Подготовка к ОГЭ. Устная часть. Задание №2. Образцы диалогов.
учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку (9 класс)
Подготовка к ОГЭ. Устная часть. Задание №2. Образцы диалогов.
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SAMPLES of dialogues ( Speaking/ task 2)
Dialogue 1
Electronic assistant: Hello! It’s the electronic assistant of the Dolphin Sports Club. We kindly ask you to take part in our survey. We need to find out how people feel about doing sports in our region. Please answer six questions. The survey is anonymous – you don’t have to give your name. So, let’s get started.
- Electronic assistant: How old are you?
I’m 14 years old. / I’m 14. / I’ve turned out 14 recently
- Electronic assistant: How many times a week do you do sports?
Well, you know I don’t have much time for sport, but I try to do it twice a week.
- Electronic assistant: What sport is the most popular with teenagers in your region?
I think the most popular sport in my region is cycling in summer and in winter teenagers like skating.
- Electronic assistant: What sports facilities are available in the place where you live?
Unfortunately, in the place I live there are not much sport facilities – only an ice ring and a football pitch. They are free.
- Electronic assistant: Why do you think it is important to keep fit?
In my opinion It’s important to keep fit because : first of all it’s good for our health and beauty. Strong and slim people feel good and they look nice.
Then, keeping fit is in fashion nowadays.
- Electronic assistant: What would you advise a person who wants to keep fit?
I would advise a person who wants to keep fit to do sports twice or three times a week and also eat healthy food and drink a lot of water (at least 2 liters a day)
Electronic assistant: This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for your cooperation.
Dialogue 2
- How old are you?
— I'm 15 years old.
- What's your hobby and why are you interested in it?
- My hobby is swimming. I'm interested in it because I adore swimming — it makes me cheerful and confident.
- How much time a week do you spend on your hobby?
- As a rule, I spend on it about 2 hours a week.
- What hobbies are the most popular with teenagers nowadays?
- From my point of view the most popular hobbies with teenagers now are computer games and some extreme sports like snowboarding or roller skating.
- Why do you think people take up hobbies? (начинают)
- In my opinion people take up hobbies to find new friends, to get some new skills and just to feel happier.
- What would you advise a person who wants to start a hobby?
— You should find a hobby which can give you some pleasure. If I were you I would go to the nearest sports club and find out what they offer...
Dialogue 3
Hello! It’s the electronic assistant of the Internet provider company IBT. We kindly ask you to take part in our survey. We need to find out information about the Internet users in your area. Please answer six questions. The survey is anonymous – you don’t have to give your name. So, let’s get started.
- Do you have a broadband connection at home?
Yes, I have broadcast connection at my home.
- How often do you go online and surf the Internet?
I go online very often, maybe 6-8 times a day because I need to communicate with people and also I search for information for my school projects.
- What are your favourite websites?
There are not very many sites which I like, but I’m a fan of VK. It’s a social site where people can communicate for free.
- Are you a member of an online community?
Yes, I’m a member of online community because I like to communicate with people.
- Do you or members of your family use Skype or other massagers? Why?
Yes, all members of my family and I use Skype, what’s up or Viber because we need to get to know about the news in our family. Then, they are free and really fast.
- What would you recommend to your friends who get a lot of spam via email?
I would recommend to set a good security system to protect your computer against (from) viruses and unwanted spam.
Dialogue 4
If teenagers are worried about ecological problems
- Where would you like to live: in a big city or in the country?
Well, it’s a good question. I think I’ d rather live in a big city than in the country. Big cities give more opportunities for self-development.
- What are the advantages of living in the country?
There are a lot of advantages of living in the country. For example, you breathe fresh air, eat vegetables and fruit from your garden, do much exercise when you work in the garden or clean the paths from snow.
- What is the main ecological problem in the place where you live?
Let me think. I live in a big city, so there are usual problems such as water pollution, air pollution, lack of green areas for birds etc.
- Do you and your friends care about ecological problems and why?
Yes, of course, my friends and I are worried about ecological problems because we don’t want to live in a dirty place, we don’t want to damage our nature and planet. We should think about future generation.
- Have you ever taken part in an ecological project in school?
Yes, I have. Every spring my classmates and I clean the area around the school and we plant trees and flowers. Every winter we feed birds and homeless dogs and cats because they can’t survive without our help.
- What would you recommend to a person who wants to improve ecological situation in his/ her home town?
Well, I would recommend to begin with usual and ordinary things:
Firstly, don’t throw litter on the ground!
Secondly, don’t waste water and electricity!
Thirdly, don’t break trees and flowers.
Dialogue 5
About the place where you live
- How long have you been living in your city/ village/ town?
I’ve been living in my city since my childhood.
- What is the place where you live is famous for?
Well, you know I live in a wonderful city. Nizhny Novgorod is famous for the Kremlin, the Volga and a beautiful embankment named Verhne-Volzhskaya. And of course it’s famous for its theatres, museums and universities.
- When was your city founded?
My city was founded in 1221 by the Russian prince, Yuriy Dolgorukiy.
- What season is the best for visiting your city? Why?
I think the best season for visiting my city is summer because it’s warm and you can enjoy walking around the city and enjoy beautiful views from Verhne-Volzhskaya embankment. Then, you don’t need to take a lot of warm clothes.
- What is your favourite place in your city and why?
Well, It’s a good question. My favourite place is Bolshaya Pocrovskaya Street. It’s a pedestrian street with lots of nice buildings, cafés and shops. My friends and I like walking and having fun there.
- What place in your city would you recommend to visit?
Well, I would recommend to visit the center of our city and Rozhdestvenskaya Street because they are the most beautiful places in N.Novgorod and you can learn some historical facts about N.N. and take great photos.
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