Контрольная работа для 11 класса, модуль 3 (УМК Spotlight 11)
тест по английскому языку (11 класс)

Проверочная работа предназначена для оценки уровня освоения обучающимися 11 класса по 3 модулю в двух вариантах. 


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Предварительный просмотр:


1 Match the word with the definition.


a)make money by tricking people


b)illegal entry of a building to steal things

2. Use the words or phrases to complete sentences.

went  to court / make off / evidence / fraudsters / defend / offence / culprit / sentenced / suspect / violate / witness / confessed / found guilty / reject

1. Elderly people often become a victim of …….. .

2. The police did their best to protect him as he was the only ……..of the crime.

3. There was enough ……..to convict him of robbery.

4. She was ……..of murder and ……..to imprisonment.

5. After several hours of questioning she ……..to stealing the ring.

3. Complete the phrasal verbs with the correct particle.
1. Keep……..from walking late at night.
2. Tell her everything, don’t keep anything
3. If you keep
……..eating so much chocolate, you’ll have problems with teeth.
4. My mother couldn’t keep
……..the workload, so she asked me to help.
5. If you don’t keep the noise
……..the children won’t be able to sleep.

4. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition
1. Sam is responsible ……..this work.
2. Speeding is ……..the law and if caught you’ll get a fine.
3. He tricked his little sister …… giving her a toy.
4. The man was charged …….shoplifting.
5. The main requirements ……..the job are honesty and punctuality.

5. Complete each sentence with a suitable form of the verb in brackets.

1 I really miss (play) tennis like I used to.

2 I’m sorry, I meant (write) to you, but I’ve been busy.

3 Martin failed (pay) the rent on time yet again.

4 It’s not worth (buy) a return ticket.

5 Have you ever considered (work) as a teacher?

6 I promise I won’t forget (feed) the cat.

7 We’ve arranged (meet) outside the school at 4.30.

8 If you’ve got a headache, try (take) an aspirin.


1 Match the word with the definition.


a)stealing things from people’s money


b) capture someone by force in order to get money in return

2. Use the words or phrases to complete sentences.

went to court / make off / evidence / fraudsters / defend / offence / culprit / sentenced / suspect / violate / witness / confessed / found guilty / reject

1. Despite the fact that the alarm went off, he managed to……..with the painting.

2.The……..denied taking part in the robbery.

3. As it was his first……..he was just fined.

4. Eventually the police arrested the …….. .

5. You shouldn’t let anybody …….. your rights.

3. Complete the phrasal verbs with the correct particle.

1. It’s hard for elderly people to keep ……..the changes in computer technology.

2. He approached me and growled: “Keep ……..from my daughter!”

3.Though Robin was constantly chased by the sheriff, he kept ……..helping the poor.

4. I had a feeling she was keeping something important …….. .

5. It’s too late! Keep the radio …….. .

4.Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition.

1. The requirements……..the contest were extremely strict.

2. The teenagers were charged …….. vandalism.

3.Who was responsible ……..the organizing the party? It was a real failure!

4.Smoking in public places is …….. the rule.

5.Clients were tricked ……..believing their money had been invested.

5. Complete each sentence with a suitable form of the verb in brackets.

1 Pauline couldn’t manage (eat) all the ice cream.

2 I’ve decided (not sell) my bike after all.

3 A witness reported (see) Terry at the scene of the crime.

4 William pretended (not notice) the ‘No Parking’ sign.

5 I suppose I tend (buy) more books than I used to.

6 Sometimes I regret (move) to this part of the country.

7 Did you notice anyone (wait) outside when you left?

8 Mark expects (finish) work round about 6.00

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