Открытый урок «Планы на будущее, выбор профессии»
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (10 класс)
Открытый урок «Планы на будущее, выбор профессии» Класс 10
Цель занятия: создать условия для систематизации информации на английском языке, необходимой для выбора будущей профессии.
Предварительный просмотр:
Открытый урок «Планы на будущее, выбор профессии» Класс 10
Тип занятия: Урок аудирования и устной речи
Цель занятия: создать условия для систематизации информации на английском языке, необходимой для выбора будущей профессии.
Задачи: повторение и изучение слов и выражений по темам «Работа», «Характеристика человека», развитие коммуникативных умений; развивать умения читать и аудировать с целью полного понимание прочитанного/услышанного
Планируемые результаты урока.
- умение логично и последовательно выражать свое мнение в соответствии с коммуникативной задачей.
- умение планировать работу, сравнивать, обобщать, делать логические выводы;
- умение работать с различными источниками информации, выделять главное.
-формировать чувство потребности в выборе профессии, востребованной в современном обществе;
- помочь учащимся определиться с выбором будущей профессии;
- формировать качества, необходимые для успешности в будущей профессиональной деятельности.
Оборудование: доска, презентация, раздаточный материал, СD, компьютер, «Английский в фокусе: 10 класс. Афанасьева О. В., Дули Дж., Михеева И. В., Оби Б., Эванс В., изд. “Просвещение”, 2012.
Ход урока
- Приветствие и организационный момент.
T: Good morning, pupils! I am glad to see you! Sit down, please! How are you? What date is it today? Who is absent today?
- Проверка домашнего задания. Актуализация знаний.
- Упр.6 с.47 (Вызываю 2 учеников. Они зачитывают свои статьи о школе.
- Ученики просматривают видеоролик по теме «Профессия» и выполняют упр. 1, стр.48. с помощью карточек.
Видеоролик https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MWP-pbnvoHA
T: There are a lot of jobs and they can be divided into categories. Look at the job categories. Match the jobs to the categories. Use the wordlist 3b. Слайд 2.
Categories: | Jobs: |
Key: 1), 2)f, 3)d, 4)g, 5)b, 6)I, 7)a, 8)h, 9)c.
- Постановка цели и задач урока. Мотивация учебной деятельности учащихся.
Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a single...
(на доске)
Ученики читают стихотворение друг за другом, определяют тему, цель и
задачи урока.
T: Look at the blackboard and read the poem «I Want to Ве». Слайд 3.
Ss: (read one by one)
Some people often say to mе:
"Have уоu decided what yоu want to bе?"
I usually answer, "I don't know,"
But it isn't really so.
I want to win аn Olympic race,
I want to see the Earth from space,
I want to travel to Katmandu
I want to bе rich and famous, too.
I want to bе оn Hollywood's screen,
I want to invent а new machine,
I want to bе very clever and wise,
I want to win the Nobel prize..
T: What do you think the theme of our lesson is?
Ss: (sample answers) We are going to speak about our future/plans/jobs/
T: Yes. Today we are going to speak about your plans for future and your future
professions. Young people have many opportunities when they leave school. It is
very important for a person to make the right choice.
T: Let’s revise some popular professions. Look at the screen and try to
remember the names of the professions. Слайд 4.
- Первичное закрепление в знакомой ситуации
- Упр. 2, стр. 48.
T: Read what the people say and find at least two jobs that they can’t do. Report
to the class:
Jane: “I get seasick easily”
Tony: “I can’t stand being behind the desk’
Pat: “I don’t want to go to University”
Pete: “I’m not good at working with my hands”
Mary: “I don’t want to work in the evenings or at weekends”
John: “I can’t stand working shifts”
Sue: “I can’t stand the sight of blood”
Bob: “I can’t work for others”
Example: Jane can’t be an flight attendant or a sailor.
T: Find at least one type of job which…
- involves a lot of travelling
- you can do part-time
- is full time
- is risky
- can be done outdoors
- requires that you wear a uniform
- requires shift work
- pays a good salary
- asks for a lot of responsibility
- requires high qualification.
- Развитие навыков смыслового чтения и аудирования. Упр.5,6,7 стр. 49.
T: When can a person start work? Can you work when at school or university? Can you benefit from working while studying? Слайд 6.
Ss: (sample answer) Yes, we can start work at the age of 14. It can be a part-time job.
T: Read the first and the last exchanges of the dialogue. What is it about? Listen and check. (аудиозапись СD1)
T: Read the dialogue. What kind of job is Ann applying for? What adjectives best describe her? Give reasons.
T:Which heading best describe the dialogue?
1. Applying for a job.
2. A job interview.
3. Asking for a pay rise.
- Творческое применение и добывание знаний в новой ситуации (проблемные задания)
Перенос полученных знаний на другую ситуацию. Осознание личного выбора.
- T: What would you like to be? Do you know what type of job you would like
to have? Answer the questions and see what our career specialist says about you! You must put a cross in the box marked Yes or No. (Анкета. Приложение 2).
Key to the Quiz. Слайд 7.
If your score is between 5-45
You enjoy working with people and helping them. You are also a practical person. One of these careers will suit you: teacher, doctor, nurse, social worker, psychologist, zookeeper, policeman
If your score is between 45-90
You like to work quietly and concentrate on the task. You prefer to work on your own. One of these careers will suit you: laboratory technician, librarian, artist, bank clerk, hairdresser, architect.
If your score is between 90-135
You like to be very busy. You like to be with people and you like organizing things for them. One of the following careers will suit you: travel agent, journalist, hotel manager, salesperson, firefighter.
- Do you agree with the results? Report to the class on the plan.
What kind of job would you like to have?
What do you want to be and why?
What do you need to have a good job?
Is it difficult or easy to find a good job?
- Информация о домашнем задании, инструктаж по его выполнению
T: You see the world of jobs is wide and you can choose any profession you want. Don’t forget one very good saying: if you like your work you’ll never work a day in your life. It is very important to make a right choice! Mind your wishes. And then your job will bring you happiness and joy.
Упр.3 с. 160, упр.1-4 с.21 (РТ), учить слова WL3b
- Рефлексия (подведение итогов занятия)
T: Think of 3 facts you have learnt about jobs during this lesson. Tell your partner. Tell the class.
-Was the lesson useful for you?
-Will it help you in choosing your future career?
-Have you learnt any new words?
-Complete the sentences: It was easy for me…
I had some difficulties…
Now I know…
Now I can…
-Evaluate your work: I have/haven’t been active at the lesson. Слайд 8.
Lesson is over. Thank you for your work!
Учитель английского языка Кирюшкинской СОШ Бугурусланского района Агадуллина Ф.М.
Приложение 1.
Карточки для работы в группах.
Polite clever sensible hard-working
Patient punctual cautious competent
Intelligent imaginative capable good at keeping
Creative quick to learn responsible dedicate
Accurate flexible courageous tactful
Приложение 2.
Анкета «Выбор профессии»
1. Are you keen on travelling? | yes | no |
2. Do you mind working indoors? |
3. Do you like communicating with people? |
4. Do you like to work alone? |
5. Are you an energetic person? |
6. Do you like organizing things? |
7. Are you patient? |
8 Are you fond of animals? |
9. Are you noisy? |
10. Do you like working with your hands? |
11. Are you artistic? |
12. Do you like working with numbers? |
13. Do you like children? |
14. Do you like looking after people? |
Г5. Are you calm? |
16. Are you interested in music? |
17. Do you like sports? |
18. Do you like working at night? |
19. Do you mind seeing blood? |
20. Do you like talking on the phone? |
Check your answers and add up (подсчитать) your score.
№ | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 |
yes | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 2 | 20 | 1 | 5 | 4 | 1 | 5 | 2 | 2 | 10 | 2 | 4 | 5 | 5 | 1 | 5 |
no | 5 | 5 | 10 | 2 | 5 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 5 | 2 | 5 | 2 | 10 | 2 | 4 | 7 | 4 | 7 | 4 | 4 |
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
There are a lot of jobs and they can be divided into categories. Match the jobs to the categories. Categories: Jobs: working from home as a freelancer a pilot a skilled job an architect being the boss a nurse having a 9-5 job in an office a managing director becoming a professional person a translator becoming a famous celebrity a mechanic working in the armed forces/emergency services a bank clerk running your own business a hairdresser working in the medical profession a singer
The poem «I Want to Ве» Some people often say to m е : "Have уо u decided what уо u want to b е ?" I usually answer, "I don't know," But it isn't really so. I want to win а n Olympic race, I want to see the Earth from space, I want to travel to Katmandu I want to b е rich and famous, too. I want to b е о n Hollywood's screen, I want to invent а new machine, I want to b е very clever and wise, I want to win the Nobel prize.
First steps in chosing a future job
Personal adjectives sociable, creative, patient, brave, polite, active, attentive, confident , determined, fair, imaginative, responsible, tolerant, understanding, careful, courageous, intelligent, outgoing, hardworking, energetic, skillful)
Ex.5 p.49
THE QUIZ. If your score is between 5-45 You enjoy working with people and helping them. You are also a practical person. One of these careers will suit you: teacher, doctor, nurse, social worker, psychologist, zoo keeper, policeman If your score is between 45-90 You like to work quietly and concentrate on the task. You prefer to work on your own. One of these careers will suit you: laboratory technician ,librarian, artist, bank clerk, hair- dresser, architect. If your score is between 90-135 You like to be very busy. You like to be with people and you like organizing things for them. One of the following careers will suit you: travel agent, journalist, hotel manager, salesperson, fireman
Complete the sentences: It was easy for me… I had some difficulties… Now I know… Now I can… Evaluate your work: I have/haven’t been active at the lesson.
А good saying If you like your work you’ll never work a day in your life. It is very important to make a right choice! Mind your wishes. And then your job will bring you happiness and joy.
Make the Right Choice!
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