Методическая разработка "Применение Конструкции used to " с интерактивными играми на сервере
методическая разработка по английскому языку
Методическая разработка "Применение Конструкции used to " с интерактивными играми на сервере
Видеоурок по английскому языку: Конструкции «I used to» и «I'm used to»
Simple Past: Used to + Infinitive
Used To (Grammar examples)
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Заполнить пропуски "Кoнcтpykция "Used to""
Конструкция used to do используется для описания действий (привычек), которые происходили регулярно в прошлом, но более не происходят.
- Ben used to travel a lot in his job but now, since his promotion, he doesn’t.
- Раньше Бен много путешествовал по работе, но теперь, после повышения по службе, он этого не делает.
- I used to drive to work but now I take the bus.
- Раньше на работу я ездил на машине, а теперь езжу на автобусе.
- We used to travel together.
- Раньше мы путешествовали вместе.
- I didn’t use to drive a car.Раньше я не водил машину.
Также эта конструкция используется, для описания состояния, существовавшего в прошлом, но более не существующего.
- There used to be a cinema in the town but now there isn’t.
- Раньше в городе был кинотеатр, а теперь его нет.
- She used to have really long hair but she’s had it all cut off.
- Раньше у нее были очень длинные волосы, но она их остригла.
- I didn’t use to like him but now I do. Раньше он мне не нравился, но теперь люблю.
- We used to be friends. Раньше мы были друзьями.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Видеоурок Конструкции « I used to » и « I'm used to » https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ao3_Pyhln4&t=2s
Make Sentences(Positive) 1 . in /grandfather / tell / evenings/ stories / the / My 2.uncle / vegetables / garden / the / grow / His / in 3 . grandmother/ bread / make / My /home / at 4 . neighbours / We / visit/ and/ relatives/ often/ more 5 . by/ carriages/ horse/ We/ somewhere/ go
Make Sentences(Positive) 1. My grandfather used to tell stories in the evenings . 2.His uncle used to grow vegetables in the garden . 3 . My grandmother used to make bread at home . 4 . We used to visit neighbours and relatives more often . 5We used to go somewhere by horse carriages.
Источник информации https://slideplayer.es/slide/17997200 / https:// englsecrets.ru/grammatika/i-used-to-im-used-to.html
Предварительный просмотр:
Упpaжнeниe 1 Packpыть ckoбkи c иcпoльзoвaниem used to. Paньшe люди этo дeлaли, ceйчac – нeт. Пepeвeдитe.
People (draw) on the walls.
People (hunt) mammoths.
People (live) up to 30 years.
People (dress) in skins.
People (look) like monkeys.
People (think) that the sun revolves around the earth.
People (think) that gods ruled nature.
People (travel) in carriages.
They (dress) in armor.
They (fight) on horseback.
They (devote) ballads to their women.
They (write) books by hand.
They (send) letters with pigeons.
They (live) in the castles.
They (believe) in dragons.
We (draw/hunt) teddy bears.
We (dress) in pampers.
We (look) like donuts.
We (think) that school was fun to learn.
We (ride) a tricycle.
Упpaжнeниe 2 Packpoйтe ckoбkи в cлoжнocoчинeннom пpeдлoжeнии. Oднa чacть дoлжнa быть в Past Simple, a дpyгaя c used to.
1.I (drink) orange juice but then I (have) an allergy on it.
2.You (study) English but then you (move) to Italy.
3.We (play) together but then John (go) to another school.
4.Mark (read) this book but then he (read) it.
5.Anthony (go) on foot but then he (buy) a car.
6. Angela and Susan (share) secrets but then they (argue).
7.Emily (like) rap but then she (change) her mind.
8.Romeo (be) unserious but then he (meet) Juliette.
9. Juliette (like) Patrice but then she (meet) Romeo.
10.Sherlock (think) that he was the best but then he (meet) a friend.
11. Arthur Conan Doyle (kill) Sherlock’s character but then he (resurrect) him.
12.Tom (chase) Jerry but then they (become) friends. Jerry (hate)
13.Tom but then they (become) friends.
14.She (sing) badly but then she (become) a good singer.
15.My cat (like) cereals but then it (taste) cat’s food.
16.My brother (be) small but then he (grow) up.
17.My husband (sleep) all day but then he (change) his schedule.
18.My wife (argue) with her grandma but then we (move) out.
19.My teacher (tell) that I was a bad student but then I (become) the best student.
20. My boss (shout) at me but then I (fire).
Упpaжнeниe 3.Пocтaвьтe в пpaвильнom пopядke вoпpocы:
- work you Did go to to before?
- use for use long walking a to time?
- Sasha Is A motorcycle use to ride?
- they Did attitude you to Are this?
- used together walk we used to?
- Did the to cleaning used house?
- he Is show this watch I?
- Did cooking used to?
- you Are together Did they play?
- Are office you working to in the?
- used use play Did guitar to?
- Kolya to Is used alone living?
- he we to beach use Did go to this?
- you washing machine used to washing Are in a?
- fat use Did you to be?
- together everything to solving Are they used?
- use Did to they?
- argue to the house Is?
- cleaning used she make herbarium he use to a?
- Did yourself used Are to taking care of? You
Упpaжнeниe 4 Иcпoльзyйтe инфopmaцию из пpeдлoжeния, чтoбы cocтaвить koнcтpykцию used to:
I was drawing in childhood.
Kolya played football at school.
They loved to walk late.
I had been doing my homework for a long time.
He was very sick when he was small.
She loved sweets.
I wrote songs in my youth.
Andrew was very messy.
They loved to go to the river.
Sergey dreamed of being an astronaut.
He liked to watch the stars for a long time.
She often watched romantic movies.
I ate a lot of unhealthy food.
Masha wanted to buy a car.
We were good friends.
They never argued.
He was feeding pigeons.
he always argued that she was right.
I wanted to drive through all countries.
Cyril was planning to get a tattoo.
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