Олимпиада по английскому языку для учеников 9-11 классов
олимпиадные задания по английскому языку (9, 10, 11 класс)

Лилия Валерьевна Христосова

задания по английскому языку для учеников 9-11 классов


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Предварительный просмотр:

Всероссийская  олимпиада  школьников

Школьный этап

 2021-2022 уч.год

Английский язык

Задания для участников

  1. классы


Listen to a dialogue and decide whether the statements 1–10 are TRUE according to the text you hear (A), or FALSE (B), or the information on the statement is NOT STATED in the text (C). You will hear the text twice.

  1. Mike has returned from a game of golf.

                  A) TRUE        B) FALSE      C) NOT STATED

2. Mike is going to Shaldon.

                  A) TRUE        B) FALSE      C) NOT STATED

3. The clock is slow.

                  A) TRUE        B) FALSE      C) NOT STATED

4. The clock is very old.

                  A) TRUE        B) FALSE      C) NOT STATED

5. Mike likes the smell of egg and ham pie.

                 A) TRUE        B) FALSE      C) NOT STATED

6. It will take more than thirty minutes to have the egg and ham pie ready.

                  A) TRUE        B) FALSE      C) NOT STATED

7. Mike asks for a mushroom omelette.

                  A) TRUE        B) FALSE      C) NOT STATED

8. The mother offers some pork pie.

         A) TRUE        B) FALSE      C) NOT STATED

9. Mike didn’t like the taste of cheese and tomatoes.

                 A) TRUE        B) FALSE      C) NOT STATED

10. Mike's last phrase is a joke.

         A) TRUE        B) FALSE      C) NOT STATED


Read the passage below and answer questions 1–10. 

The Green House Effect

  1. Saving the world begins at home. The energy we use to power our daily domestic lives and drive our cars produces almost half of our output of carbon dioxide, the gas which is the main contributor to the problem of global warming. The way in which we use energy is not only polluting but also incredibly wasteful. But there is nothing to stop us greatly reducing our energy consumption and creating a more comfortable world.
  2. Redesigning the home to bring our lifestyles more into balance with what the environment can cope with need not involve expensive or painful changes. Most of the technology to make the changes is already available. When the changes have been made, the home of the future will be a better place to live in. So what will it be like?
  3. We will have switched from ‘fossil fuels’ – coal, gas and oil – to sources of power which are non-polluting such as windmills or using the power of tides. Houses will be heavily insulated and heating systems made much more efficient. In addition, our future homes will use low-energy light bulbs.
  4.  With water costs rising enormously, most houses will trap rainwater and store it in a large, well-insulated tank in the cellar. This tank also serves to save energy: heat is recycled from other parts of the house to maintain a high water temperature for washing and central heating.
  5. Recycling waste will be much more common than it is today. Tins, bottles, plastic, and paper will be put into vents in the wall from where they will fall into divided bins for collection. All vegetable matter will go straight on to a compost heap in the garden.
  6. The home will be a cleaner place. Air conditioning will do much more than keep you cool. It will improve air quality by filtering out contaminating dust mites and by controlling moisture and condensation.
  7. Outside the home as well, life will have become more pleasant. The car will no longer be the threat to our health that it is today: it will run on hydrogen or a mixture of battery and safer petrol. It won’t be allowed to clog up our cities: people will use the tram, a clean, fast, and quiet form of city transport which many cities are already reintroducing.
  8. This picture of the future is one which should appeal to all of us. It’s one that our grandchildren could take for granted, not believing that people lived any other way, that people went around polluting, destroying, wasting resources, and apparently not caring. But if we want our grandchildren to have a world which is cleaner and safer, we have to start to change our ways. The picture of the future can become a reality but only if we do something about it. And we should do something about it soon.

Questions 1–4. Below you will find four headings. Each heading describes the contents of one of the paragraphs in the passage. However, since there are eight paragraphs and only four headings, four of the paragraphs will not fit any of the headings below. You need to choose which heading best describes which paragraph. Write the letter of a paragraph next to the number of the heading 1–4 on the separate answer sheet.

1. Homes of the future will be more hygienic.

2. We ought to change the way we live.

3. The way we live now damages the world.

4. Future energy needs will be lower and not cause pollution.

Questions 5–10. Choose option A, B, C or D which best answers the question. Circle the correct letter in boxes 5–10 on your answer sheet.

5. The author’s intention in writing the above article was to show…

A. the sort of future we can expect for our grandchildren.

B. why we should reduce pollution and use energy more efficiently.

C. why we have taken steps to reduce pollution and improve our use of energy.

D. how changes in house design will encourage people to use less polluting


6. Which of the following statements is the author most likely to agree with?

A. In the future, houses will be much healthier.

B. In the future, people will produce much less waste.

C. In the future, very few people will own their own car.

D. In the future, the problem of global warming will be better understood.

7. In the passage the author explains…

A. why using less energy has become more popular.

B. why sources of energy are going to become more scarce.

C. how savings could be made in the way energy is used.

D. how, unless we use less energy, energy costs will rise.

8. In the passage the author DOES NOT explain…

A. how our cities could be made cleaner.

B. why our use of energy needs to change.

C. why water costs will rise in the future.

D. how the way we live produces global warming.

9. According to the author, one of the differences between our way of life and that of people in the future might be that…

A. cars will be much cheaper to maintain.

B. fewer people will travel in the cities.

C. cars will have far more safety features.

D. cars will be used less than they are today.

10. The passage describes the homes of the future. Such homes, according to the

author, might NOT be built if we…

A. could not afford the necessary technology.

B. could not find alternative sources of energy.

C. were unable to reduce the amount of waste we produce.

D. failed to agree to make necessary changes in our lives.


Task 1 

For items 1–10, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end

of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. There is an example at the beginning.





Without a doubt, (0)  ___________  is one of the oldest

professions and one of  the most (1)  ___________  




To be a good teacher, you need certain qualities such as

(2)  ___________  understanding and patience.



Teachers must also be good communicators if they are to

convey(3)  ___________   to their students.



Language teachers in particular have to be aware of all the skills  

students need to communicate   (4)  ___________  with others.



As well as being (5)  ___________  to students’ needs, teachers

 also need to be  (6)  ___________ and approachable while at

the same time maintaining high standards of discipline in the





Perhaps most (7)  ___________  of all, teachers need to keep

themselves well- informed about current (8)  ___________   in

their field and the world in general in order to give their best.




However, although it can be difficult when teachers find

themselves (9)  ___________  to help student outside of class,

they (10)  ___________  try to help everyone in class.




Match the spoken informal words 1–5 to their neutral definitions A–J. There are some extra definitions which do not match.

Informal English

Neutral Equivalents

1. We just hit it off.

A) to pay more money than needed

2. I got ripped off by the taxi driver

coming from the airport.

B) to argue

3. That guy in black pinched my watch

C) a cent

4.I need to go out and let my hair


D) to show off

5. It only cost a quid.

E) to travel by getting a free ride from

the driver of a passing car

F) to relax

G) a pound

H) to like each other at once

I) to steal sth.

J) to glance at sth.

Transfer your description to the answer sheet!

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