Условные предложения
тренажёр по английскому языку (10 класс)
Тренировочные упражнения для 10 класса по теме: “ Условные предложения”.
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Тренировочные упражнения для 10 класса по теме: “ Условные предложения”.
Упражнение 1-поставьте глагол в правильную форму (второй тип условных предложений)
Examples: I would be happy if I did not visit this place.
If I went to the party, I wouldn’t enjoy it.
1 I am sure he (listen to you) if you explained the situation to him.
2 Jack gave me this book. He.... (be upset) if I lost it.
3 Would Mike be happy if George…….. (take) his helmet without his permission?
4. If he sold his bike, he……… (not/ get) much money for it.
5. What would happen if they…………. (not/go) to school tomorrow?
6.Mary is expecting us. She would be disappointed if we ………….(not/come).
7. Many people would be out of work if that factory ………. (Close) down.
Упражнение 2- составьте вопросы.
: Perhaps one day you will win a lot of money.
What would you do if you won a lot of money?
1. Perhaps one day your car will be stolen.
What would you do……………………..
2. Perhaps one day you will lose your passport in a foreign country.
3. Perhaps one day you will become a millionaire.
4. Perhaps one day you will win a Noble prize.
5. Perhaps one day you will see an alien.
Упражнение 3-ответьте на вопросы как показано в образце.
Example: Are you going to catch the 11.30 train? (we / arrive too late)
No. If we caught the 11.30 train, we would arrive too late.
1. Are you going to invite Mary to the party? (I/ have to invite Kate too)
No. If I……………………………………………………………………..
2. Is she going to read that book? (She/ fall asleep)
No. If she……………………….;………………………………………….
3. Is he going to call Olga? (he/ regret about it)
No. If he…………………………………………………………………….
4. Are they going to go to America? (they/not go to France) …No. If they…………………………………………………...
5. Are you going to apply for a job? (I/ not get it)
No. If.........................................................................................
Упражнение 4- прочитайте ситуацию и напишите предложение используя
второй тип условных предложений.
Example: We do not visit our parents very often because they live abroad.
But if they did not live abroad, we would visit them very often.
1. I cannot come to our date tomorrow because I am busy.
But if I ..............................., I.............................................
2. I am not going to buy that dress because it is too expensive.
But if that dress.........................................................................
3. He is fat because he does not take any exercise.
4. They cannot go to the beach because it is raining.
5. People do not understand her because she does not speak very clearly.
Упражнение 5- напишите предложения используя I wish+ Past Simple.
Example: It is hot. (and I hate hot weather). I wish it was not hot.
1. Jack cannot give up smoking (he would like to).
I wish Jack..................................................................................................
2. I live in London (and I hate London).
I wish..........................................................................................................
3. Mary is not here (and I need her).
I wish.........................................................................................................
4. Alice cannot come to the party (she is your best friend).
I wish.........................................................................................................
5. I have to work tomorrow (but I would like to stay in bed).
I wish..........................................................................................................
Упражнения на тренировку условных предложений третьего типа.
Упражнение 1- поставьте глагол в правильную форму.
Examples: They might not have stayed at that hotel if Tim had not recommended
It to them.
Jack would not have passed this exam if he had not revised the material.
1. They got to station in time. If they.............. (Miss) the train, they would have been
Late for the meeting.
2. I would have come to your party yesterday if I................... (know) about it.
3. She would have sent a postcard while she was on holiday if she.......... (Have)
your address.
4. it’s good that you reminded me about our meeting. I....................... (forget)
if you hadn’t reminded me.
5. He.............. (go out) if he hadn’t been so tired.
6. Nick.............. ( say) hello if he had seen you.
Упражнение 2-прочитайте ситуацию и напишите предложение используя
третий тип.
Example: I didn't buy this blouse because I didn't have enough money on me.
If I had had enough money on me, I would have bought the blouse.
1. She is hungry now because she didn’t have any breakfast.
If she.......................................................................................
2. We were able to buy the car because our parents lent us the money.
If our parents..........................................................................................
3. I didn’t wake Mike because I didn’t know he wanted to get up early.
If I................................................................................................................
4. He didn’t want to play tennis because he was out of practice.
If he.......................................................................................................
Упражнение3-Даны несколько ситуаций, для каждой ситуации напишите предложение
используя выражение I wish.+Past Perfect.
Example: You’ve done a lot of work about the house and now you feel tired.
You say: I wish I hadn’t done a lot of work about the house.
1. You‘ve just returned from Italy. Everything was fine except for the weather,
which was bad? You say: .......................................................................................
2. You are in the country. You want to take some photographs but you left your camera at
home. You say: ....................................................................................................
3. You’ve just cooked tomato soup. You understand that it isn’t good.
You say: ...............................................................................................................
4. You’ve eaten too much porridge and now you feel sick.
You say: .........................................................................
Упражнение 4 –прочитайте ситуацию и напишите предложение, используя» I wish...
Example: The music upstairs is very loud. What do you say? I wish they would turn it down.
1. The telephone has been ringing for about three minutes. What do you say?
I Wish.......................................................................................................................
2. Its raining. You want to go for a walk but not in the rain. So you want it to stop raining.
What do you say? I wish.......................................................................................
3. You are looking for a good job- but without success.You want somebody to give you
a good job. What do you say? I wish somebody....................................................
4. Jack has been wearing the same suit for years. You think he needs a new suit and
you want him to buy a new one. What do you say to him? I wish..............................
Упражнение 5-прочитайте ситуацию и напишите предложение используя
I wish... wouldn’t...
Example: Kate drives so fast. It makes you nervous. What do you say to her?
I wish you wouldn’t drive so fast.
1. A lot of people drop litter in the street. You don’t like this.
What do you say? I wish people..............................................................
2. Mike always forgets to switch the light off. You don’t like this.
What do you say to him? I wish..............................................................
3. Mary asks you a lot of silly questions. You don’t like this. What do you say?
to her? I wish.............................................................................................
4. Some pupils are always late for lessons. You don’t like this.
What do you say? I wish..........................................................
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