставьте вместо пропусков союзы if или when.
1. A: Have you phoned Paul yet?
B: No, I'll phone him _____ I get home.
2. A: _____ I get a new job soon, I may have a party.
B: That's a good idea.
3. A: I really liked that dress we saw.
B: Well, you can buy it _____ you get paid.
4. A: Shall we go somewhere this weekend?
B: Yes, _____ it's sunny, we could go to the beach.
5. A: Did you make this cake yourself?
B: Yes, _____ you like it, I'll give you the recipe.
6. A: Is Jane still asleep?
B: Yes, _____ she wakes up, I'll tell her you're here.
7. A: Have you done your homework?
B: No. I'll do it _____ we've finished dinner.
8. A: We've run out of milk.
B: Well, _____ I go to the shops, I'll buy some more.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Passive Voice
Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в форму страдательного залога
1. A: Who looks after your garden for you?
B: It (look after) by my brother.
2. A: That's a beautiful dress. Where did you buy it?
B: Actually, it (make) for me by my aunt.
3. A: Have you typed that letter yet, Miss Brown?
B: It (type) right now, sir.
4. A: Did you make the coffee when you got to work this morning?
B: No, it (already/make) by the time I got there.
5. A: Are you going to pick up the children today?
B: No, they (pick up)by Roger. I've already arranged it.
6. A: Where is your watch?
B: I broke it. It (repair) at the moment.
7. A: Has the new furniture for my bedroom arrived?
B: No, it (not/deliver) yet.
8. A: They are building a new sports centre in town.
B: I know. It (open) by the mayor next month.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Passive Voice (Complex Subject)
1. Закончите предложения в соответствии с примером.
1. It is expected that he will win the race tomorrow.
He …is expected to win the race tomorrow... .
2. It is thought that the school has good teachers.
The school ……………………………..
3. It is said that she speaks seven languages.
She ……………………………..
4. It is believed that the missing jewelry has been found.
The missing jewelry ……………………………..
5. It is thought that she is a talented pianist.
She ……………………………..
6. It is said that the athletes train for eight hours every day.
The athletes ……………………………..
7. It is expected that the American team will break the world record.
The American team ……………………………..
8. It is known that she is hiding somewhere in the city.
She ……………………………..
9. It is reported that the world leaders have reached an agreement.
The world leaders ……………………………..
10. It is reported that the thieves have escaped from prison.
The thieves …………………………………..
11. It is expected that they will give her the prize.
She ……………………………………………
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2. Преобразуйте предложения в страдательный залог.
1. Ellie will take the children to school.
2. He cut the grass with the new lawnmower yesterday.
3. Did they show the fire on the news?
4. Emma is showing them the photographs.
5. When did the wind blow down the tree?
6. Who has to sign these papers?
7. He has to tidy his bedroom.
8. Will you have completed the task by Friday evening?
9. Terry offered her a lift to work.
10. People often stuff turkeys with chestnut stuffing.
11. They awarded him a prize for his competition entry.
12. Will they play the tennis match on an indoor court?
13. Everyone must learn the poem by heart.
14. Jean hadn't cleaned the house by the time her husband arrived.
15. Who is going to welcome the guests?
16. We cook all the meals.
17. Grandmother takes care of the children.
18. Kate is choosing a new carpet at the moment.
19. Had Stuart washed the car before he went to the cinema?
20. Peter gave Jane a letter.
21. Who made all these cakes?
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Предварительный просмотр:
1. Заполните пропуски формами модальных глаголов mustn’t или needn’t/don’t have to.
1. A: Shall I help you with your shopping?
B: No, you ………… I can manage by myself.
2. A: You ………….. play football inside the house.
B: I'm sorry. I'll go outside.
3. A: Do you want anything from the supermarket?
B: No, you ………….. get me anything today, thank you.. I'm going out myself
4. A: You ………….. be late for work tomorrow morning.
B: I know. I'll try to arrive early.
5. A: You ………….. take these books out of the library.
B: I know. It's forbidden.
6. A: Shall I make an appointment for you at the dentist's?
B: No, you ………….. I'll do it myself next week.
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2. Перефразируйте предложения, употребляя must, mustn’t, needn’t, has to или doesn’t have to.
1. You aren't allowed to park your car in the college car park. …………………………………………..
2. I strongly advise you to speak to your parents about your decision.
3. It isn't necessary for Emma to attend tomorrow's staff meeting.
4. Jack is obliged to wear a suit and a tie at work because the manager says so.
5. I'm sure Antonio is from Milan.
6. It's necessary for Roger to find a job soon.
7. It's forbidden to use mobile phones inside the hospital.
8. Susan is obliged to work overtime because her boss says so.
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Предварительный просмотр:
1. Modal Verbs. Перефразируйте предложения, употребляя модальные глаголы. (Возможны варианты.)
1. Perhaps they are at work.
They may/might/could be at work.
2. Perhaps he is waiting outside.
3. It's possible she will work late tonight.
4. It's likely he was driving too fast.
5. It's possible they made a mistake.
6. Perhaps he has missed the bus.
7. It's possible she has been playing in the snow.
8. It's likely we will be leaving tomorrow.
9. It's likely he will stay there.
10. Perhaps she had been trying to call you
11. It's likely they had seen the film already.
12. It's possible he is studying in the library.
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2. Modal Verbs. Выберите подходящие по смыслу выделенные слова.
A: Good morning. How can/must I help you, sir?
B: I'd like to book a room for tonight, please.
A: Certainly sir.
B: How much does a single room cost for one night?
A: £35, sir. Payable in advance.
B. What! Do I have to/Could I pay right now?
A: Yes, I'm afraid you need/must pay in advance, sir.
B: Really. Well! Do I have to/Shall I pay in cash?
A: No, you mustn't/needn't pay in cash. You could/can't pay by credit card if you prefer.
B: This is a bit unusual. I may/must look in my wallet to see if I have enough cash with me.
A: You couldn’t/don’t have to hurry, sir. Take your time.
A: Good morning. Here's the key. Could/Must I leave my luggage here until twelve o'clock, please?
B: Of course. May/Need I ask if you enjoyed your stay?
A: Oh yes. I can/must write down the phone number, so that I can stay here again.
B: You mustn't/don't need to do that, sir. I have to/can give you our card.
A: Oh, thank you very much. Goodbye.
B: Goodbye.
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Предварительный просмотр:
1. Перефразируйте предложения, употребляя didn’t need to или needn’t have done.
1. It wasn't necessary for him to wash the car. It wasn't dirty.
2. It wasn't necessary for her to buy so many oranges, but she did.
3. It wasn't necessary for us to take an umbrella. It wasn't raining.
4. It wasn't necessary for us to turn on the light. It wasn't dark.
5. It wasn't necessary for him to call me today, but he did.
6. It wasn't necessary for you to make sandwiches for me, but you did.
7. It wasn't necessary for them to make reservations at the restaurant, but they did.
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Предварительный просмотр:
1. Перефразируйте предложения, употребляя didn’t need to или needn’t have done.
1. It wasn't necessary for him to wash the car. It wasn't dirty.
2. It wasn't necessary for her to buy so many oranges, but she did.
3. It wasn't necessary for us to take an umbrella. It wasn't raining.
4. It wasn't necessary for us to turn on the light. It wasn't dark.
5. It wasn't necessary for him to call me today, but he did.
6. It wasn't necessary for you to make sandwiches for me, but you did.
7. It wasn't necessary for them to make reservations at the restaurant, but they did.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Number of nouns
1. Выпишите исчисляемые существительные в одну колонку, а неисчисляемые существительные в другую колонку. При исчисляемых существи-тельных поставьте артикль а или an.
Wool, air, airship, word, aviation, assistance, assistant, paper (бумага), paper (газета), hour, bread, darkness, water, sea, cheese, happiness, event, glass (стекло), glass (стакан), hero, sand, music, piano, friend, friendship, quickness, tobacco, cigarette, copper, armchair, coffee, ship, coin, university, money, ink, banknote, meat, silver, watch, timber, tree, idea, ice, furniture, chalk, heat, cow, milk, butter, horse, obligation, machine, equipment, instrument, speed, umbrella.
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2. Напишите следующие существительные во множественном числе и прочитайте их.
Place, library, language, dress, fly, watch, clock, country, eye, bus, bush, party, ray, thief, company, Negro, mass, leaf, wolf, glass, key, fox, half, life, day, play, factory, city, colony, root, month, opportunity, journey, shelf, hero.
Man, woman, tooth, foot, goose, child, mouse.
Postman, son-in-law, editor-in-chief, fisherman, schoolgirl, sister-in-law, text-book, pocket-knife, passer-by, statesman.
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3. Напишите существительные, выделенные жирным шрифтом, во множественном числе, сделав, где необходимо, соответствующие изменения в предложении.
1. Put the box on the shelf.
2. I have hurt my foot.
3. This is an English dictionary.
4. Where is the knife?
5. This factory has a good laboratory.
6. The last leaf fell from the tree.
7. This story is very long.
8. The speech was very interesting.
9. He left the key on the table.
10. Where is the brush?
11. I like his new play.
12. The roof of the house was covered with snow.
13. The wife of the tailor came to the shore.
14. A copy of the contract was sent to Leningrad.
15. The cargo of the steamer consists of different raw materials.
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4. Напишите существительные, выделенные жирным шрифтом, в единственном числе, сделав, где необходимо, соответствующие, изменения в предложении.
1. Women and children came to the shore.
2. The keys to the boxes were lost.
3. The wolves have been shot.
4. The mice were caught.
5. These factories produce furniture.
6. Copies of these letters will be sent to Leningrad.
7. The cargoes will be discharged to-morrow.
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5. Вставьте вместо пропусков is или are.
1. Be careful! Those scissors _____ very sharp.
2. Maths _____ John's favorite subject at school.
3. The police _____ investigating the crime.
4. These trousers _____ too big for me.
5. The stairs in my house_____ made of wood.
6. His new furniture _____ very modern.
7. The weather _____ going to be bad this weekend.
8. My advice _____ that you get a new job.
9. His new clothes _____ very fashionable.
10 The team _____ all training hard for Saturday's match.
11. The money in the jar _____ for this week's shopping.
12. My pajamas _____ not on my bed. Where they?
13. Mumps _____ a childhood disease.
14. My luggage _____ in the car already.
15. Your hair _____ very long again.
16. Tom's gloves _____ made of soft leather.
17. The class _____ all working on a project together.
18. Athletics _____ my favorite sport.
19. My shoes _____ too small for me now.
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Предварительный просмотр:
1. Напишите числа и даты по-английски словами.
1. 462
2. 241
3. 2,345
4. 6.75
5. 0.25
6. 3 1/3
7. 1,250,000
8. 10.04
9. 47%
- . 10 September
11. 3 July
12. 602 8477 (phone number)
13. In 1903
14. In 1876
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2. Исправьте ошибки в этих предложениях.
1. After the game I heard the crowd was over twenty thousands.
2. We arrived on the ten September.
3. There were two hundred twenty altogether.
4. I got twenty-five from forty in my test.
5. My birthday is thirty-one August.
6. My phone number is seven twenty three, six naught nine.
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3. Исправьте ошибки в числительных.
A. therty, thirten, siks, nain, tu, for, fife, eigt, tventy, sevente, three hundreds, thosand, milion, ziro.
B. nineth, sith, twoth, treeth, ileventh, fiftyth, sevenh, four
hundreth eightyth oneth.
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4. Который час? Напишите ответы цифрами.
1. A quarter past three in the afternoon.
2. Half past five in the morning.
3. A quarter to six in the evening.
4. Twenty-five to nine in the morning.
5. Twenty to eleven at night.
6. Ten to four in the afternoon.
7. Five to nine in the morning.
8. Twenty past six in the evening.
9. Twenty-five to two in the afternoon.
10. eleven o'clock.
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5. Найдите 20 зашифрованных числительных. (Числительные написаны по горизонтали и вертикали. При этом здесь есть числительные, которые следует читать снизу вверх.)
O | N | I | N | E | A | S | I | X | H |
W | I | S | T | N | F | I | V | E | U |
T | N | C | H | O | D | X | E | F | N |
F | E | N | R | E | G | T | I | I | D |
O | T | W | E | L | V | E | G | F | R |
U | Y | H | E | I | G | E | H | T | E |
R | X | S | E | V | E | N | T | Y | D |
S | I | X | T | Y | R | V | Y | L | O |
B | X | Z | R | E | Z | E | R | O | F |
E | L | E | V | E | N | T | Y | B | U |
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Предварительный просмотр:
There is – There are
1. There is – It is. Вставьте вместо пропусков there is/was или it is/was. Некоторые предложения вопросительные (is there...? / is it...?), а некоторые отрицательные (isn't/wasn't).
1. The journey took a long time. …There was… a lot of traffic.
2. What’s the new restaurant like? …Is it… good?
3. “ _____ a bookshop near here?” “Yes, _____ one in Hill Street.”
4. When we got to the cinema, _____ a queue outside. _____ a very long queue, so we decided not to wait.
5. I couldn't see anything. _____ completely dark.
6. _____ trouble at the club last night. They had to call the police.
7. How far _____ from Milan to Rome?
8. _____ Keith's birthday yesterday. We had a party.
9. _____ three years since I last went to the theatre.
- . I wanted to visit the museum but _____ enough time.
11. “ _____ time to go?” “Yes, _____ nearly midnight.”
12. A few days ago _____ a storm. _____ a lot of damage.
13. _____ a beautiful day yesterday. We had a picnic.
14. _____ anything on television, so I turned it off.
15. _____ an accident in King Street but_____ very serious.
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2. There will be, There would be, etc. Заполните пропуски словами из предлагаемого перечня.
will might would should used to (be) going to
1. If people drove more carefully, there …would be… fewer accidents.
2. “Have we got any eggs?” “I'm not sure. _____ some in the fridge.”
3. I think everything will be OK. I don't think _____ any problems.
4. Look at the sky. _____ a storm.
5. “Is there a school in the village?” “Not now. _____ one but it closed.”
6. People drive too fast on this road. I think _____ a speed limit.
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3. It or There? Предложения верны или неверны?
1. They live on a busy road. It must be a lot of noise. Wrong: There must be...
2. Last winter it was very cold and it was a lot of snow.
3. I wish it was warmer. I hate cold weather.
4. It used to be a church here, but it was knocked down.
5. It's a long way from my house to the nearest shop.
6. Why was she so unfriendly? It must have been a reason.
7. I don't know who will win but it's sure to be a good match.
8. “Where can we park the car?” “Don't worry. It's sure to be a car park somewhere.”
9. After the lecture it will be an opportunity to ask questions.
10. I like the place where I live but it would be nicer to live by the sea.
11. I was told that it would be somebody to meet me at the station but it wasn't anybody.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Present Simple
1. Дополните предложения чтобы получить соответствующие действительности утверждения, употребляя при необходимости doesn’t или don’t.
water / boil / at 100°C Water boils at 100°C.
rice / grow / on trees Rice doesn't grow on trees.
1. chicks / hatch / from eggs
2. kangaroos / live / in Spain
3. plants / need / water to grow
4. rain / fall / from clouds
5. astronauts / travel / in submarines
6. cows / lay / eggs
7. pandas / live / in Italy
8. elephants / eat / meat
9. fish/walk/on land
10. the sun / set / in the east
11. bees / give / milk
12. caterpillars / turn / into butterflies
13. wool / come / from sheep
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2. Поставьте наречия частотности в правильное место.
1. A: Do you often go to parties. Keith?
B: Yes, I go to parties at the weekend. (often)
2. A: Do you wear sports clothes at work?
B: No, I do. (never)
3. A: Jack is late again!
B: I know. He arrives on time. (never)
4. A: When do you go shopping?
B: I do my shopping on Fridays. (usually)
- A: Does your boss often ask you to work overtime?
B: No, he does. (seldom)
6. A: You should listen to your parents' advice. (always)
B: That's exactly what I do.
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3. Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в правильной форме.
1. My dad (work) in Saudi Arabia.
2. The Bible (say) love of money is the root of all evil.
3. She never (get) up very early.
4. The concert (begin) at 6 this evening.
5. Can she manage (Сможет ли она)? I (hope) so.
6. He (drive) to Moscow once a week.
7. In the film he (play) the central character of David Copperfield.
8. She (be) a very good sister. We (love) her.
9. The children (eat) too much ice-cream.
10. Babies normally (lose) weight in the beginning.
11. It seldom (rain) here.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Present Simple for the Future
1. Поставьте глагол в скобках в правильную форму Future Simple, Present Simple или Present Continuous.
1. A: I'm going to the gym tonight.
B: Well, while you (be) there, I (do) the shopping.
2. A: (you/call) me when you (get) home?
B: Yes, of course.
3. A: As soon as John (come) in, tell him to come to my office.
B: Certainly, sir.
4. A: I'm exhausted.
В: Me too. I wonder if David (come) to help tonight.
5. A: Are you going to visit your parents this afternoon?
B: Yes, I (visit) them before I (do) the shopping.
6. A: Is George going to eat dinner with us?
B: No, by the time he (get) home it (be) very late.
7. A: When (you/pay) the rent?
B: When I (get) my pay check.
8. A: What are your plans for the future?
B: I want to go to university after I (finish) school.
9. A: If you (pay) for dinner, I (pay) for the theatre.
B: Okay, that's a good idea.
10. A: Can you give this message to Mike, please?
B: Well, I'll try, but I doubt if I (see) him today.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Present Continuous
1. Поставьте глагол в правильную форму. (Некоторые предложения отрицательные.)
1. I'm tired. I (go) to bed now. Goodnight!
2. We can go out now. It (rain) any more.
3. “How is your new job?” “Not so good at the moment. I (enjoy) it very much.”
4. Catherine phoned me last night. She's on holiday in France. She (have) great time and doesn't want to come back.
5. I want to lose weight, so this week I (eat) lunch.
6. Angela has just started evening classes. She (learn) German.
7. I think Paul and Ann have had an argument. They (speak) to each other.
2. Поставьте глагол в правильную форму.
SARAH: Brian! How nice to see you! What (you/do) these days?
BRIAN: I (train) to be a supermarket manager.
SARAH: Really? What's it like? (you/enjoy) it?
BRIAN: It's all right. What about you?
SARAH: Well, actually I (not/work) at the moment. I (try) to find a job but it's not easy.
But I'm very busy. I (decorate) my flat.
BRIAN: (you/do) it alone?
SARAH: No, some friends of mine (help) me.
3. Поставьте глагол в правильную форму Present Simple или Present Continuous.
1. А: (you/know) that man over there?
B: Actually, I do. He's Muriel's husband.
2. A: Are you doing anything tomorrow evening?
B: Yes. I (see) Jack at nine o'clock.
3. A: I (see) you're feeling better.
B: Yes, I am, thank you.
4. A: What's that noise?
B: The people next door (have) a party.
5. A: Graham (have) a new computer.
B: I know. I've already seen it.
6. A: This dress (not/fit) me any more.
B: Why don't you buy a new one?
7. A: Your perfume (smell) nice. What is it?
B: It's a new perfume called Sunshine.
8. A: What is Jane doing?
B: She (smell) the flowers in the garden.
9. A: What (you/look) at?
B: Some photos I took during my holidays. They aren't very good, though.
10. A: You (look) very pretty today.
B: Thank you. I've just had my hair cut.
11. A: I (think) we're being followed.
B: Don't be silly! It's just your imagination.
12. A: Is anything wrong?
B: No. I (just/think) about the party tonight.
13. A: This fabric (feel) like silk.
B: It is silk, and it was very expensive.
14. A: What are you doing?
B: I (feel) the radiator to see if it's getting warm.
15. A: She (be) generous, isn't she?
B: Yes, she has never been a mean person.
16. A: He (be) very quiet today, isn't he?
B: Yes, I think he has some problems.
17. A: Would you like some cherries?
B: Yes, please. I (love) cherries. They're my favorite fruit.
18. A: I'm sorry, but I (not understand) what you mean.
B: Shall I explain it again?
19. A: The children are making lots of noise today.
B: I know, but they (have) fun.
20. A: This cake (taste) awful.
B: I think I forgot to put the sugar in it!
Предварительный просмотр:
Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous
1. Прочтите ситуацию и дополните предложения.
1. The rain started two hours ago. It's still raining now.
It …… for two hours.
2. We started waiting for the bus 20 minutes ago. We're still waiting now.
We …… for 20 minutes.
3. I started Spanish classes in December. I'm still learning Spanish now.
I …… since December.
4. Ann began looking for a job six months ago. She's still looking now.
…… for six months.
5. Mary started working in London on 18 January. She's still working there now.
…… since 18 January.
6. Years ago you started writing to a pen friend. You still write to each other
regularly now.
We …… for years.
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2. Present Perfect или Present Perfect Continuous. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в необходимую форму.
1. A: How long (you/know) Alison?
B: We (be) friends since we were children.
2. A: Who (use) the car?
B: I have. Is there a problem?
3. A: What are Andrew and David doing?
B: They (work) in the garden for three hours.
4. A: Why is Sally upset?
B: She (lose) her bag.
5. A: I (always/believe) that exercise is good for you.
B: Of course, it's good to keep fit.
6. A: Emily (teach) math’s since she left university.
B: Yes, and she's a very good teacher, too.
7. A: Fred (open) a new shop.
B: Really? Where is it?
8. A: This pie is delicious.
B: Is it? I (not/taste) it yet.
9. A: Have you found your umbrella yet?
B: No, I (look) for it for an hour now.
10. A: You look exhausted.
B: Well, I (clean) the windows since 8 o'clock this morning.
11. A: Can I have some more lemonade, please?
B: Sorry, your brother (just/drink) it all.
12. A: Have you got new neighbors?
B: Yes, they (just/move) to the area.
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3. Present Perfect или Present Perfect Continuous. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в необходимую форму.
1. Where have you been? (you/play) tennis?
2. Look! Somebody (break) that window.
3. You look tired. (you/work) hard?
4. “ (you/ever/work) in a factory?” “No, never.”
5. “Jane is away on holiday.” “Oh, is she? Where (she/go)?
6. My brother is an actor. He (appear) in several films.
7. “Sorry I'm late.” “That's all right. I (not/wait) long.”
8. “Is it still raining?” “No, it (stop).”
9. I (lose) my address book. (you/see) it anywhere?
10. I (read) the book you lent me, so you can have it back now.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Present Perfect
1. Вставьте вместо пропусков for или since.
1. I have lived in this village _____ I was born.
2. It has been raining _____ hours. I wish it would stop.
3. My father has been the manager of this firm _____ ten years.
4. _____ I moved to York, I have been much happier.
5. Have you been waiting _____ a long time?
6. I have been waiting for you _____ four o'clock.
7. She hasn't bought a new coat _____ three years.
8. Karen has been on the phone _____ ages!
9. I have known Neil _____ 1994.
10. Jane has been my best friend _____ many years.
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2. Present Perfect. Раскройте скобки и напишите правильные формы глаголов.
Example: They never (behave) like this before.
They have never behaved like this before.
I. I (not get) the grant this year.
2. The settlers (leave) the bay forever.
3. He (not answer) my letter yet.
4. You ever (eat) caviar?
5. She recently (become) a student.
6. They (travel) all over the world.
7. How long you (be) here?
8.1 saw her m May but I (not see) her this month.
9. My friend (buy) a new car.
10. I (lose) my gloves.
11. I never (ride) a camel.
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3. Заполните пропуски выражениями времени recently, how long, yet, for, always, ever, already, since, so far или just. В некоторых случаях возможны несколько вариантов.
1. A: Has Tom finished his exams _____ ?
B: No. He finishes them next Thursday.
2. A: _____ has Janet worked at the hospital?
B: She has worked there _____ she left school.
3. A: Is John at home, please?
B: No, I'm afraid he's _____ gone out.
4. A: Has Martin _____ been to Spain?
B: No, I don't think so.
5. A: Have you spoken to Matthew_____?
B: Yes. I phoned him last night.
6. A: Can you do the washing-up for me, please?
B: Don't worry. Mike has _____ done it.
7. A: Lucy has _____ been musical, hasn't she?
B: Yes, she started playing the piano when she was five years old.
8. A: Shall we go to that new restaurant tonight?
B: Yes. I have _____ been there. It's really nice.
9. A: Have you finished reading that book yet?
B: No, I've _____ started it.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Past Simple or Present Perfect
1. Past Simple или Present Perfect. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму.
1. - Where's your key? - I don't know. I (lose) it.
2. I (be) very tired, so I lay down on the bed and went to sleep.
3. Mary (go) to Australia for a while but she's back again now.
4. - Where's Ken? - He (go) out. He'll be back in about an hour.
5. I did German at school but I (forget) most of it.
6. I meant to phone Diane last night but I (forget).
7. I (have) a headache earlier but I feel fine now.
8. Look! There's an ambulance over there. There (be) an accident.
9. They're still building the new road. They (finish) it.
10. - Is Helen still here? - No, she (go) out.
11. The police (arrest) three people but later they let them go.
12. Ann (give) me her address but I'm afraid I (lose) it.
13. Where's my bike? It (be) outside the house. It has (disappear)!
14. What do you think of my English? Do you think I (improve)?
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2. Past Simple или Present Perfect. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму.
1. I don't know where Amy is. (you/see) her?
2. When I (get) home last night, I (be) very tired and I (go) straight to bed.
3. Your car looks very clean. (you/wash) It?
4. George (not be) very well last week.
5. Mr. Clark (work) in a bank for 15 years. Then he gave it up.
6. Molly lives in Dublin. She (live) there all her life.
7. – (you/go) to the cinema last night? - Yes, but it (be) a mistake. The film (be) awful.
8. My grandfather (die) 30 years ago. I (never meet) him.
9. I don't know Carol's husband. I (never meet) him.
10. A: Is your father at home? B: No, I'm afraid he (go) out.
A: When exactly (he/go) out? B: About ten minutes ago.
A: Where do you live? B: In Boston.
A: How long (you/live) there? B: Five years.
A: Where (you/live) before that? B: In Chicago.
A: And how long (you/live) in Chicago? B: Two years.
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3. Past Simple или Present Perfect. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму.
1. A: Do you know that man?
B: Oh yes. He's a very good friend of mine. I (know)him for about ten years.
A: I think I (meet) him at a business meeting last month.
2. A: Mum (lose) her purse.
B: Where (she/lose) it?
A: At the supermarket while she was shopping.
3. A: Who was on the telephone?
B: It (be) Jane.
A: Who is Jane?
B: Someone who (work) in my office for a few years. She's got a new job now,
4. A: Who is your favorite singer?
B: Freddie Mercury. He (have) a wonderful voice.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Past Simple
1. Образуйте от выделенных глаголов прошедшее время.
1. I play in the field.
2. He wants to go home.
3. The driver stops the car.
4. He drinks tea every day.
5. It begins to rain.
6. They like our house.
7. I dream every night.
8. My sister cleans the room.
9. The teachers gives us dictation.
10. He sits at his desk and writes a letter.
11. Mary comes early.
12. The cat catches the fish in the river.
13. The dogs eats its dinner.
14. The boys go for a holiday.
15. Richard knows George.
16. The plane flies very high.
17. He teaches us English.
18. I wash my hands every day.
19. He goes to school.
20. Liz cuts her finger.
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2. Составьте утвердительные и отрицательные предложения по образцу. Example: I … to New York, I … to Chicago. (go)
I didn't go to New York, I went to Chicago.
- We ... Jim, we ... Max. (meet)
- He ... last Tuesday, he ... last Thursday. (leave)
- We ... Jack, we ... David. (see)
- They ... a Volvo, they ... a Fiat. (buy)
- You ... the answer, Tom ... the answer. (know)
- I... my passport, I ... my ticket. (lose)
- We ... the pizza, we ... hot dogs. (have)
- He ... a letter, he ... a postcard. (write)
- The film ... at 6.30 p.m., it ... at 7.30 p.m. (begin)
10. My sister ... at the theatre yesterday, she ... at the disco. (be)
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3. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму, положительную или отрицательную.
1. It was warm, so I (take) off my coat.
2. The film wasn't very good. I (enjoy) it very much.
3. I knew Sarah was very busy, so I (disturb) her.
4. I was very tired, so I (go) to bed early.
5. The bed was very uncomfortable. I (sleep) very well.
6. Sue wasn't hungry, so she (eat) anything.
7. We went to Kate's house but she (be) at home.
8. It was a funny situation but nobody (laugh).
9. The window was open and a bird (fly) into the room.
10. The hotel wasn't very expensive. It (cost) very much.
11. I was in a hurry, so I (have) time to phone you.
12. It was hard work carrying the bags. They (be) very heavy.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Past Perfect Continuous
1. Составьте из слов в скобках предложения в соответствии с ситуацией.
1. I was very tired when I arrived home.
(I / work / hard all day) … I had been working hard all day… .
2. The two boys came into the house. They had a football and they were both very tired
(they / play / football) ………………………………………………
3. There was nobody in the room but there was a smell of cigarettes.
(somebody / smoke / in the room) …………………………………
4. Ann woke up in the middle of the night. She was frightened and didn't know where she was.
(she / dream) ………………………………………………………..
5. When I got home, Mike was sitting in front of the TV. He had just turned it off.
(he / watch / TV) ……………………………………………………
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2. Закончите предложения.
1. We played tennis yesterday. Half an hour after we began playing, it started to rain.
We ………………………………. when ………………………….
We had been playing for half an hour when it started to rain.
2. I had arranged to meet Tom in a restaurant. I arrived and waited for him. After 20 minutes I suddenly realized that I was in the wrong restaurant.
I ………………………………. for 20 minutes when I ……………………
3. Sarah got a job in a factory. Five years later the factory closed down.
At the time the factory ……………….., Sarah …………………………….
there for five years.
4. I went to a concert last week. The orchestra began playing. After about ten minutes a man in the audience suddenly began shouting.
The orchestra ………………………………. when …………………………
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3. The Past Perfect или The Past Perfect Continuous. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму.
1. A: Did you do anything last night?
B: I went to the gym and I (just/arrive) home when Michael called me. He said he (try) to call me for ten minutes before I finally answered the phone.
2. A: Did you catch any fish on your fishing trip today?
B: Yes. I (sit) in the boat for two hours when I caught a huge fish.
3. A: Did you enjoy the open-air concert yesterday?
B: The music was good, but the weather was terrible. The concert (just/start) when
suddenly, it began to rain. The musicians (only/play) for ten minutes.
A: What a shame!
4. A: Was the house tidy when you got home?
B: Yes, the children (dust) the furniture and they (put away) all of their toys.
5. A: Why were you so upset this morning?
B: Well, I (clean) the house for hours when the children came in with muddy shoes.
6. A: Why are you so late for work this morning?
B: I'm sorry. I (wait) for the train for over an hour before it eventually arrived.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Past Continuous или Past Simple
1. Past Continuous или Past Simple. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму.
1. As soon as Margaret (get) off the train, she (pull) her coat around her. Rain (fall) heavily and a cold wind (blow) across the platform. She (look) around, but no one (wait) to meet her. She (turn) to leave when she (hear) footsteps. A man (walk) towards her. He (smile) at her, then he (say), “You're finally here.”
2. George (pick) up his bag and (throw) it over his shoulder. It (get) dark and
he (have) a long way to go. He wished that he had let someone know that he was coming. It (start) to rain, and he was feeling cold and tired from the long journey. Suddenly, he (hear) a noise, then he (see) two bright lights on the road ahead. A car (head) towards him. It slowed down and finally (stop) beside him. A man (sit) at the wheel. He (open) the door quickly and (say) “Get in, George.”
3. Andy (step) into the house and (close) the door behind him. Everything (be) quiet. His heart (beat) fast and his hands (shake) as he crept silently into the empty house, but he was trying not to panic. He soon (find) what he (look) for. He smiled with relief as he put on the clothes. The men who (follow) him would never recognize him now.
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2. Past Continuous или Past Simple. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму.
I (see) Sue in town yesterday but she (not/see) me. She (look) the other way. |
I (meet) Tom and Ann at the airport a few weeks ago. They (go) to Berlin and I (go) to Madrid. We (have) a chat while we (wait) for our flights. |
I (cycle) home yesterday when suddenly a man (step) out into the road in front of me. I (go) quite fast but luckily I (manage) to stop in time and (not/hit) him. |
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3. Past Continuous или Past Simple. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму.
1. Jane (wait) for me when I (arrive).
2. “What (you/do) this time yesterday?” “I was asleep.”
3. (you/go) out last night?” “No, I was too tired.”
4. “Was Carol at the party last night?” “Yes, she (wear) a really nice dress.”
5. How fast (you/drive) when the accident (happen)?
6. John (take) a photograph of me while I (not/look).
7. We were in a very difficult position. We (not/know) what to do.
8. I haven't seen Alan for ages. When I last (see) him, he (try) to find a job in London.
9. I (walk) along the street when suddenly I (hear) footsteps behind me. Somebody (follow) me. I was frightened and I (start) to run.
10. When I was young, I (want) to be a bus driver.
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