Spotlight 8 Module3
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (8 класс)

Ицкова Анна Геннадьевна

Презентация к 3 Модлулю раздела А


Файл sp_8_klass_3_modul.pptx1.66 МБ

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Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Albert Einstein Yuri Gagarin

Слайд 2

Karl Friedrich Benz

Слайд 3

Bill Gates

Слайд 4

Montgolfier brothers

Слайд 5

Alexander Graham Bell

Слайд 6

What are they famous for? The first autombile The first flight to the space The first telephone The first hot-air balloon The theory of gravity The founder of Microsoft Albert Einstein is famous for ……

Слайд 7

Hot-air balloon Laundry Notice Float Curious Come to the conclusion Carry Craft Capture Straw Safe and sound Heat Realise Success Raise Put up Прачечная Плыть в воздухе see Любопытный decide Носить Средство передвижения catch Солома Целый и невредимый Жар Успех Поднимать understand Lift

Слайд 8

Put the sentences in the right order. The new invention was a great success and the animals landed safe and sound. He noticed that one of his shirts started to float upwards. Joseph loved science and wanted to become an inventor. They burned some straw underneath it and the heat helped the balloon to float . The brothers asked the king for permission to send men up in the balloon.

Слайд 9

He noticed that one of his shirts started to float upwards. Joseph loved science and wanted to become an inventor. They burned some straw underneath it and the heat helped the balloon to float. The new invention was a great success and the animals landed safe and sound. The brothers asked the king for permission to send men up in the balloon.

Слайд 10

Put the names of subjects in an appropriate column. Subjects : Economics, Astronomy, History , Chemistry, Psychology, Computer science, Biology, Education, Physics, Health science, Politics, Management, Sociology, Ecology, Engineering, Linguistics, Geography Natural Science Social Science Applied science

Слайд 11

“ Choose a job you love , and you will never have to work a day in your life ." Confucius

Слайд 12

Job definition match 1. Mechanic 3. Psychologist 4. Receptionist 5. Traffic warden 6. Lion tamer 7. Screenwriter 8. Surgeon 9. Tailor 10. Sailor 2. Scientist k ) someone who is good at fixing cars f ) someone whose job is to advise people and help them with their problems j) someone whose job it is to welcome people at a hotel a ) a person who is responsible for the supervision of a particular place in a town h ) someone who works with wild animals at a circus i ) someone who writes scripts for films and plays d ) a highly- q uolified person who does operations in a hospital e ) someone whose job it is to make clothes that fit perfectly for a customer c ) a person who puts out fires g ) person who works in a laboratory and does experiments 11.Firefighter b) person who works on a ship

Слайд 13

My mum is a nurse at a hospital. She works various shifts and she has to wear a uniform at work . My dad is a computer programmer. He works full-time in a big company and he often has to work overtime.

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