Ззнакомство с традициями бурят. Закрепление грамматического материала (PassiveVoice)
методическая разработка по английскому языку (9 класс)
Материал на I региональный конкурс среди учителей иностранных языков в номинации "Праздники и традиции". Материал применен на практике в 9 классе на уроке - закреплении грамматического материала Passive Voice
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Предварительный просмотр:
Традиции и праздники
Балданова Туяна Батожаргаловна, МОУ СОШ №43, г.Борзя | |
Passive voice | Acquaintance with one of the traditions of Buryat people during the Sagaalgan. |
In the Trans-Baikal Territory, the problems of multicultural education, in which children are introduced to the regional characteristics of culture, are important in a multi-ethnic society. Working in Borzya I am faced with the union of buryat and russian people’s cultures. The Buryats celebrate Sagaalgan - the first month of the New Year according to the Buddhist lunar calendar. The first day of Sagaalgan was declared a holiday in the region. So, many Russian pupils are interested in some special events. One of them is the Yokhor. |
Exercises: I. Translate the sentences into Russian. Write out the verbs and define the form of the tense and the voice. 1.The first day of Sagaalgan was declared a holiday in the region. 2.Russian pupils are interested in some special events. 3. I am faced with the union of buryat and Russian people’s cultures. II. Write out all the sentences in a Passive Voice from the text. Translate them into Russian. III. Read the third paragraph and answer the question: How is the dance also called? | The Yokhor is a national dance, a unique creation of the buryat people, in which two forms of art: dancing and singing are combined. It is a round-dance-and-song. Dancers dance in a circle, arm in arm, hand in hand making rhythmical graceful movements with their bodies, feet and arms in the ‘sunrise’ direction. The dance is accompanied by a special traditional song. People wear bright special clothes – degels. This dance has had a long historical development. In the latest two decades according to some young people’s opinions the Yokhor was considered to be the dance of old people. The young people preferred the western music and dancing. As a result of this ignorance only a few people between the ages of 40-50 used to gather to dance. But only recently due to the introduction of the new national educational programme people have started to teach their children to dance the Yokhor. However, the yokhor is not so popular as disco-dancig in schools. The Yokhor’s melody is used in every possible way in different types of music. Being very simple to perform it has a beneficial effect on everybody. This dance is also called a healing dance. It helps a person overcome his/her difficulties, troubles and stresses. It is healthy for a person as any physical exercise. This dance is the most effective means of self-perfection. |
Знакомство с одной из традиций бурятского народа можно совместить с закреплением темы «Страдательный залог» в 9 классах. | New words: Yokhor – Ехор, национальный танец бурят Sagaalgan – Сагаалган (Праздник белого месяца) degel – дэгэл (национальная одежда с орнаментами и украшениями) |
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