Present Perfect vs Past Simple
материал по английскому языку (7 класс)

Блог учителя английского языка Рагулиной Ирины Андреевны

упражнения для отработки материала по грамматике


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Предварительный просмотр:


Present Perfect vs Past Simple

  1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the Past Simple. 
  1.   A: What 1)__________ (you/do) last night?

              B: I 2)____________   (go) to the cinema.

              A: What film 3)______________      (you/see)?

              B: The Pink Panther II.

  1.  A: Why 1) ________________(not/Emily/come) to Terry's party yesterday?

             B: She 2) __________________  (have) to study for an exam.

  1.  A: I 1)______________________ (read) the book you. 2) _______(give) me about dinosaurs.

        B: 3) .................... (you/like) it?

              A: Yes. It 4) _______(be) very interesting.

  1.    A: Where 1) _________________ (you/spend) your summer holidays?

         B: We 2) _________ (go) to Jamaica.

         A: Really? What 3) ________(it/be) like?

         B: Great!

  1. Use the Past Simple form of the verbs in the list to fill in the gaps in the following sentences.

be (2)            play         catch        spend        walk        buy     leave

  1. Shelly ……………………… the bus to school yesterday.
  2. Heath Ledger ................ a talented actor.
  3. They ……… the cinema and…………… the train station.
  4. Mark and his band ............... at the concert hall last Saturday.
  5.  My father .............. every summer in the countryside when he ……….a boy.
  6. Larry ................. computer games yesterday afternoon.
  1. James is in Monaco with his family. Write what he has or hasn't done  (Present Perfect)

  • visit the Oceanographic Museum

Х   take lots of photos

     Х  see the Opera de Monte- Carlo

  • buy souvenirs for his friends

       Х   visit the Prince's Palace

  • walk along the harbour
  1. James has visited the Oceanographic Museum.
  2. _______________________________________________________________
  3. _______________________________________________________________
  4. _______________________________________________________________
  5. _______________________________________________________________
  6. _______________________________________________________________
  1. Ask and answer about Anna and yourself as in the example (Present Perfect):

meet a famous person

cook a foreign meal

have a bad

dream (сон)

visit a foreign country

be on a roller coaster




several times


many times


  1. Has Anna ever met a famous person? No, she has never met a famous person.
  2. _________________________________________________________________
  3. _________________________________________________________________
  4. _________________________________________________________________
  5. _________________________________________________________________
  6. _________________________________________________________________
  7. _________________________________________________________________
  8. _________________________________________________________________
  9. _________________________________________________________________
  10. _________________________________________________________________

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