Презентация "Kookaburra"
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Смородникова Зоя Анатольевна
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Слайд 1

Kookaburra or giant kingfisher (lat. Dacelo) - a genus of birds of the kingfisher family; live in the tropics and woodlands of Australia and New Guinea. Only 4 species. It weighs 300 grams. red-bellied kookaburra Aruan Kookaburra laughing kookaburra blue-winged kookaburra

Слайд 2

Kookaburr a is famous for its screams, very similar to human laughter (hence their name). The scream begins as a low "popping" laugh, which turns into a piercing "ha ha ha."

Слайд 3

These are territorial birds, living in small groups, and their cries serve the same purpose as many other birds - they indicate the boundaries of the occupied area. Kukabaras are especially loud in the evenings and at dawn, as well as before the breeding season. They nest in hollows of trees. They feed on insects and small vertebrates - lizards, snakes (including poisonous ones) and rodents, which they patiently look out for while sitting on a branch.