Spotlight 6 Test Module 2
тест по английскому языку (6 класс)

Мишенькина Татьяна Васильевна

Поверка знаний по модулю№2.


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Предварительный просмотр:


A. Listen and for questions 1-5 tick the correct box.

e.g.  When is Kate’s birthday? 

 A                                                     B                                                 C               

  1. What does Molly buy at the shops?            

        A                                                 B                                                 C               

  1. What day is Ted’s birthday party?

Friday                    Sunday                        Saturday

A                                          B                                                  C

  1. What is the time?,10,10,10&ext=png&bg=FFFFFFFF,10,10,10&ext=png&bg=FFFFFFFF,10,10,10&ext=png&bg=FFFFFFFF

          A                                              B                                             C          

  1. Where is the cat?  

A                                                     B                                                      C

  1. What  shop is next to Billy’s house?                                                                

A                                                         B                                                          C


Vocabulary and Grammar

B.   Write the words as in example.

   e.g. 9:10 – ten past nine               11/04 – the eleventh of April      

6. 10:15                  11. 08/03  

7. 3:30                    12. 01/09

8. 2:55                    13. 31/12

9. 6:45                    14. 23/02

10. 5:25                  15. 09/05            

C. Complete the sentences with at, on, in.  

16. Do you get up early ___ the weekend?

17. Is your birthday ___ winter?

18.Do you get up ___ 7:30 ___ the morning?

19. We have a party___May, 25 .

20. My father was born _____ 1999.

D. Look at the picture of the room and complete the sentences.

21.  There is a sofa ___ the living room.

22. The TV is ___ the coffee table.

23. The lamp is ___ the sofa.

24. The flowers in the vase are ___ the coffee table.

25. The painting is ___ the wall.

26. The coffee table is ___ the TV and the sofa.

Everyday English

27. Whose birthday is in winter?

A. A quarter past one.

28. When’s your birthday?

B. Saturday!

29. What’s the date today?

C. It’s 19th October.

30. What’s the time, please?

D. It’s on 21st March.

31. What’s your favourite day of the week?

E. I’m thirteen.

32. Where do you want the lamp?

F. On the coffee table, please.

33. How old are you?

G. It’s John’s.

E. Match the questions to the responses.


F. Read the email and mark the sentences TRUE (T), FALSE (F), DOESN’T SAY (DS)           

34. Mike writes a letter. ___

35. There is a sports shop opposite Andy’s house. _____          

36.  Andy’s mum works in the shop. ___

37. Andy goes to the library every weekend. _____

38. There isn’t a chemist’s on his street.___                                

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