Презентация к уроку английского языка "Путешествие по США"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (8 класс)
Презентация к уроку английского языка "Путешествие по США"
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- Geography - History - States - cities - sights The USA :
Official name: The United States of America Status: A federal republic, a union of 50 states Area: 9,364,000 squ . km. Population: about 250 mln . people (2006) Capital: Washington, D.C. FACT FILES:
Who discovered America? The answer is: nobody knows. North America may have been discovered by Vikings under Leif Eriksson, but Europeans didn’t know about its existence until Columbus’ voyages. In 1492 three ships- the “Santa Maria”, the “ Pinta ”, the “Nine” under Columbus landed the continent. In 1507 Amerigo Vespucci explored the area of South America and introduced a new land to the world. This continent was called after him - “America”.
In 1620 the first people from England arrived in America. They left England because of religious problems. In 1776 after the war with Britain, America became an independent country. Americans wrote the Declaration of the Independence and designed a new flag – The Stars and Stripes . 4 th July – The Day of Independence (a national holiday) After the war in 1861-1865 between the northern and the southern states (south lost) the government stopped slavery . 1969 – the first people on the moon were three astronauts: Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, Ed Collins. SOME FACTS FROM THE HISTORY OF THE USA:
Nationalities: white Americans - 83,5 % Africans - 12,4% immigrants from Asia - 3,3% native Americans (Indians, Aleuts, Eskimos) – 0,8 %
The Niagara Falls – a waterfalls on the river Niagara (51 meters high). It is situated on the boarder between the USA and Canada. The waterfalls was discovered by the expedition of R. Lassal . There is always a rainbow over it. NATURAL SIGHTS OF THE USA
The Mississippi – “ Old man river” together with its tributaries the Missouri and the Ohio is the longest river in the world. The history of this river is described in the book “Life on the Mississippi” by M. Twain.
The USA is divided into 50 states. Hawaii became the 50th state in 1959. Alaska is separated from Russia by the Bering Strait. It is the biggest and the coldest state of the country. Each of the states has its own capital, government and symbol . What is special about Hawaii and Alaska ?
George Washington , “the father of his country”. He was an example of bravery and approved the fight against slavery. General Henry Li wrote : “Washington was first in war, first in peace and first in the hearts of his countrymen” The capital of the country, a state, a lake, an island, a mount, a canyon, some universities and colleges, streets and squares are named after him. In 1888 the Washington Monument was established in the capital (169 m. high) 22 nd of February – birthday of J. Washington, a national holiday in the USA. WASHINGTON (D.C) WAS NAMED IN HONOUR OF THE FIRST AMERICAN PRESIDENT (1789-1796).
Lincoln – memorial with 36 columns A magnificent sculpture (6m.)of (the number of states Abraham Lincoln inside in Lincoln days) – in a park on the banks of the Potomac River. ABRAHAM LINCOLN WAS THE 16TH PRESIDENT OF THE USA
Washington National Cathedral (St. Peter and St.Paul’s Church Cathedral) – was built in a gothic style. The first stone was laid by Th. Roosevelt (the 26 th president) in 1907. Finally it was rebuilt in 1990.
At the entrance to New York Harbour you can see a great statue which is called the Statue of Liberty. It is 46 meters high excluding the pedestal. The Statue was designed by Bartholdy , a French sculptor, who worked ten years at it. In 1876 the statue was taken to pieces and shipped across the Atlantic as a gift from the French government to the USA for its democratic views. The Statue of Liberty is the symbol of New York. New York (New York) is the city of contrasts, financial and business centre of the USA. It was founded some three hundred years ago. It is situated in the mouth of the Hudson . Its nickname is “A big apple”, because everybody wants to bite it.
Thanks to his exploration America has got its name? It is 51 meters high, is situated on the border between Canada and the USA-? It is famous for its three universities - ? He founded the first park of entertainment for children - ? The home of the first skyscraper? Who presented the Statue of Liberty to the USA and why? Th. Roosevelt took part in the building of this sight? What is the biggest state of the USA? This city has no skyscrapers - ? WOULD YOU ANSWER THE QUESTIONS?
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